The doctors office

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Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy and zzzzzzzzzz!- ... ok just don't mind me I was having fun. One.) I am so sorry!!! I haven't updated in like around a year and I kinda want to now. Two.)This chap will be about Law and Luffy in the nurses office at school. I want to change a few things in the original (the version in my notebook/binder) story and  how feelings grow for everyone. Three.)I have been super lazy to be honest. I think I have like... just let me count.. almost thirteen more chaps that I have writing down; and NO! That doesn't mean I am almost done with the book ( I mean .. I don't even know if I'll be done with it) I have a lot of things to think about like one: how do they get home! I don't know gods going to be like ok your good now and just like yet them back, or they will find something from their home and it will send them back. Two: who all is going to be here, yes from where I am in my note book I have added like two other characters from One Piece and I may feel the need to add more. Three: when are they going to be sent back. Ok back to the One Piece story, I don't know if I want to be the mean person and be like oh this person is going to die! Or be like ok they have done enough and they find what they are looking for ( I just had this amazing Idea on where god just pops in the universe and is like, in the middle of there class, 'ok boys and girls you are done so you can go back and be pirates again' and just have the ENTIRE CLASS be like 'wwwhhhhaaaaaatttttt????' Oh that would be great.) Anyway four: I have had this idea in my head from like the start of the book, when they go back (because it's not an if) will they be able to return. Like I could have god be like 'yeah so ya know when I said that your wolds time is slower then My hero's time wellll... I can switch that up when you go back to your wold so you can visit. But anywho! That's all I have for this thought so let's get to the story! ( I might have a few more story's in my head at the moment)

Ham-ham out!-(in tho)

Luffy POV

I carry Traffy to the doctor and they say that they can't do anything. "Man.., I wish Copper was here.. I bet he could make ya wake up.." I whisper when the two ladies leave to deal with something else. I look around the same room and see posters of animals and hero's  around the room. There was an ice machine on the counter and a computer on the desk next to the bed, on the other side of the room, there was a locker thingy next to the door. On the desk there is pens, papers and orange bottles. I sigh, and I get up to walk, needing to do something other then sit around. Honestly a book would be fine with me right now.. maybe that rainbow mist one... I then walk faster.

Ten minutes pass and he's still not up, and walking is now getting boring. The nurse comes in and she pauses at seeing me. "Oh.. your still here." I nod, confused on why she thought I was going to leave him alone. Normally with Chopper we can stay unless we're in the way, or it's not serious. "You're missing out on class.." she  adds.

"So I already know everything they're teaching." She sighs and sits down at her desk. "Hey do you have anything I can do?" She shakes her head and turns on her computer. "If you were in class you would have something to do." She says plainly, like she doesn't care.

"Damn it. Now I want to go outside." I sit down, wishing that Traffy would wake up. I guess God was getting bored because Law wakes up around one minute after I said that.

"Luffy-ya, where are we?" He asks tiredly.

"The nurses, you fainted after the bread." I snicker as he sits up. And then he bonks my head. "Traffy!" I wine, dragging out his name. "That hurt meanie!"

The nurse looks over. "Are you ok?" She asks with little concern. I don't know if she's asking me or Traffy so I answer for both of us.

"Well duh! We've been through way worse!" Her eyes widen and Traffy hits me again.

"Idiot!" He yells, but I didn't find any anger in his voice, just .. something that I can't place.

".. if you say so Monkey.."

"Call me Luffy!" I say, which makes her taken aback.

"R-right Luffy.." I nod then ask her if we can leave. "Of course! Just wait.." she turns to her desk and writes on a piece of paper. "Here you go. Just do t lose it ok?" We both nod and leave the room.

Once we were out the door Traffy starts to speak. "Luffy-ya, you shouldn't of told her that.." he trails off. I tilt my head in confusion. He turns his head to the other side and puts his hand over his mouth...huh..? "She could've tooken what you said in a different way, like we are or were being abused at some point in time." His voice was muffled by his hand as he said that. I think about that and nod. 

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense.." I see him look over at me, then turn his head away again. "Traffy is something wrong?" I ask worried. Is he avoiding me?


"Traffy is something wrong?" Sshhiitt! I shake my head telling him no but also trying to forget that face he made when he was thinking. He was turning so red, and it was kinda cute- no! Stop thinking about that. "So what do you think your going to do when we get back to our world?" Damn it, I wasn't thinking before I  said that!

"Umm, I want to get stronger here with my crew, and fight people that have powers that might not be in our world.. when I get back I want to punch Teach in the face for Ace! What about you?" I pause.. punch.. of course, that's almost all he thinks about.

"I want to fight someone I have devoted my life to fight." Is all I say.. damn it I said that without thinking again!

"Is he a friend?" His voice comes from behind me, which makes me turn back.

"Why do you ask?" Why would you devote your life to fight a friend?

"Because you said that with pain in your voice. I asked also because I plan to fight someone I look up to, to prove myself to him." I hum, but shake my head.

"No, it's for revenge, i.. might tell you, but... not now." I was tempted to but.. well we are in middle of school and if I tell him then..then I plan to tell his whole crew. He cuts off my thoughts though.

"Your past doesn't matter, but if you want help, I can help you- no we can help you." He smiles his signature 'D' smile and I turn around. "Ill.. think about it.." I then can feel that happiness spuing off of him. "Ok!" We walk in silence the rest of the way back, we'll almost , Luffy was humming Binks' Sake. We get in the room and Mr. Tazuki stops his lesson, he was in the middle of a math question.

"Welcome back Monkey and Tagashi. What happened to you?" He says in a borde tone. I feel everyone's gaze so I grabe the cutie aka Luffy as he tells the teacher to call us Law and Luffy.

"Nothing you need to know about." I growl as I sit down next to Zoro and Sabo. He dosnt press on and continued with his lesson. "Luffy if you do that again I will switch your hands with your feet-" I get cut off by an extremely excited gasp.

"Really?!" He asks with hope in his voice. I roll my eyes and think of another thing to threaten him with.

"Well I mean he is a monkey." Zoro jokes.

"Never mind, I'll take your mouth so you can't eat." Luffy gasped once again but he puts his hand over his mouth dramatically.

"No!" He says and that makes Ace and Sabo cover they're mouths so they don't laugh to loud. Zoro snorted and I try to hide a smile that's threatening to show. The class was quiet and staring at us.

"Law! Luffy! Would you guys not?" Mr. Tazuki almost yells.

"But all of this is boring! We do t even need to use this in our w-" Ace covers Luffy mouth and smiles shyly.

"He means we don't even need this in the world. Why do we learn it?" Everyone in the room minus our table rolls there eyes and complains about the question.

"He already told us that like 2 days ago!" They all say.

"If you aren't going to pay attention please either leave or be quiet." The teacher says annoyed.

And this is why we sit in the back.

Time skip because school is boring 

Ace kicks my chair as the bell rings for the end of class, and school in general. "So where do you live?" He asks.

Ah shit! Why haven't I memorized my address? "Um, to be honest I can't say. I walk to school with Zoro, we're neighbors. It's around a park, close to the school I guess." He nods and Luffy jumps over.. or we'll on me.. cutting in our conversation.

"Oh Traffy! You should walk with us! It would be so fun!" His arms wrap around me three times and Zoro looks like he's going to burst out laughing.

"Hey cap,"Zoro yells to get his attention. He then points over at Izuku-ya. "He walks with us, just so ya know." The rubber man nods happily and Izuku smiles shyly at us. Zoro smirks and I know he's going to say something else. "Also, I think you broke Law, his face is beat red." Luffy quickly unwraps himself and starts to shake me.

"Traffy! No I'm sorry please  don't leave!" I hear Zoro start laughing again and Sabo join in, what catches my attention was the small giggle that Izuku was making. Luffy stops shaking me and turns over to face him. He jumped on him and yelled something that I couldn't place.

We started walking and let's just say that what we talked about was some fun and interesting conversations.

3 pov

Once the triplets leave Zoro bursts out laughing and Law glares at him.

"Oh my god you face was so fucking RED!"

"Ok have fun finding your way home." Law tells the green head and stars walking away.

"I will as long as it doesn't move again!" Zoro yells at him as Law stars crackling madly.


Sorry for another author note. This one is short but I felt like I could stop it there. I'm plan to write another chap soon, but I don't know when it will be out. I also just wrote this on wattpad so if I made any spelling errors pls tell me.

Love ya all

Ham-ham out!-

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