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Dipper lead a blindfolded Pacifica down the hall. He was ecstatic for her to see what he had done. Ever since Mabel died, he had been extremely paranoid that he was going to loose her as well. She was no longer a big part of his life; now she was his life. She was all he had left, if she left him than he would have nothing. He would be alone.... Yet, there was no reason to worry about that now. He had just assured that it would never happen.

"You look beautiful as ever." He whispered in her ear and smiled as she blushed.

"What is this 'surprise' you have planned." She asked

She was going to love it. Just like he loved her. He loved her so very, very much. With her beautiful blond hair that always somehow smelled like strawberries. It was so soft and silky, especially when he ran her fingers through it. Oh, and the way she looked at him adoringly was enough to make his insides go weak. Dipper worried that it was she was the only thing keeping what was left of his sanity intact.

He led her to the Mystery Shack, making sure she did not trip on anything. "You remember how you were worried about your family keeping us apart?" he questioned.

Pacifica nodded "Did you make up with them?" She asked hopefully.

"They will not be bothering you anymore," he said "I can assure that. I even invited your parents to come out."

They arrived at the door. He opened the door and slowly removed the blindfold, revealing the beautiful scenery.

She gasped.

Bright red blood was splattered everywhere. Her parents lay dead on the couch with snapped necks. They had been a rather quick death compared to Bud and Gideon. Bud was on the floor with several daggers remaining in his chest, laying in a puddle of his own blood. Gideon was hanging from a noose from the celling with his fingers missing. The entire picture was finished off by red rose peddles all around the room.

"Y-y-you killed them." She stuttered.

He watched her face eagerly. Tears were starting to form, most likely from happiness. She was also probably surprised that he would be willing to do such a huge thing for her.

"Now there is no one standing in our way." He giggled excitedly "We can be together forever."

He leaned in to kiss her, but she pulled away. Wait, was that fear in her eyes? Was she unsure about their future?

"How could you?" she asked

"I know it is a lot to take in." he said "but you should know that I did this all for you."

He grabbed her hands, but she ripped them away. "Don't touch me."

"You don't like it?"

"I hate you!" she screamed with tears running down her face. "You are a monster!"

His heart ripped apart. No, this could not be happening. She was not supposed to hate him, she was supposed to love him. She was supposed to be happy that he did this for her. She was supposed to thank him and wrap her arms around his neck. It was supposed to be romantic and maybe even end in kissing. But that was not what was happening. She was going to leave him, just like Mabel did. He was not going to let that happen.

"I am sorry." Dipper said

"You killed my family and you are sorry?" she screamed

Dipper shook his head. "I am not sorry that happened. I am just sorry that I will not let you leave me." He grabbed her wrist "We are going to be forever together if you like it or not."


Please review for faster update and I promise a lighter drabble next time.

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