It Will Always Hurt Someone

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Requested by HardyTwister hope y'all enjoy!

Pacifica thought the woods was a calming place. More specifically, it was her calming place. Especially after a long week of working in the Mystery Shack, even covering for her cousin and the guy she had a crush on. She knew he'd never see her in the romance view, so she had given up on him. That was until Gideon gossiped that he was interested in a girl. Sure that didn't give Pacifica an exact knowledge that the girl was her, but it gave her a sense of hope.

The woods were quiet that day. Pacifica could almost hear everything going on in them. Babbling brooks, chirping of birds, bugs buzzing around. It gave the girl some peace in mind.

Pacifica walked, listening to the sounds of the woods, watching all of the colors, mostly green, swirl around her. A flash of blue entered her peripheral vision, and it made the girl stop in her tracks. She knew how close she was to the edge of the cliff. Everyone knew that cliff was where you could see the whole town, and even miles past it. If what she saw was a person, she needed to warn them to be careful.

She ran toward where she saw the blue and kept a close eye on the edge of the cliff. Pacifica hid in the bushes behind the cliff edge and watched.

The boy she saw had dark hair, but she couldn't see his face. When he pulled out a pen and a piece of paper, Pacifica immediately got the impression that he was just a writer, looking for a spark of inspiration.

She kept her eyes on him as he wrote, kind of interested in what he could possibly be writing. But she'd definitely never ask. Pacifica had never seen him before, maybe he was just a tourist just like herself.

What confused her was when he took the piece of paper and pinned it to his shirt and walked closer to the edge of the cliff. Pacifica couldn't help it, she raced forward and screamed, "NO!" She grabbed hold of the boy's shirt, and held on to it tight.

The boy shouted due to the fact that someone had grabbed him. He tried to push the person off of him but she wouldn't let go. "Get the hell off of me!" He exclaimed, as the random girl pulled him away from the cliff. "What is your damage?!"

"Were you not aware of that cliff you almost walked off?!" Pacifica demanded, staring the boy in the eye. "You could have died!"

"So what?" He scoffed, tugging his arm free of the girl's grip. "It wouldn't have mattered, why do you care so much?"

"Because. . .wait," she paused and her voice grew quiet, "you wanted to do that?"

"Yes, until you stopped me." He snapped.

"W-why?" She whispered.

"I think you should mind your own business, blondie." He rolled his eyes and turned back to the cliff's edge. "I don't want to be here anymore."

"Why don't you?" Pacifica asked, "it seems foolish. You have so much left to do in your life."

"You dunno what my world looks like." He stated, looking down at the world below the cliff. "You wouldn't know because you must be some blonde Barbie who has it good. Who has parents who care about her."

"You still shouldn't jump." She advised.

"Oh yeah? Why?" He queried.

"Because I'll bet there are many people out there who would never be as happy as they are with you in their life if you jumped." Pacifica tried her best to reason with him. "I mean, I've just met you and I wouldn't want you to jump."

The boy bit his lip, and ripped the note from his shirt, looking it over. "They wouldn't care." He whispered. "They never cared about me before, why would they care now?"

"Because you would be dead!" She panicked, realizing he wasn't listening to her reasoning.

"It would take me killing myself to get them to care." He nodded. "It actually sounds exactly like them."

Pacifica grabbed his arm and gave him a pleading look. "Please don't jump. Please."

"Why do you care?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Because I think it wouldn't help anyone, not even you, if you jumped." She explained carefully. "Listen to me on that at least."

The boy looked down again, not wanting to meet the girl's gaze. "You need to talk to someone about this." Pacifica told him. "Like a therapist or someone. Heck, I'll even listen."

"What good would it do if I started pouring my guts out to a stranger?" He rolled his eyes and scoffed.

Pacifica bit her lip, thinking hard about what he had said. She then, stuck out her hand and smiled. "Pacifica."

The boy stared at her extended hand and then shook it. "Dipper."

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