Day Out In Town

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+Reverse Falls: Town+

After breakfast at the Gleeful house the two counterparts left the home to go into town. Tyrone had decided to get some new clothes for Dominic since by Will's standard he was gonna be here for some time.

Dominic was currently thinking about the conversation he had with Will last night in his mindscape.


Dipper sat in a chair across from Will with a table filled with tea and cookies to eat.

"Hey Will, what's up?"

Will smiled at Dipper calmly. "I just wanted to inform you about how your going back to your dimension."

Dipper perked up and listed carefully to Will as he also asked questions. "So how am I going to get back?"

"There is two ways, one is making a deal with me, but you don't have to do it. I don't like forcing people to make deals with me. The second option is waiting sometime for me to create something from a few ingredients I need to get." Will held out his hand a hologram came up to show a necklace with a teardrop shape jewel on it. "The ingredients will take some time to get, probably a year or so depending on how quickly I get the ingredients. I would get them faster, but the stuff to make this thing is rare." Closing the hologram he looked at Dipper apologetically.

"Then I'll go with option two then. Even though it will take a year at the most." He said slightly sadden by the time frame. He looked at the dream demon hopeful, "Um... Is it possible that you could check up on my family for me and tell me how their doing?"

Will nodded as he snapped his fingers together and a screen appeared in front of them. Dipper watched the screen seeing his family working on the portal, surprisingly along with a few friends like Pacifica, Grenda, Candy, Wendy, Soos, and few others. Ford was seemed to be cautious in rebuilding portal with Stan being focused on his task and brother.

"They're trying hard to get you back, but summer will end soon and your sister will have to head back home to California without you." Will says as he got up and patted the boy on the back for comfort. Dipper let some tears fall down his cheeks.

After awhile he stopped crying and the both of them talked again.

"Want to know something about us different versions of Bill, Dominic?" Will asked curiously.

Dipper nodded a bit, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Sure, why not."

"We keep close to PineTree in our zodiac wheel. We're technically their demon guardians and make sure they don't get lost or injured." The blue haired male says as he smiled at Dipper.

"So I'm guessing the PineTree here is still my reverse self. That means you protect him, but he's mean to you right?"

Will chuckled a bit, "The demons and their PineTrees have unique relationships sapling. Just like you and Bill. It's just us Versions of Bill... We had a protective relationship before we died and became demons. We knew you before and you were special to us."
(Not Billdip relationship. This a Reverse DipperxOriginal Dipper book)

"He's looking for me too, isn't he..."

Will only smiled at him before he disappeared from his dreamscape.

~Back to the Present~

"Dominic, what do think about these for you to wear? I think you would like the tee-shirt, but the pants..." Tyrone trailed off as he looked at the pants in disgust.

He laughed and took the pants Tyrone was holding and put it back in the pile. "I can find my own clothes thank you very much. You can go around if you want, you don't have to babysit me it's not like I'm gonna run away."

Tyrone didn't really move away and stayed close to Dominic as he picked out a few clothes. Though he did move to the jewelry when they both past by it. He looked through some single earnings and necklaces.

Dominic picked out a pair of shoes while his counterpart looked through the jewelry. Finding a good blue and black colored sneakers. "I think this enough for me Tyrone." He says walking back to the psychic.

Tyrone had to pay for them while Dominic stayed out in front of the store. People would probably freak out if they saw two Dippers. That's why he was in a slightly convincing disguise that should throw people off.

The both of them headed to a cafe to have some snacks and a drink.

Unfortunately there was a unsuspected guest who came up to them. "If it isn't Dipper Gleeful." The voice of a female says.

Tyrone glanced at the female with familiar red hair. "Corduroy." He says harshly.

Wendy Corduroy, well the reverse version of her, know to be dark and mean. Usually wears black with a red stitched heart as her symbol. A big enemy of Dipper Gleeful. She hummed and took a glance at the disguised look alike. "Who are you?"

"Um- Dominic..." He says startled by the reverse version of this Wendy.

"Get you ugly face out of my sight Corduroy or I will end you here and now." Tyrone growled out now fulling looking at Wendy who kept a smudged smile on her face.

The red head huffed, "What? Am I running your little date or something?" She laughed at the angry brunet.

Dominic saw Tyrone about to start a fight, so he quickly grabbed his arm and the other looked back at him with narrowed eyes. "Tyrone."

The latter's eyes soften a bit when he looked into those chocolate brown eyes of his reverse self. He made Dominic let go of him and grabbed the his hand in his own. "Let's go Dominic. Apparently this cafe's been infected." Tyrone let Dominic out of the cafe while ignoring Wendy's shouts of insults.

Once the two got as far as the cafe as possible they rested in the park. Walking by a pole covered with posters a certain one caught Dominic's eye. Tyrone next to him, stopped and turned to look at what he was staring at, it was a poster announcement that the carnival was coming tomorrow. He nudged Dominic a bit to get his attention, "Do you want to go?"

Dominic looked at him with a shy smile, "If it's okay with you Tyrone... We don't have too really, I am suppose to stay in the house after all."

Tyrone thought about it and unconsciously clenched his hand to his side. "Ok..."

The brunet looked surprised, "What?"

"You can go, but on the condition that you stay with me at all times." Tyrone say looking away from Dominic. 'I just want to see how he normally acts... It may answer my ifs of me being a Pines in a alternate dimension.' He thought.

Dominic smiled happily and hugged Tyrone, "Thanks dude, it's been awhile since I had some normal fun."

Tyrone hugged Dominic back unsurely, but he was able to ease into it. "Yeah... No problem Dominic."

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