Flip A Coin

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Dipper knocked on the Mystery Shack door, silently hoping that she'd answer the door. He took a deep breath when the door opened. "Paz I need your help." He said.

"Uh-huh, that's nice." Gideon rolled his eyes. "This isn't the first time you needed her help. What is it this time?"

"It is, none of your concern, Pines." He rolled his eyes. "I'm here to call on Pacifica."


Dipper frowned and Gideon gave him a small wave before disappearing into his house. Pacifica arrived at the door and smiled a little at Dipper. "I thought he was talking about you."

"You'd be right." He rolled his eyes. "I need your help."

"What for?" She asked, shutting the door and sitting on the porch step.

Dipper sat down next to her and sighed. "There's this girl, who I have liked and I thought about asking her out."

"Mhm." Pacifica nodded.

"But then, I met another girl who I like." He concluded. "I don't know which one to pick."

"Hmm, well which one did you fall in love with second?" She asked.

"Uh the second one's name is-"

"You know, you don't have to tell me her name. Just call her Choice B." Pacifica explained.

"Alright, Choice B was the one I fell in love with second." He muttered.

"Then choose her." She finished.


"If that doesn't help you, then I've got another idea." Pacifica provided. "Flip a coin. Heads it's Choice A, tails it's Choice B."

Dipper watched as Pacifica took a quarter out of her pocket. "Okay, how will this help?"

"Because you'll either be happy or disappointed by the outcome." She explained as she handed him the quarter. "Now flip it!"

He rolled his eyes and muttered, "whatever" before flipping the coin. He closed his eyes before he caught it and looked at the outcome.

"What is it?" Pacifica leaned closer.

"A quarter." Dipper muttered, throwing the quarter into the wooded area.

Pacifica frowned. "So you were disappointed by the outcome?"

"I guess," he muttered.

"Was it heads or tails?"


"So you will ask out Choice B?" Pacifica asked, hoping this helped him.

"Mhm, I'll do just that." He promised and faced Pacifica. "Paz?"

"Yes?" She asked.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked, praying that she'd say yes.

Pacifica's eyes widened. She had no clue that he liked her. Dipper flirted with every girl. She thought she was just another Flirting Device for him. Now she realized she was wrong. Being the risk taker that she was, Pacifica smiled at him. "Yes. I will."

He smiled a little. "Got it. Pick you up at seven tomorrow." He picked up her hand and kissed it, sending sparks through Pacifica.

"Yeah, tomorrow." She murmured.


#Shamy!!!! Remember this? Or nah? I thought about this one today at school and hoped that I wouldn't forget about it! But now it's typed and ready to be read! Enjoy!

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