Review #31: @AnasuyaRaj

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reviewed author: AnasuyaRaj
book title: The Lords of Justice
reviewer: dreaminginreverie

make sure to tag me if you have questions!

cover + title:
your current cover is a bit plain but i made your new one so *flips hair* it'll look awesome. lmao, just kidding! i can't say too much about your cover since i did make it so i'm a bit biased. the title is different and interesting. it really hooks you into reading the blurb.

this needs a bit of help. i'd place your award achievements under the actual description, because right now it looks a bit messy. you have way too much information in your description and the questions at the end tell me that darshan is probably very important to the lords and ladies and that he's most likely to win in the end. one question is alright but more than that tells the reader how the book will end. cut down on the information, making two paragraphs of probably three or four sentences long. leave the rest of the information and introduce it into the book somewhere. it gives more suspense for the readers when you give them the barest details in the description. i'd also recommend an editor to help with spelling mistakes.

writing style:
different, but i like it! i would recommend taking the italics off of the dialogue since you also have the characters thoughts italicized which makes it confusing the first time a character speaks.


darshan -
he seems like a really sensible guy! i like how he reacted like a normal person would to seeing the guy die, instead of just brushing it off like a lot of supernatural characters do in books.

yash -
he's very mysterious! he also seems very infatuated with darshan, which is a bit odd since they just met but since darshan doesn't remember his past they might have history together. . .but since i only read five chapters i can't say.

mrs. ( which should be ms. since she's not married ) sinha -
i love her! where can i buy her? she's the perfect person to take shopping so she can give everyone death glares and then you get the best deals. obviously, i really love her!

it needs lots of help. i noticed a few places where i wasn't sure if i was in the present or the past and it was because you have a lot of the wrong tenses. an editor can also help with this.

overall thoughts:
i really liked how mysterious it is at the beginning and how well you pace it! i believe it has major potential if you worked on the things i mentioned above and looked into an editor. thank you for choosing me as your reviewer!

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