Review #42: @Chloboshoka

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Reviewer: Rita_writes
Author: chloboshoka
Title: Taegong

The cover is really simple and beautiful. I like the style used in making it. The words were clear and the couple at the background was just cute.

So, I didn't understand anything on the blurb till I read few chapters of your book, then I finally got to understand that Taegong is the name of a band and not a person. I guess what confused me a little bit were the foreign names, but few chapters I read made it clear for me.

I won't say there were grammatical errors, because I didn't see any, you might want to cross-check, because I wasn't wearing my glasses and the fact that there were no paragraph breaks made it a little hard for me.

The punctuations were done perfectly, this was the first thing I noticed, both in the narration and the dialogues, they were used properly.

Gong-gi - He is really a gentleman, that's the first thing I must say because if I was the in his shoes, Flo would be dead by now. I felt bad for him when he didn't even get to say goodbye to his own wife because of Flo and then he was pushed into a relationship with someone he has never met before, I mean I love reading bxb so as a fan, I would want him with the man, but still, I kinda felt sorry for his wife.

Taeyang - First, I kept mistaking this name as Taegong. This should be my favorite character so far, I have a feeling he is going to be the sub in the relationship. He seems sweet and what's this guy from BTS...Jin? Not sure if that's his name, but yeah, he reminds me of him.

Flo - This chick is just crazy, nothing else but crazy. I mean, where do I start from, the midnight visit? The water gun? Kidnapping Gong-gi? Let's not even enter crazy Manager matter.

Very good on this part, especially in chapter two, chapter one went on a really too fast and was mostly dialogues, so I didn't really see much work there, but the introduction of Taeyang and how you gave us a little on his background and how and why he got in the music industry in chapter two made up for that.

Why this was a beautiful story, there is one thing you must do, spacing. The work wasn't spaced at all, I read four chapters and didn't see any paragraph break. It made your work look jumbled up and it was kinda hard to read through, you should go back and correct this.

Also, a scene I don't really settle with is the first, I mean Gong-gi is a thirty year old man and the way he didn't fight back made him look weak in that area, I mean he should have at least fought to say goodbye to his wife. Poor woman, her husband left bed to go answer the door and never returned because he's been flown away to join a new boy band. I really wish Flo can dissapear, she's making this two men's life miserable.

The book is actually good and how has it not gotten any votes yet? Just work on the few things I pointed out, I wish you the very best with your book ❤️


I'm sorry for the delay.

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