Chapter Eleven: Who is the new Senshi?

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"Okay, we've got all of you here. Thank god!" Rei remarked in exasperation. "Now, Usagi, if you wouldn't mind explaining what this meeting is for?"

"Well, I had thought that we could meet up here to discuss this new Senshi who seems to have appeared out of nowhere," I elaborated. I tossed a glare at Rei when she remarked that 'I thought that was obvious!' and stuck out her tongue like a child would. "You know who I'm talking about. That new senshi that came out of nowhere just to flaunt her strength and lecture us about how we fight!"

"Quit the beating around the bush," Haruka berated, arms folded against a plaid jacket.

"Well, of course, Usagi-chan thought we needed to know her name and that we need to investigate her further," Ami observed, with a grimace on her face. "First, does anybody know where she came from and what she plans on doing?"

"Well," Michiru began, giving Haruka a cold stare - her equivalent to standing up to the sandy platinum blonde. "She somehow thinks she has the right to berate the fact that the Crystal Tokyo Senshi actually fight and don't sit there and whine like little babies. She might want to fight along side us, but she might not. Setsuna, do you have any intel?"

Setsuna thought over it for a moment. "Yes." She pursed her lips. "I do know a fair bit about her," she added. "Just like us, this senshi was considered somewhat of a myth. She was a senshi who only ever appeared if there was a tear in the time void. She was almost my subordinate, if you will, and has the strengths of Eternal Sailor Moon and me combined. She can detect a rip in space time and only appeared if the Milky Way as we knew it was in strife."

"So, you're saying that," Rei tried to comprehend it, "there is some kind of rip in space-time? The galaxy really is in strife if that is what this new enemy can cause."

"No way!" Minako whined. "I wanna go on a date, not fight some enemy!"

"Considering how well you had fought yesterday," Rei snarled. "I can't possibly believe you are unwilling to fight as you say you are."

"Now!" Makoto clapped her hands. "Let's find out who this person is. Can you tell us a bit more? Elaborate, tell us what this Senshi really is like."

"All right, Kino Makoto-san," Setsuna replied. "Well then, everyone. This senshi will be unlike any you have heard about. She will seem arrogant and obnoxious at first, and she will be extremely formal when she addresses you. She may also seem a little cold at first as well, but that is just part of her general demeanour. She will be fairly unforgiving, if I know this senshi well enough. You all know that a tear in space-time has been caused. But we are senshi. Senshi of love and justice. We shall figure this out. This senshi may not seem part of our team, but she is."

"Well, who is she, then?" I asked. "I had thought we had assembled all of the Solar System Senshi years ago."

"That's it. We assembled the Solar System senshi years ago. There is still Senshi left of this galaxy." Setsuna gave a grave sigh. "Ami-san? Can you tell them anything in regards to this discussion?"

"No, Setsuna," Ami admitted regretfully, looking up from her Mercury Computer. "All I have found is a whole other rabbit hole that I couldn't even comprehend." Her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"Our best bet is to transform," Minako stated, "much as I don't want to."

"Yes," Hotaru agreed. "Now that you mention using our henshins, I have heard many explosions. I have forseen this world's destruction."

As if on cue, an explosion sounded in the distance, only to be followed by the cackles of the ringleader.

"Do you think we should...?" JunJun gestured to herself pathetically.

"Yes, Jun," Chibi-Usa instructed.

The rest of the Crystal Tokyo Senshi nodded.

"Hai, Chibi-Usa!" they chorused.

They left the room to transform and the rest of the senshi gradually filed out of the room until it was only me, Haruka and Michiru left in the cramped living quarters of Makoto. They glared at me, making me want to shy away into the corner - almost as if I was that same fourteen year old crybaby that I was some time ago. I flinched when Haruka grabbed my arm and dragged me into the dining hall, where we would be seenadn heard, without fail. They really felt like punishing me today. I sighed and looked over at Michiru, hoping, praying for some form of reassurance that Haruka was not going to lecture me again, but all Michiru did was turn her back to me and whisper something to Haruka.

I tried to sit myself comfortably on a chair, but that just resulted in Haruka forcibly raising me from my seated position. She gave me a withering glare and nodded at Michiru to leave, mouthing something to her. I guessed it was something threatening, but I wasn't quite sure. I couldn't lip read, so there was no way of me guessing what she instructed her wife to do. I tried to force open the French doors, only to be pulled away by Haruka so I wouldn't fall back. Locked. I groaned. There was no method to get out of here.

"I think I know what caused the tear in the void of space-time," Haruka muttured.

I shrank back and tried to get away.

"You're not going anywhere, missy," she hissed. "You have been very foolish in thinking that you could get away with ruining our peace. You heard what Setsuna-san said. There is a tear in the void of space-time. Which means that either the enemy has caused it, or you have. You may have caused us danger."

"Haruka, I followed the future up until when I would cause no changes to it if I chose my own path," I began airily. "So I followed what I was told, so I don't have to follow what isn't set in stone."

"You may go, as nothing I will do will change your stance on the matter," Haruka sighed grimly. "But, just so you know, you cannot be smart with me, madam Tsukino. Never be smart with Haruka Tenō."

I left before she could say anything more, and she shouted, "Uranus Crystal Power, Make Up!"

I watched the battle from the sidelines and couldn't help but notice how deep in concentration everybody was.

"Pallas Seawater Storm!"

"Juno Storm Breaker!"

"Ceres Ribbon Inhalation!"

"Vesta Volcanic Flamethrower!"

"Silence Glaive Surprise!"

"Starlight Honey-Moon Therapy Kiss!"

These six attacks all blasted the Youma and limited its ability to create illusions.




"Aqua Rhapsody!"

"Flame Sniper!"

"Oak Evolution!" Their attacks got rid of the weakest of the four Youma that the henchman had sent out to battle the senshi.

"Venus Love and Beauty..."

"Star Sensitive..."



The two attacks combined and created a blast that severely injured the second weakest Youma

"Kinmoku Fusion..."


"Star Serious..."

"Star Gentle..."





Blasts fired at the second weakest and the middle Youma, killing one and injuring another.






"Violon Tide!"

The blasts made the middle Youma limp about like a loon, shouting, "Ah-ho!"

The mysterious Senshi appeared. "Constellation Light Refraction!" The attack distracted both Youma and then she shouted, "Meteorite Shower Annihilation!" which defeated both Youma and injured the ringleader. The ringleader retreated, complaining.

"Who are you?" Eternal Pallas asked.

"I trust that Pluto had told you a little bit about me," the senshi replied. "My name is Sailor Zodiac. I am a Senshi that is usually shrouded in mystery. Most considered me a legend, that I wasn't real. I represent the Zodiac sign constellations. I only ever fight if there is imminent danger to the space-time void. This new enemy is posing a threat to the void of space-time. They intend to cause absolute destruction to the space-time void and the door of space-time entry so they can storm Crystal Tokyo and cause the fall of the whole universe as we know it. Apart from that, I don't have any intel."

"But who are they and where is their base?" Vesta queried. "Surely we should be able to thwart them."

"As I had said, I don't know any more information," she repeated, shaking her head regretfully. All I know is what the information that Pluto and I gathered from where we are."

"What can we do?" Chibi Moon begged.

"I don't know," she sighed. "Pluto, we need to gather more data." She beckoned Pluto over to her database. "Come."

Sailor Zodiac's hair flowed in the wind that was trying to grasp it.

"Yes, Rin-san," Pluto nodded.

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