Renewed Introductions

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+With Tyrone+

Tyrone sat on a chair, in the hideout, drinking tea across from the Pines family and some of their close friends. Once he set his cup down he looked at them with an amused smile as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"So you're a Dipper from another dimension, we already know that..." Ford says trailing off and letting Stan continue the conversation.

"You're Dipper's boyfriend? I don't believe it." Stan says with a grunt.

Tyrone chuckled, "I can very much prove that I am indeed his boyfriend. We've been in a relationship for 2 years after all". He fiddled with the blue earring on his left ear as the others kept talking to him.

"Then prove it." Pacifica said in a serious tone.

The brunet smirked at her in a challenging way. "You may ask me any questions about Dominic. When he comes back you can ask him or Mabel to confirm my answers. We know a lot about each other just in the two years we've been together. So lay it on me, I dare you." He responded in high confidence.

Both of them glared at each other defiantly.

"Then what's Dipper's favorite thing to do in Gravity Falls?" Mabel started off simple.

"Explore the forest to see what new paranormal creatures he can find along with new species of plants." Tyrone answered her quick and easy. "He even likes to take his journal with him to record things down." Though it was a no brainer for anyone who knew the original Dipper.

"Tell me something I don't know about Dipper." Pacifica told him with a glare. "Mabel can confirm it for me."

Tyrone thought for a moment with a slight hum. "Dominic sneezes like a kitten, which by the way is really cute in my opinion. He also has a tattoo of Bill Cipher's wheel wrapped around his left wrist, but he covers it with a black wrist sweatband it to keep it hidden."

Mabel confirmed the kitten sneeze, but she didn't know about the tattoo. "I don't know about the tattoo though."

"Of course, Dominic only got the tattoo recently back in my dimension. Of course it's something I only know so you can confirm it once he comes back." Tyrone states as he sips his tea again.

For a moment Ford think for a second, "That does remind me, where is Dipper?"

"He went exploring again like usual." Tyrone says casually to cover for his love.

"But it's dangerous out there! Especially the eye bats roaming around, they'll just turn you to stone and add you to Bill's throne." Mabel worried, but Stan patted her on the back.

"Don't worry Mabel, I'm sure your brother can handle what's out there. 2 years in a different dimension and it looks like he came back able to take care of himself. I mean the kid is practically changed already." Stan say to assure her worries. No doubt Stan was correct, he had seen change in the kid, physically and mentally.

On cue, the elevator doors opened and Dominic came back looking a bit tired, but still full of energy somehow. He looked up from the ground and found his family, friends, and boyfriend looking at him. "Uh, hey guys." He awkwardly smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Pacifica walks up to Dominic with a firm gaze. "Is he," she pointed to Tyrone quickly, "your boyfriend?"

Dominic attention turned over to Tyrone who sighed and shook his head. Then he looked at Pacifica again. "How?"

"Mabel and I overheard you upstairs talking." Pacifica told him in a firm tone. "So is it true?" Confidence and anger expression wavering on the brunet's face.

"Yes Pacifica, Tyrone is my boyfriend, has been for two years." He told the blond girl, truthful to his words. "We just clicked.... How should I put it?" Dominic tapped his chin in thought. "Like what Mabel would say at the moment in a drama scene where when eyes meet you feel entranced..." His twin walked over to him and grabbed his arm firmly which surprised him.

She tugged the black sweatband down a little to reveal the tattoo of the Cipher Wheel, just like Tyrone described earlier in the conversation. "Our parents are gonna have a fit you know." She laughs.

Dominic just laughs with her knowing it was true. He got a permanent tattoo at a young age. Then again his real parents didn't seem to mind at all, but Will was a little mad. He looked back at Pacifica and his expression soften as he walked over to her.

Pacifica looked down sadly with her fingers fiddling the hem of her ruined designer brand shirt. Until she felt someone take her hand in their own. She looked at who held her hands to find Dipper looking right back at her sadly and apologetically.

"Pacifica, I'm sorry I can't return your feeling, but I'm sure there is another person who will treasure you more than I could. The right person who can share the same feelings." Dominic gave Pacifica a hopeful smile and the blond lightened for him.

Pacifica copied his soft smile, "I understand Dipper." She leaned over a bit to look at Tyrone with a glare. "You better treat your boyfriend here like a prince reverse jerk, because if you break his heart your gonna face my wrath!" The Northwest girl warned. She watched her friend's boyfriend huff with a smirk.

"I want nothing less for my boyfriend bratty fake." Tyrone bit his words at her.

At those words Pacifica decided to make reverse Dipper pay by kissing Dominic on the cheek. Then smirked in Tyrone's direction.

Sensing another fight about to break out, Dominic went his boyfriend and pulled him aside before he could get to Pacifica. Wendy and Mabel took care of Pacifica as she practically bared her sharp nails at Tyrone for calling her a bratty fake.

"At least try to get along you two." Dominic says after receiving a kiss to the cheek from Tyrone.

The two older twins sighed tired. "Well as long as other Dipper there isn't evil, then we'll all get along fine." Stan pitched into the conversation to move the subject of the topic.

"Since we have renewed the information on Tyrone here, I suppose we can go back to the main topic which is stopping Bill." Ford grabbed the back of Stan's shirt and pulled him away from the kids. "Come on Stanley, we've got plans to make." Stan followed his back to the planning room leaving behind the kids to their own personal problems with one another.

Tyrone was the first to also drag his boyfriend away for some alone time, earning him a glare from the bratty fake. Dominic awkwardly laughed as he was pulled away from his sister and friends. Though he didn't complain once his lover started being affectionate towards him.

Mabel and Wendy held off the blond know Pacifica was now being a protective older sibling to Dipper. Don't get Mabel wrong either, she's just as over protective as Pacifica, but she knew her brother and Tyrone loved each other a lot. She could tell just by recalling her talks to her reverse brother.

"I'm really glad you were able to take care of my brother. He can be a handful at times." Mabel laughed as she sat next to Tyrone to thank him.

"I can agreed, but when your basically the opposite of him you know everything about him." The opposite said with a caring tone which Mabel picked up. "It's better when Dominic smiles anyways, that's when you know everything is perfect."

Mabel smiled as she led Pacifica away with Wendy's help. Yeah, she could trust Tyrone to take care of her brother. Dipper's in safe hands with a boyfriend who loves and cares for him.

+With the two Dippers+

"So where did you go?" Tyrone asked once they were out of hearing range from everyone. He trapped his boyfriend in an embrace so he wouldn't escape.

Not that Dominic hated the embrace. He loved it actually, but his boyfriend could get very important information just from doing this. "Ty I thought you trusted me." He whined to his boyfriend.

"Just wanna make sure you aren't doing anything that could possibly separate us, again." Tyrone says as he starts pressing kisses along the side of Dominic's neck. "Come on babe, tell me..."

The submissive brunet almost lost it when he heard his boyfriend call him babe, not to mention when Tyrone's voice dropped an octave. "Teleport us to the attic room now!" He whispered in a rush.

Tyrone did just that with the powers of his amulet and they were seated on Dominic's old bed. "Tell me."

"I went to go visit Bill and Will." Dominic told his lover leaning against him.

Tyrone look at Dominic confused, "Isn't that guy the opposite of Will? So the bad guy who caused all of this?" He questioned.

Dominic nodded, "Yeahhhh, I was talking with them, he told me he'd take his crew back to the mindscape in about a week ending all of this mess."

"Which leads me to asking you my dear, why?"

"Because Bill is my father and I asked him to stop his party of a mess." Dominic answered him as he sighed.

"He's your father?!" Tyrone exclaimed in surprise, Dominic had to literally silence his love with a kiss for a minute. They made out during that little bit.

Once they pulled apart Dominic hugged Tyrone. "Shh, someone might over hear even if we are up here. Remember how Mabel and Pacifica found us out." Tyrone just hummed before he started teasing his lover again.

"Just a week?"

"Just a week."

"Good, once it's over we'll have no problems." Tyrone bit the brunet's ear as Dominic gasp holding him tighter. "Let's have some fun shall we."


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