Chapter 1

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Emily's POV

I wake up bright and early for school. "Maybe I'll find that boy today." I say and sigh.

I got out of bed, changed into some fashionable clothes, and ate breakfast. For breakfast, I had one of those yummy granola bar things. It was good.


I walk into school and go over to my locker. I grab my books and walk into homeroom.

I sat in my desk and some boy sat right by me. I look at him.
"Hey." He says
"Uh, hi." I say back.

The boy looks at her books. "So, I'm guessing you have Biology first period." The boy says. "Yeah, why?" I ask. "I do too." He says with a smirk.

The Bell rings and everyone goes to their first period class.

I walked out of the room and the boy ran up next to me. I look at him and notice something. He looks like the boy the police described.

"So, what's your name?" I ask. "My name is Stiles. How about you?" Stiles asks. "Emily." I say, thinking about the boy who killed my mother.

"Hey, uhh, what were you doing a few weeks ago? I went to an amazing concert." I say, making up a good story.
"Um...I was just chilling with some friends of mine. Speaking of friends, here they are!" Stiles says.

A group of people walk up to us. We stopped walking and just stood in the hallway.
"Emily, this is Scott, Isaac, Kira, Allison, and Lydia." Stiles says, introducing his friends.

"Hi, I'm Emily." I say with a smile.
"Hi" Scott says. The rest of the group stayed silent.

Isaac looked at Stiles. "Stiles, can we talk? In private?" He asks. Stiles nods and the group walks away with him.

I sigh and walk to my class

Hey guys, sorry this was so short. I just wanted you to get a feel of how I was writing it or how the story was gonna go. You get it? Eh, probably not.

I've been thinking about adding a friend for Emily into the story.

Consent your character description.


Name- blah blah
Age- blah blah
Height- blah blah
Face Claim- blah blah
Likes- blah blah
Dislikes- blah blah
Other- blah blah

So, I just wanted you guys to know that
Emily is played by
Kelli Berglund

XOXO - Emily

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