What would you do?

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We all love the oldest tales or the classic stories, just simple details make us fall in love with them. There will be times you wonder what would you do if you were them? Or even you would have done or reacted differently in their situation. If yes, this is your chance to share with us now!

We will give you a bunch of interesting and unexpected scenarios and you can inline comment and share your reaction and solution to it if you were in that situation!

Tag your fellow Wattpadders and have some fun. We would love to read your comments and reactions to them!

So what would you do if...

➽ you were the fairy godmother but your magic wouldn't work?

➽ you suddenly see a cupid flying right in front of you in a modern-day coffee shop and it seems like his arrow is aiming at you?

➽ you were watching your favorite classic movie and you got sucked into that?

➽ you were eating your favorite cookies from your favorite shop but after one first bite, you got shrinked?

➽ your closet once day became a door to your favorite fairytale?

➽ after you woke up from your sleep, you saw yourself in some mystery woods with magical creatures surrounding and watching you?

➽ you received a letter that said: "You got invited to our annual ball for princesses?"

➽ you woke up and found your hair long enough to climb down a tower?

Hope you all enjoy this activity! Maybe you got inspired to write one retelling story based on these scenarios, who knows? The contest is still open for all of you to join!

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