Chapter 2

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"Tony, I don't know if I'll make it," Carrie told her husband, who was sitting in the corner of the hospital room, his face distraught. "Carrie, I know you'll make it, just push through it," Tony told his wife back, trying to stay cheerful. He slouched over in his chair, hands balled together right under his face. "Arceus, Mew, Xerneas, anyone who can hear my prayers, please keep my wife safe as she gives birth. I can't lose her, or my child."

Just then, a new sound filled the room, a shrill tone that filled the couple with happiness and relief. Their child had arrived, her newborn cries filling the room as the baby tried to get air into her lungs. Tony got up and picked up his child, her short hair the same brown color as his own. "Tony, how is it?" "It's okay, and it's a girl."

As the couple welcomed their new daughter into the world, and after the nurse checked to make sure it was healthy, they were visited by an unexpected guest. At 10:30, as the child was being held by her father, a knock came at the room door. When it was opened, Tony was greeted by a large, brown, lion-like Pokémon, with a white flowing mane, and red and yellow fur around his face. "You-you're Entei," Tony said, his face frozen with shock. The Entei nodded, before leaning his head down next to the child's head.

Tony was frozen with awe and fear, and just watched the Pokémon, ready in case it tried to hurt his newborn daughter. The Entei stood there for around 15 seconds, before giving the child a small kiss on the cheek, and walking out of the room. "Tony, what was that," Carrie asked. "An Entei came here. It leaned down next to Karson's head, staying there for around 15 seconds, before kissing her cheek and leaving."

"Is she alright?" Tony looked down at his newborn child, her eyes now beginning to open, exposing the blue irises underneath her eyelids. "Yes, she's perfectly fine, and her eyes are now open." Tony handed the child back to her mother, who took her daughter with open arms. "Oh, she has the same color eyes that I do."

As the moon began to rise into the sky above, Tony was kept awake thinking about his experience with the Entei. "Why did that Entei come here? And what did it want with Karson?, that couldn't be right. That Entei couldn't have hurt Karson, right?

(Entei's POV)

"Entei, it seems that something unusual has now happened. A human inherited your power," Arceus told the Entei. "But, how? My powers were given up long ago," the Pokémon responded. "The universe works in odd and mysterious ways, Entei, and a child has gained your powers."

It searched for the presence of their abilities in this child, trying to find where they were. "The child is in Viridian City. May I visit her?" "I'll allow it, Entei, but be quick," Arceus told it. It nodded and teleported away, into the Viridian City Pokémon Center.

The Legendary Pokémon found the room the child was in, and knocked on the door. The child's father opened it, the newborn child in his arms. "Y-you're Entei," the child's father said. The beast nodded to him, before leaning it's head down to the child's head. Arceus had told him that the human who gained their power would be able to understand and converse with them, so it attempted to do so.

"Karson, is it? You have a special ability, one that you normally wouldn't be able to possess. This ability may prove to be destructive if used for evil, so make sure that you're responsible with it. Goodbye, child." It then kissed the child on the cheek, before leaving the room and teleporting back to the Hall of Origin.

[4 Years Later]

Karson was sitting in her room, playing with her toys. "Mommy, I had the most terrible dream last night," she said, acting out a scene with her toys. "It's okay, honey, can you tell me what happened?" "I dreamt that I was visited by an Entei that talked to me, before kissing me on the cheek!" "Karson, are you doing this scene again," her father asked as he walked in.

"I can't help it, dad, that dream always comes up in my mind. I don't know why, but, I feel like it might of happened. Did an Entei really visit me when I was born?" Before Tony could answer, the sound of gunshots, followed by a earpiercing scream came from the living room of the house. "Karson, stay here," Tony ordered as he ran to inspect the situation.

Karson's pet Lillipup, Scottie, ran into the room, scared by the sounds. "Scottie, follow me," Karson ordered her pet, as they quickly hid under the bed. Another series of gunshots were heard, causing the 4-year old girl and the Puppy Pokémon to huddle closer together in fear. They stayed there for over 30 minutes, never letting go of each other, until they were sure that the coast was clear.

"C'mon, let's get you some water," Karson told her pet. The Lillipup yipped in happiness as they got out from under the bed and ran into the living room. There, they saw the most horrible sight they had known before; Karson's parents, lying on the floor in a pool of their own blood, their eyes blank, and their clothes punctured by holes. "N-no, no, no, this can't be real! Mommy, daddy, wake up, you have to wake up," Karson yelled, tears flowing from her eyes.

She shook her parents multiple times, not caring that she was getting blood all over her hands. "Wake up, you have to wake up! You can't die, who will take care of me?" Scottie could do nothing besides rub his head affectionately on her owner's arm. "Oh, Scottie, mommy and daddy are dead, we're all alone," Karson sobbed, her face digging into the Lillipup's soft fur.

Just then, a knock came at the door. "Excuse me, but we're from the Viridian City Police Department, and we got a call about a suspicious figure on the property," a police officer said from outside. Karson got up and opened the door, sniffling and sobbing as she did. "Please, sir, you have to help. My mommy and daddy, they aren't moving, I think they're dead!"

"Hey, hey, it'll be alright, honey," the officer muttered, bringing Karson in close and hugging her. "You're safe now, I'll protect you." The officer's backup went past them and searched the crime scene. "Jones, the girl is right, three stomach wounds for each of 'em. They're...they're gone."

The second officer's words only made Karson cry harder. ", no! They can be gone, they just can't!" "I'm sorry, but they are, sweetie. We can't bring them back," the police officer whispered solemnly.

"Pup, Lillipup," Scottie shouted as he rushed towards the mourning girl in the police officer's arms. "Is this your pet? He sure is cute," the officer told the crying girl, hoping to get her to not think of her parents. "Yeah, t-this is *sniff* Scottie, my *sniff* Lillipup," Karson replied, before turning and grabbing her pet in her arms.

"How did you get him? You don't look like you're old enough to have a Pokémon." "We found him a few years ago in an alley. He was super thin and barely breathing. Mommy and daddy brought him back home and took care of him, and we decided to keep him, because he really liked me," Karson beamed, her mood getting cheerier as she kept talking.

"Here, why don't we get you some place safer? Would you like to come to my house?" "Y-yes, yes I would. My name's Karson, by the way." "Well, I'm Officer Jones, but you can call me Jack."

The officer sent out his Rapidash and put Karson on it. "Karson, this is Whitney, and she's my Pokémon. You can ride her as long as you're gentle." "Oh, okay," Karson replied, before lightly rubbing her hand through the Rapidash's hair. She paused as she did, before lowering her body to the Rapidash's back and hugging it.

"Seems like you're a fan of her," Officer Jones chuckled. "Jones, is this even allowed," his partner asked him. "I'm getting her away from the scene of the crime, yes it's allowed," Jones responded. "Let's hope you're right. This could be considered kidnapping."

Jones just gave his partner a smirk, one that his partner knew meant that Jones knew something he didn't. "It isn't kidnapping if I'm adopting her." "And there it is. Well, you get the girl to safety, I'll finish up here." Jones nodded and mounted his Rapidash, taking Karson and her Lillipup to the Viridian City Police Station.

(3 Hours Later)

Jones walked out of the police station, carrying Karson in his arms. The young girl was sound asleep in his arms, clutching the Poké Ball her Lillipup was in. The officer took the girl back to his home, putting her in the guest bedroom. "I'll keep you safe, I promise," he whispered to the sleeping girl, as he closed the door to her temporary room.

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