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This was requested a long long time ago, but I cannot for the life of me remember who requested it. Anyways, enjoy my lovelies!

"Dipper, I wouldn't be asking for your help if Paz wasn't in trouble!" Gideon literally slammed his fist on the door. "Seriously! Paz is in trouble!"

The door opened immediately and Dipper appeared, his eyes full of concern, which was strangely out of character for him. "What happened?"

Gideon shook his head, "I'll explain on the way, but right now we have to get back to the Mystery Shack." He looked around to see if there were any modes of transportation around. "Can you drive?"

Dipper nodded but his eyes had that absent look that Gideon had only seen once before. And it was terrifying. "Yes, this way."

As they made their way to the Shack, Dipper kept his eyes on the road, but he still interrogated Gideon. "What happened?"

"A demon possessed Pacifica." Gideon stated. "I'm not sure how, but I think it has something to do with the third Journal."

Dipper tapped the steering wheel, "the Journals, it's always the Journals!" After he took a deep breath, he asked his second question. "When did this happen?"

"Considering I had to run over here, maybe a half an hour ago." Gideon winced.

Dipper's frown deepened. "Alright." He said.

"Any more questions?" Gideon whispered, hesitantly.

"Do you by any chance know who the demon is?" Dipper asked, fearing the worst. "That could give me a little more knowledge on how to get rid of it."

Gideon shook his head. "I heard the word 'Cipher' a ton, though."

Dipper mentally slapped himself. Of course it would be Cipher! After the year prior's escapade, Cipher had threatened Dipper that he would come back. Keep in mind, that it wasn't Will Cipher. "Cipher." He said through clenched teeth. "Of course."

"Do you know this guy?" Gideon's eyes went wide. Then, he corrected himself. "Erm, I mean, do you know this demon?"

"Not personally, if that's what you mean." Dipper lied. "All I know, is that this demon is nothing like his brother. He's deathly evil."

"Oh, like you?" Gideon cocked his head to the side.

Dipper, being the smart one in the situation, chose to ignore Gideon's comment. Anyways, he took it as a compliment.

By the time the two had reached the Mystery Shack, Dipper hoped it wasn't too late. He quickly ordered Gideon to stay in the car, then, Dipper made his way into the Shack.

Dipper heard nothing. "Cipher!" He snarled.

"Well well well, the spider has caught the fly." a chilling voice came from behind him. As Dipper turned around, he saw Pacifica standing there, her eyes black skits and their irises completely yellow. "Although you weren't necessarily the fly I was expecting."

"Go back to your own dimension, Cipher." Dipper warned in a low tone. "Don't make me banish you forever." He instinctively clutched the amulet around his neck.

'Cipher' wasn't amused, but he laughed anyway. "Oh you're a riot, Reverse Pine Tree! I gave you that power! And I can take it away just like that."

Dipper bit back a smart remark and went straight to the point. "Give Pacifica her body back, now, Bill."

Bill crossed Pacifica's arms. "She's the one who made the deal, buddy."

"I don't care whether she made the deal or not, you know that's not what she truly wanted. Now give her her body back."

"No can do, a deal's a deal, whether it was completely true or not!"

Dipper felt drawn to her eyes, the eyes that once looked so calm and beautiful were now violent and horrible.

"Besides, I don't see why you care so much. It's not like she means anything to you."

Once the words were out, Dipper's hands clenched themselves into fists. And Bill noticed right away. "Oh hohoho, this is fabulous! The guy with the heart of stone is in love!" Bill cackled.

"Let her go," Dipper couldn't believe himself. There was no way in hell he was pleading with the lord of chaos. "I'll do absolutely anything." Apparently he was.

Bill looked like he was thinking about it. "What would you give me in return?"

Dipper looked him in the eyes, it was hard for him to look away from them. "Anything."

"Hmmm, you've convinced me kid, I'm sold!" Bill clasped Pacifica's hands together. "Now we just need to shake on it!" He extended a hand that was immediately engulfed in flames.

Dipper was about to shake his hand when it instantly occurred to him. "Wait a moment, what exactly do you want in return?"

"Just another body to possess." Bill replied simply. "Now, you said you'd do anything for the girl who will never return your feelings —oh wait, you two are together."

"I mean it." Dipper said, extending his hand. "I will take her place."

"We've got a deal!" As soon as the two shook hands, Bill dove into Dipper's body and knocked the boy to the ground.

Pacifica woke up immediately and looked at Dipper's collapsed body. "Dipper?!" She raced toward him and shook him. "Dipper wake up!" She grabbed one of his wrists and checked his pulse.

That's impossible. She thought. He's breathing but he's not—

Dipper's hand snatched hers and pushed her back. As Pacifica tumbled into the wall, 'Dipper' stood up and waltzed over to her. "Well well, this is interesting." Bill's voice said. "What a situation you two have gotten into."

"No." Pacifica muttered. "Why would he do this?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Bill rolled Dipper's eyes. "He cares about you far too much." He shook his head. "Love is a horrible thing. It makes you weak. He's changed."

Pacifica wanted to rebut, but suddenly Dipper's hand shot out toward her and grabbed her throat. "D-Dipper!"

Bill laughed, and it echoed throughout the entire Shack. "He's not around anymore. You're on your own!"

As the air found its way out of Pacifica's lungs, the girl's body toppled to the floor.

Bill chuckled. "Wonderful, just brilliant." And with that said, Bill disappeared, leaving Dipper to stare down in horror at the horrible scene before him.

No. . . Dipper thought. No. This isn't happening! This isn't real! He raced toward Pacifica and held her close to him. "No, you're not gone!"

And suddenly all of the missing pieces fit into place. Bill can't get into Reverse Falls because he was erased. Bill doesn't exist here. With a sudden revelation, Dipper exclaimed, "this is a dream!"

A second passed before Dipper actually opened his eyes and shot out of bed. He quickly snatched his phone, not caring what time it was, and dialed Pacifica's number.

"Dipper?" Her voice was groggy. "Why did you call me this early?"

There was no way Dipper could ever tell her about that dream. She would freak out, and he didn't want to relive that ever again. "I just wanted to say I love you."

"And I love you, Dipper. But couldn't this have waited until morning?" She yawned.

"Sorry," Dipper winced. "Goodnight, Pacifica."

"Goodnight, Dipper."

Okay guys, I need more requests! Gah! I'm slowly running out of them so please please please request! Smile today, my lovelies!

-Kaori Miyazono <3

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