i. snow falls

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Coriolanus Snow, a man of many words, not any at all positive, maybe taking care of his grandmother till her last breath, perhaps that was it.

He couldn't be blamed for the way his emotions presented, but he could be blamed for his actions and thoughts. It all started when he mentored Saenyria Baird. In all honesty, he could blame Highbottom for all of this mentoring the tributes for a prize nobody won was a bit extravagant and had pissed him off to the highest degree. He had pretty much earned the prize and had never got it.

It had initially been and officially started when he had found out his father slept with Saenyria's mother, Helaena, five years before he was killed, which had only made matters worse. Still, he always said, "Snow Lands On Top," and having snow beside him while ruling Panem in the future could benefit him, but it didn't. It had made matters 100 times worse.

After the games, he was shipped to District 12 for the mistake, as he likes to call it off, protecting his prized possession, which led to him running off to a lake in the woods and trying to kill that same prize, which he had thought succeed in doing so.

So imagine his surprise when he is dropped into a room with people he thought were dead and long gone, such as Sejanus Plinth, his long but short-term term best friend he had gotten killed, and Saenyria Baird, the woman he thought had died in the same Lake she took him to.

Oh, how soon he was about to find out how wrong he was.

Before he could speak, a dark-haired, gray-eyed girl spoke up from the corner of the room. "Why are we here? Why is he here?" she asked, pointing to the blonde-haired man. He was thinking the same thing; he didn't like how all the attention was gathered on him.

Before Coriolanus could answer, there was another set of people dropping out of apparently nowhere, all dressed as medieval posh citizens.

"I think I hit my head on some-" Looking up to at least 50 people staring at her, all familiar from Westeros from Panem, the same faces that haunted her in her nightmares.

"This has to be a goddamn bloody joke BALERION!!!" SAENYRIA yelled, almost demanding the entity's presence.

While Saenyria was going through her inner turmoil across the room, on the other side, a reasonably platinum-haired man was going through the same crisis. With the way Coriolanus had made a life for himself outside of the incident in twelve, he would say life was going well with becoming President of Panem and marrying the same woman who has hated him since their school days. However, she wanted an annulment, something he wouldn't grant. It was going good till he showed up in this very damned room.

Before Saenyria could finish screaming, she was rudely interrupted by a loud noise, shushing everyone, including the younger paranoid girl.

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