Mistletoe (Another One)

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Requested by @tortisehat and I hope y'all enjoy!

"Should be simple, right?" Pacifica paced around her room, muttering to herself and Gideon-sort of. "I just go over there and tell him."

"Uh-huh." Gideon mumbled, only half listening. "Unless he says 'I told you so' or something like that."

"Gideon!" Pacifica exclaimed.

"What?!" He asked.

"Not helping!"

"Oh....sorry." Gideon frowned. "So when are you going to tell-"

"Today!" Pacifica suddenly shouted, and then bit her lip. "I can totally do this."

"Sure ya can." Gideon said sarcastically.

"Gideon, now is not the time for sarcasm."



Pacifica hesitantly knocked on the door to Gleeful Manor, and hoped for the best. Unfortunately her enemy, Mabel Gleeful, answered the door and had a smirk plastered on her face. "Why are you here, Pacifica?" She asked icily.

"I uh....need to speak to your brother." Pacifica managed to mumble.

Mabel's smirk grew wider. "Alright, one second." She click clacked away from the door and Pacifica heard her call to her brother. When Mabel came back, she held something in her hand, but Pacifica could not see what it was.

Dipper finally came to the door and smirked more than Mabel had. (What is with the Gleefuls and smirking?! Sorry Kaori will go now!) "Why are you here, Southeast?"

"I uh, need to tell you something." Pacifica muttered.

"Go ahead." Dipper said with a sly grin.

"I uh...I kinda have some weird....uh." Pacifica began to panic internally. She did not think that this was how it would go when she told him. "It's hard to explain."

"Sure seems like it." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"Hey!" Pacifica exclaimed. "Stop being-"

"Oh geez, well time to use this." Mabel-since she had heels on she was taller than Pacifica and Dipper-held a piece of mistletoe over their heads. "Now kiss."

Pacifica stared at Mabel in shock, but was more caught off guard by Dipper kissing her quickly. "......."

"What?" Dipper asked. "You don't like this?"


"So you do like me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No!" She shouted then fiddled with her coat. "....yeah."

"Tomorrow, at noon." Dipper said. "Meet me here."

"I can do eleven forty five." Pacifica bargained.

"Done." Dipper concluded. "See you then, Pacifica."


Woo-hoo!!! Another one done!!! One More Christmas oneshot and probably another one if you guys have another one for me to write

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