review #43.S3: Demon turned Lover

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Title: Demon turned Lover

Author: Euphr0syne
Reviewer: MoniTheTigerEmpress


Guardian angels - more commonly known as The Bellatores in Heaven - were tasked with the conversion of earth-dwelling demons, mainly for two reasons; so that demons could go to heaven & to ensure planets' safety.

However, if they failed in doing so, they would be condemned to death.

Luka, a regular angel living in heaven, was tasked with the conversion of Mammon, a demon residing on Earth. But the problem was that, he had never converted a demon before. And much to his dismay, Mammon was notorious for outmanoeuvring even the strongest of guardian angels.

The day Luka met Mammon was also the day he was plunged into a world full of love.

But will that love triumph over the evil that comes with it?



Your title is good. I would say it accurately represents your book.


I would say your cover is good but I'd say it could be better. While I think you have a good cover, I feel like there is something off about it but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Your blurb was done really well. It does its job in telling us what your book is about, the conflict in a way, the characters, etc. There was not much I would like to comment on, just a few minor things!

Firstly, I think you are missing 'the' between 'ensure' and 'planets' as that would make it read a little more smoothly. I'd also like to say the comma after 'that' in 'But the problem was that' isnt needed. Also for 'outmanoeuvring' should be 'outmaneuvering'. So just the spelling of that word was incorrect. 

All in all, your blurb is great as it is so well done!


I would say the plot progresses nicely as we read. I think the chapters flowed nicely and nothing felt odd to read. The pace wasnt slow or too fast. It was just perfect and easy to follow. The descriptions were great and helped us to visualise the story as we read.

Grammar and dialogue:

I'd like to start by saying that the dialogues were realistic for the scenes through the novel so that made it enjoyable to read. Your grammar was great for the most part but there were a few small issues I found throughout. I'll mention a few below for you!

What you have: -confusion contained to my furrowed brows, "What? Ezekiel? Why would-"

My suggestion: The comma after 'brows' should be a full stop as it is an action tag here.

What you have: -the oop earrings on her horizontal ears swaying, "Look, don't ask–"

My suggestion: 'Swaying' is an action tag here so the comma should be a full stop here.

Character Development:

I'm going to keep this section short as there isn't much for me to say. I want to say that you did very well with the characters. Each character is different and as a reader I could easily tell each character apart. I really liked learning more about the characters as the story progressed.


 You have a great novel. There wasn't much that needed improvements as your writing itself is already amazing. You have a marvelous way with words and I loved reading your work. The descriptions were done well. Fixing the minor things like the above mentioned will be good but they do not distract from the story itself. I also think you have a unique concept for your story and I loved it. Well done and good luck on your future writing endeavors. 

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