Closer With her

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"Wow,Gopal! I never saw you being excited with learning!" I said.

"Actually I should do this all along than fooling around" He replied as he looked down to the book.

"Did you bring your notebook and pencil case?" I asked him.

"Oh! I forgot..." He ran out and yelled, "I'll get it!".

Heh... Clumsy as always...

I looked at Boboiboy and Ying.

Boboiboy looks red while Ying looks really cheerful.

I walked to their table and greeted them,"Hi guys!".

"Woa-aa-hh!!!" Boboiboy screamed,he almost falls down from the chair.

"A-are you alright?" I asked curiously.

"Ah! Yup! Everything! Is! FiiNnEe!" He answered,he looks really red now.

I think he's embarrassed

Ying looked at me and said,"Don't mind about him".

"Oookaaay..." I looked at Boboiboy then continued to look at Ying.

"So...what are you guys talking about?" I asked.

Both of them suddenly looked shocked.

"Ermmm" Ying commented.

She's making eye contact at Boboiboy while Boboiboy looks confused...

Boboiboy he making derp face?

Now Boboiboy is nodding to Ying while she winked at him.

"So....she..I mean...WE....are talking about...." Boboiboy said nervously.

"About Boboiboy's crush!" Ying continued.

"Ohh! I'm interested in this kind of topic! Mind if I join in?" I asked.

"Sure!" Ying answered.

I can't even figure out Boboiboy's expression right now...

"Come sit with us for a while!" Ying offered.

I nodded then I sit down.

"We we're talking about Boboiboy's crush and figuring out how to get the girl but well... You know,Boboiboy is too shy to deal with this" Ying explained,"You're the same age as Boboiboy,right? So that means you know what girls like and love".

" this girl is the same age as me..." I commented.

"Ah! Yea-yeah! That's the one!" Boboiboy said.

"Hmm... You could give her flowers, chocolates,love letters and gifts!" I suggested,"It's a classic!".

"Well...what do you like to get?" Ying said then Boboiboy covered her mouth with his hands.

"Hehe....she means what type of presents do you like" Boboiboy said.

Boboiboy put his hands back to the table then Ying said,"I know that this year is a different one... So we need a modern gift that girls like you love!" Ying said.

"Oh! If that's so...Then... I like.." Gopal suddenly ran back to our table and brought notebooks and his pencil case.

"I got it!" He said as he put those notebooks and his pencil case on the table.

"Woah! How come you have so many notebooks,Gopal?" I asked.

"Oh! That's because Ochobot teleported my dad here so he can give me these!" He explained shortly.

"That looks heavy,may I help you?" I asked,he looks tired too.

"Nah,I'll just put it on the table" He said as he put his notebooks on to the table.

"Let's learn!" I shouted.

"YEAY!" Both of us give a thumbs up then we sit down.


"Wow,both of them are really close already!" Ying said.

"Ermmmm" I didn't know how to react.

" someone jealous? Don't be such a jelly" She said.

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes.

"Woah,that feeling must be bothering you...." Ying said.

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