Chapter Seven

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It's short I know but it's a good stopping point.


Chapter Seven

The ride was bumpy, that was certainly true. But it less because of cops or Luke's driving and more because they had been lucky enough that the car they had stolen was a piece of junk.

Thalia's eyes flickered to Luke who gritted his teeth as he fought with the car to get it to move. It seemed to fine in general when actually driving, but when they would slow for whatever the reason the car seemed to take that as the time when it was supposed to slow to crawl and refuse to gain speed for a while, or move at all. They were lucky they were sticking to back roads, because if any cars were around they would have undoubtedly been in serval car accidents by now.

"I think we just need to give up on this car," Thalia told Luke for the umpteenth time.

"We can make it to a town," Luke replied again all of his focus on the pedals he stomped on. "Just need to make it to a small fucking town."

Thalia sighed and glanced back at the two children in the back. Despite the horrible car ride they had both managed to fall and stay asleep. This whole situation was just too much on the two nine year olds.

She turned back in her seat and occupied herself with looking through the car's glovebox hoping that the person who owned this piece of junk would have a map or something in it. Unfortunately there was no map, but there was  a small first aid kit which she took and shoved in her bag.

So far this quest was going, great just great.

"And we don't even have a stupid prophecy for clues," Thalia muttered annoyed looking out the window.

"I'm pretty sure one would be more annoying than helpful," Luke told her.

"But it's better than nothing. We have no clue where we are going or how. We just know Percy had a dream about that arch in St. Louis."

"Maybe if we're really nice the gods will bestow us with something amazing."

"I can hear your voice dripping with sarcasm."

"Then congratulations your ears work just fine."

There was a pause in which Thalia turned to him, "What's with you lately?"

His blue eyes flickered to her before moving back to the open road, "Hm?"

"You've been acting different. Like more annoying, bitter and frustrated with them than usual."

Luke shrugged nonchalantly, "I feel the same, but I am all of those things. This is my second quest Thals. My first was just to prove myself, but this it's... it's..."

"It's what?"

Thalia watched as he frowned in thought before speaking, "It's to save them," he said nodding back toward the sleeping kids. "You told me yourself that Zeus wants his bolt back so bad that he wanted you to kill Percy. I-" he faltered and Thalia noticed how his grip on the steering wheel tightened though she couldn't tell if it was because of his own thoughts or because he brought the car around a bend. "I just want the kids to be safe. All of them."

Thalia nodded slowly and when she opened her mouth he spoke first, "Get some sleep. I'm sure those two will be up soon and then you won't sleep at all."

Thalia wanted to argue but the idea of a nap was more enticing, so she readjusted in her seat and closed her eyes.


The sky was dark.

Or was it an ocean?

Thalia couldn't exactly tell which. The waves- or the clouds seldom moved and in the total darkness she wasn't quite sure what she was looking at. Maybe it was both.

She took a step forward but her ankle refused to move and Thalia looked down confused to find chains on her ankle. One free, one not. She turned looking for the thing she was chained too, but the darkness around her stretched on.

"What's your choice?"

Thalia whirled around at the sound, confused to see someone standing behind her.

He appeared to be about seventeen, with dark hair and sea green eyes, and tanned skin. His arms were crossed over his Camp-Half Blood T-shirt as he sat down onto what appeared to be nothing but air.

"Well?" He asked her.

Thalia's eyebrows knit, "Who are you?"

"You're gonna die if you don't pick. Well you might die regardless."

"I can't make a choice without knowing my options," Thalia told him.

He shrugged nonchalantly and leaned back in his chair a smirk on his face. "I guess not."

"Are you gonna tell me my choices?"


"Then what are you good for?"

He shrugged again, "I don't actually exist so what does it matter? We're both in your head after all."


"You know they say your brain isn't capable of making up the faces you see in dreams. They're ones you've seen before."

"What's your point?"

"I don't know. Your head remember? I'm just here."

Thalia gave an annoyed sigh and tried to switch gears, "Where are we?"

"Your head."

"But what does this place represent?"

He looked around as if noticing the place for the first time, "Darkness?"

"I don't know you and I already don't like you."

"I don't exist."

"Then go away."

"Sure," he shrugged, and as simple as that he and the darkness around them bled away to bright light. And there he stood in the middle of it hands in his pockets.

"I didn't say how long I'd be gone," he smiled.

"I really hate you."

They stood in silence for sometime before he spoke again, "St. Louis right?"

Thalia frowned as she nodded, "Yeah... Percy saw it in his dream."

"Then he has a choice too... you all do, but it seems some have already made theirs."

"Why are you here?" Thalia asked him tiredly.

He looked her directly in the eye and Thalia couldn't help but feel a bit uncomfortable. "I'm not sure. I have mess in my head." He states looking away and rubbing one of his temples. "Things that didn't happen, or haven't. Things that will. Something happened... but I don't know what. I can't solidify memories..." he continued turning around and running a hand through his hair. "Nothing makes sense. I don't even know how I can talk to you... because this doesn't make sense. All I know is my name, and that choices made will fix or ruin everything."

"Then what's your name?" Thalia asked him.

He looked back over his shoulder to her, "Make a choice Thalia, and maybe you'll figure it out."

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