The Gorilla....

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AU! The Gorilla!

"Come again?" The teenage model asked, quirking a brow at his brunette haired friend. Who was trying to save the poor boy from his obsessed fans from tearing him limb from limb.

Marinette sighed as she finally managed to get Adrien somewhere safe. At least for the tile being. By the look on the boys face she could tell he was trying so hard not to blush. She couldn't blame him she was trying not to as well.

"S-Sorry, I just thought it was a good idea."

Marinette felt herself stutter. As Adrien just continued to stare at her as if she had grown a second head. Until he managed to snap out of his trance.

"So, want me to give you my clothes? So you can pretend to be me to get my fans off my back for a day?" Adrien asked, already feeling a slight blush on his cheeks.

Never in Adriens life would he have imagined a sweet teenage girl would want to pretend to be a boy...much less him a handsome model for a day. This had to be a joke! But by the serious look on Marinettes face he could tell she wasn't joking.

"Yes." Marinette said sternly, confirming his answer. Adrien quickly looked down at his feet his nerves getting the better of him...He couldn't believe that this girl was making him flustered.

Come on Agreste! This is Marinette your talking about. And she's trying to help you! And you really do want to see your mother on the big screen don't you?! So just take her advice already!

Adrien could hear his inner thoughts rambling before he finally made up his mind and gave the brunette a small thankful smile.

Marinette herself felt nervous and flustered did she say something wrong. Adrien must have caught her unsure expression as he instantly placed his hands on her shoulders to get her attention.

"I'm not objecting Marinette," Adrien chuckled, as he stared into her deep blue eyes. "I was just shocked you would even consider doing this for me."

Marinette felt herself blush at Adriens praise on her plan. But she knew she had to focus or his fans would return as fast as they lost them. And tear her friend apart.

"Alright then, we just need to find a place to change our clothes....but wait," Marinette momentarily froze as she realized the problem with their situation. "Adrien, I look nothing like you and your fans are bound to notice it right off the bat. Even if we switch clothes they will think recognize us instantly."

Adrien frowned at his friends low confidence on her amazing plan. Until he spotted the rack of motorcycle helmets on sale in the sports shop. Good thing He took them to the mall...Which was right next to the movie theater his original destination.

"What if you had a mask?" He quickly said, earning a confused brow from Marinette in return. "You now like maybe one of those motorcycle helmets?" He said pointing to sports shop.

Marinette smiled. How could this sweet dorky teenage model be so smart? Is there anything he couldn't do apparently not.

"Yes of course!" She exclaimed, smiling his way beaming him with praise. "Great idea, Adrien."

Adrien felt himself blush at her high praise of him. Never hearing such praise for him before not even from his partner, Ladybug.

"T-Thanks." He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. Before the duo quickly made their way to the small shop. And quickly retrieved two motorcycle helmets. One for him...And one for Marinette.


Marientte suddenly said her nerves taking over as she realized she didn't have enough money for both helmets which were 30€ each.

Adrien noticed as well and quickly grabbed his wallet from his jeans and placed his helmet down on the counter to pay for them himself. As he did so he could hear the poor girl trying to apologize.

"Adrien I'm-" Marinette was cut off as Adrien handed her his helmet.

"It's okay Marinette," He chuckled, as he led her to the shops closest changing room. Which he had spotted when the entered the shop. "I was already planning on paying for them anyway."

Marinette let out a nervous laugh. And let him lead her towards the changing stations. Looking at the two helmets in her arms. She quickly handed Adriens his as she went up to the open door of the changing room...letting her know it was empty as was the one right beside it.

"So, um, when we change do you want me to slid my clothes to your side of the door? Or throw them over?" Adrien asked, as he entered his changing room, just pausing at the door.

Marinette felt flustered again and quickly replied back.

"O-oh, um, under the wall that separates us," she said as she walked into her changing room as well. "Is that okay?" She questioned, as she slowly closed the door locking it up. As did Adrien.

"Yeah that's fine." Adrien replied back. His voice echoing over to her side of the changing room. "Just tell me when you've changed alright."

Marinette smiled as she started to remove her clothes until she suddenly remembered she would be left in her sports bra and underwear. And there was no way she wanted her crush for these last few months to even consider seeing them.

"Hey Adrien, is it okay if we can just keep know undergarments to ourselves?" She asked, as she finally removed her pajama bottoms and sleeveless pajama top.

Adrien for his part blushed furiously at even thinking about holding the girls undergarments. As he himself was already done unclothing himself, which left him in his black and green boxers.

While Plagg his Kwami. Just chuckled at the poor boys flustered state.

"Is someone blushing?" Plagg snickered, floating beside his head. Adrien just glared at him daring him to say something else.

"Shut up, Plagg..." He growled.

Leaving a chuckling Plagg holding his small stomach to contain his laughter as to not alert the brunette who he knew was ladybug...well after the Dark Owl incident a few weeks ago.

"Adrien? Did you hear me?" Marinette asked, getting the boys attention once more.

One more warning look at his Kwami he shook his head and finally spoke back to her.

"Of course," He chuckled still blushing as red as a tomato. "Wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable." He said, before grabbing his clothes and shoes and sliding them to her side.

He waited patiently as she slid her clothes over to his side. As well as her little purse which she always kept with her. As well as her small flats. At least his feet were small enough to fit into them. He was worried that they wouldn't. And as he changed into his friends clothes he could have sworn he heard a small voice talking on Marinettes side of the changing room.

"Probably just my imagination." He muttered to himself, as he finally pulled Marinettes top over his toothpick of a body not surprised it met slid on like a glove.

While plagg on the other hand was having to much fun watching his chosen wear girl clothes. Adrien could tell this wouldn't be the last time he would ever hear about this from Plagg ever again.

"Don't start plagg.." He growled before grabbing Marinettes purse and swinging it over his shoulder. Before he grabbed the helmet and put in on.

Now all he had to do was wait for Marinette.

Marinette blushed furiously as she started putting on Adriens clothes. Which seemed to fit her nicely as she ever thought possible. Well she had to admit Adrien wasn't exactly a big guy. He was a model after all.

Tiki watched as her chosen put on her friends clothes. While Tiki knew Adrien was also her chosen partner aka Chat Noir. She knew she couldn't tell her because if she did. And she found out she was working with her crush all along and rejecting his advances. She would be a stuttering and nervous wreck around him.

Tiki then heard chuckling on Adriens side of the changing room. And she knew that Plagg was probably giving the poor boy a hard time.

He will never change. Tiki thought before she looked at Marinette who had placed the helmet over her face. Before her chosen looked at her and opened up Adriens jacket for her to hide in.

Tiki smiled at her and quickly hid into Adriens jacket. And all she could smell was Plagg's stinky cheese. She always did wonder why Adrien and Chat Noir smelled like Cheese. And now after the Dark Owl incident a few weeks ago she knew.

As Marinette walked out of her changing room. She was quickly met by Adrien who was waiting for her by his door.

"Wow, you look great Marinette." Adrien said, his voice slightly muffled by his helmet.

Marinette let herself blush knowing he couldn't see it with the helmet on.

"S-So do you, I was afraid they wouldn't fit you." She replied, causing the teen model to chuckle in his helmet. Before he began to lead them out of the shop and into the mall.

"Thanks, and besides I don't think our height or weight are any different." Adrien said, as they made their way out of the mall and towards the movie theater.

And Adrien being the gentlemen he was opened the door for her. Marinette blushed once more and thanked him as the quickly made their way to the theater.

"So, um, we're gonna hide in the theater?" Marinette asked, as they entered the theater.

Adrien nodded before trying to pull out his wallet only to remember Marinette was wearing his clothes so without warning he went into his jean pocket making the brunette gasp softly in surprise. Before he held up his wallet to show her.

Marinette blushed and nodded in understanding to the awkward situation. At least she didn't forget to not leave Tiki in her purse or she wouldn't be able to transform if it came to that. And if Adrien found Tiki he would ask so many questions. Too much for her to handle.

"You okay?" Adrien asked, as they made their way to the ticket booth where a older looking gentleman was waiting patiently for them. "You look kind-"

"I-I-I'm fine, no need to be worried." Marinette stuttered cutting him off. Adrien quirked a brow but shrugged it off. As he paid for the movie, and grabbed their tickets.

Marinette knew she wouldn't hear the last of this from Tiki who hid in Adriens jacket as her crush gently wrapped an arm around her and led her to the direction of the movie they were seeing supposedly.

"Tickets please." A young female asked, as she held out her hand for Adrien to hand over the tickets. "And what's with the helmets?"

Marinette blushed while Adrien chuckled.

Pretending to sound like Marinette Adrien cleated his throat and handed the women the tickets.

"I don't really do well without it neither does he, so um, what door?" Adrien asked in a voice similar to Marinettes.

The women looked down the tickets in her hands. And nodded quickly. Still slightly confused to this awkward situation.

"Oh, of course that will be room eight," She smiled politely, but Marinette could tell she was trying to keep an open mind. "T-to the right."

Adrien smiled, grabbing Marinettes hand as he led her to the direction of the movie.

And that's how a very flustered Marinette and a smiling Adrien came to be. As they sat in their seats still wearing the helmets only keeping the black visor up to see the screen.

"Good thinking, Marinette," Adrien smiled at her. "If it wasn't for your idea to switch clothes we never would have made it here."

Marinette smiled shyly at him and waved his praise off. "Pfft, that was nothing," she said with a chuckle, gaining the blondes attention. "Besides It was your idea to duck into this dark theater, remember? That was smart."

Adrien frowned when he realized she wasn't giving herself any credit. Why did she think so low of herself?

He then decided to tell her about her low self esteem later. As he decided to tell her why he snuck out in the first place.

"Actually, about that you see, this is where I was heading when those crazed fans suddenly showed up." He said truthfully, earning a small smile from the girl beside him. "Thanks to you, my father won't find out."

Suddenly the smile on Marinettes face was replaced by a frown once more as she took in what her friend had said.

"So let me get this straight," she started and Adrien frowned noticing her concerned look. "Your not allowed to go the movies?"

Adrien shook his head. He didn't mean for her to think he wasn't allowed at all. Just this movie. Since he knew his father probably wouldn't have let him see it.

"No, I am. With my bodyguard or Nathalie, of course." He quickly reassured her, smiling when he earned a relived look from her. "But I'm not sure my father would've allowed me to see this particular movie."

Marinette rose a brow in confusion. Before she suddenly felt scared. Great it was going to be a thriller movie no wonder Adriens father wouldn't allow him to see this. She knew her parents wouldn't even let her watch the shining.

"Oh no! Please don't tell me it's a horror movie! I hate horror movies!" She exclaimed, causing Adrien to chuckle from beside her at the girls nervousness.

"No, no. Don't worry. It's a very rare movie that I've never been able to see." He explained with an amused chuckle. " It's not on the Internet and my father's hidden the only DVD somewhere at home. See, my mother played the leading role."

Marinette was instantly taken aback. At Adriens honesty about his mother who she knew had left him and his father somehow. And she would never want to ask Adrien how. Afraid if he would be mad at her for asking about her.

So with a deep breath she looked at him and said the words she could only muster up to say to him.

"Wow. I had no idea." She said. And Adrien gave her small smile before looking at the screen.

"It's only being shown once. Today, in this theater. I couldn't talk to my father about it, so I decided to sneak out, unnoticed." Adrien said, and Marinette smiled shyly back.

Why was she so nervous around him? She wasn't nervous around him when he was Chat Noir his alter ego or with their other classmates. Then why was she so nervous around him as well as Adrien.

He decided he would talk to her about that after the movie. He noticed a boy looking at him and turned his head to face the brunette.

"Not to mention this is the first time I've ever come to the movies with a friend." He said smiling softly at her. Marinette chuckled beside him.

Suddenly Adrien noticed his AD playing on the screen. And felt himself blush. As he watched himself jogging on top of a building. It wasn't until he heard Marinette repeating the females voice on the screen was when he gave her a look.

Marinette for herself freeze. As soon as she repeated the females voices dialogue on the screen. She noticed Adrien giving her a look and blushed furiously.

But to her relief the boy just chuckles in what appears to be amusement. She then noticed the screen fade to black and white and knew that the movie was starting.

"Ooh! It's starting!" She exclaimed happily.

The movie started with on rainy day in Paris. With the logo 'Graham Films' appearing before a silhouette of beautiful women with long hair which she couldn't see the color of because it was in black and white. Holding an black umbrella as she walked in the rain.

Then the name Emilie Agreste appeared on the screen. Which caused Adrien to smile through the helmet even wider. As his mother used her free hand to feel the rains touch.

Just then Marinette heard a flash of a phone camera as she realized what just happened. She looked over to the pedestrian who was a teenage boy their age. Who was smiling at her.

"Oh no..." she mumbled, gaining Adriens attention.

Adrien frowned at Marinettes fearful expression and hen did he realize what had happened....The boy who was sitting not that far from them must have thought Marinette was Adrien. As he had recognized the clothes and the fathers logo on his orange shoes. Oh no, was right.

"Adrien in a helmet at the movies with his girlfriend wearing pajamas." The boy grinned as he sent the picture to his tumblr page.

Adrien could only watch in horror as the Theaters door barged open to reveal his obsessed fan. A boy who was wearing the exact same white jacket and a similar black shirt as him just without the stripes holding a life size cutout of him from his new AD.

"Adrien's at the movies!" The boy screeched happily. And just like that He and Marinette were swarmed with fans and paparazzi.

Marinette then have Adrien a look of desperation. As the cameras flashed into their faces which were thankfully covered up by the black under through videos of their helmets

"We're trapped! What are we gonna do?!" Marinette exclaimed frantically. Adrien could only shrug in defeat.

Until suddenly the sound of something crashing through the ceiling caught the fans and their reaction. Adrien watched in horror as a giant blue hairy hand reached out and grabbed a frightened Marinette form her seat.

"Mari-!" Adrien quickly shut up. Knowing if he exposed himself he couldn't help Marinette.

As he saw her in the palm to what looked to be his bodyguard who had been Akumatized it would seem.

Quietly he snuck out of his seat as his fans were distracted by 'Him' well Marinette pretending to be him was taken by his bodyguard who was busy sniffing her.

Adrien watched in horror as his bodyguard to his relief thought Marinette was him instead as his perfume was all over his clothes. Which seemed to through his bodyguard off completely.

While Marinette for her part stayed silent until a cup was thrown at Adriens Bodyguard. As Adriens fans threw stuff at the poor akumatized bodyguard who seemed to think she was Adrien.

She watched in horror as the Gorilla started to attack the mob until she spoke in her best Adrien voice impression.

"Stop! I'm the one you wanted. Leave them alone!" She shouted sounding a lot like Adrien much to her shock as of Adriens who was hiding behind some of the theater seats.

Adriens Bodyguard seemed to listen to her. As he sniffed her once more before jumping away with her in his arms.

Marinette knew she couldn't transform into Ladybug it was too risky. She just hoped Chat Noir wasn't too far behind.

Adrien on the other hand watched as his bodyguard took Marinette away. Why did she have to do that?! Why did she have to pretend to be him Instead of just telling his bodyguard he had the wrong person? Because Marientte was a good person that's why.

He then watched as his supper obsessed fan with the life size cut out of him ran out the theater door saying how he was gonna save well him. If only the boy knew how wrong he was.

With a very determined look on his face Adrien opened up Marinettes purse and let Plagg out who was busy munching on what appeared to be a pink croissant. He didn't bother to question why Marinette carried a croissant with her as his mission and top priority was to get Marinette back.

"Marinette needs me!" He said, taking off his helmet when he noticed nobody else was in the movie theater but him and Plagg.

Dropping the helmet in his hand Adrien said the words to transform.

"Plagg, Claws Out!" He Exclaimed actually surprised Plagg didn't bother to ask for cheese as he had already eaten half of Marinettes croissant.

Instantly Adrien was covered in a bright green light as Plagg was sucked into his ring. And was transformed into his alter ego...Chat Noir

Meanwhile Wayhem Adriens biggest fan followed the Gorilla holding Adrien as he biked his way there as fast he could still holding his Adrien life size board as he did.

"Put Adrien down, right now!" He yelled and was surprised to her a male voice saying the exact same thing from beside him.

"Put Adrien down, right now!" Chat Noir yelled out as he used his baton as leverage to reach Adrien faster or in his case Marinette faster.

He watched in horror as his bodyguard took Marinette on top of Montaparness tower and let out a mighty roar.

"Perfect." ChatNoir Muttered as he climbed up the tower just in time to see Marinete calling for help in her best impression of him.

As soon as he caught Marinettes attention the brunette smiled at him through her helmet.

"Chat Noir!" She yelled happily still using her Adrien impression. "Hey over here!"

Meanwhile Hawkmoth could only stare as he saw his son and Chat Noir side by side.

"Adrien and Chat Noir side by side," He said in deep puzzlement. He had been wrong on thinking Adrien was Chat Noir all along. "So I was wrong. Just as well. Gorizilla, grab Chat Noir's Miraculous and be done with him!" He ordered.

Adrien or Chat Noir as of right now watched as his bodyguard instantly tried to attack him. Which made him more worried for Marinette who was clenched tightly in his fist.

"How am I supposed to get her out of there?" He pondered, as he moved out of the way of the gorillas huge fist. He then remembered using his baton to get out of one of StoneHearts minions fist before and had an idea. If he could give Marinette his baton she might be able to pull herself free.

He then retreated to the side of the building his suit making him able to stick to the side of building. As he tried to radio in Ladybug to help.

"Ladybug, where are you? I really need your help, and fast! I'm at Montparnasse Tower! A friend of mine is-" Chat Noir was cut off by his bodyguard grabbing him. "No!"

Instantly Chat Noir tried to wiggle free enough so he could use his baton to get out of his fist. He then saw Marinette looking at him through her helmet.

"I'm sorry, Chat Noir." She said again in her Adrien impression.

Chat gave her a small reassuring smile as he tried to get his baton to open up.

"Don't worry," He chuckled, as he finally got a grip on his baton. "Let me try to maneuver this...thing!"

Finally Chat was able to press the button on his baton to make it stretch and was relieved that he was able to get free from his bodyguard. But the one big problem was he had to get Marinette free with his baton.

Hawkmoth meanwhile angrily grunted. "Get that mangy Cat back now!" He ordered sharply.

Chat Noir was expecting the attack and moved out of the way as his bodyguard proceeded to attack him.

"Missed me! Missed me! Missed me again! That's it, big guy," Chat Noir grinned sheepishly, as he saw a way to get to Marinette. And that was up his bodyguards arm. "Come on, just a little more."

Chat Noir made one last move to the side just as his bodyguards fist game crashing down and he smirked as it got stuck through the roof of the tower.

Quickly he ran over his arm and over to Marientte who was busy trying not to vomit as Adriens Bodyguard kept on trying to pull his hand free which made Marinette move around.

She felt relieved when she saw her leather clad partner make his way over to her. If he could get her free she might be able to transform.

"It's okay Adrien I'm gonna get you out of there." Chat said as if he didn't believe she was really Adrien but Marinette waved it off as Chat stuck his baton in the gorillas fist. "Press the button in the middle of it to extend it! And you might want to hurry on that."

Marinette noticed that Adriens Bodyguard was almost free and quickly pressed the button Chat told her too and took a breath of relief as she was finally free only holding onto the bodyguards thumb.

Chat then noticed his bodyguard finally got free and turned to face Marinette as he grabbed his baton back from her. And used the extended button to hold his bodyguards fist open long enough for her to escape.

Without thinking knowing hopefully Ladybug or he himself would save his best friend he looked at Marientte and said the one thing the girl was afraid to do.

"Jump, Adrien! Quick!" He could see Marinette hesitate in fear for a moment. So he tried to persuade her quickly. "You has to trust me!"

Marinette smiled through her helmet and nodded at her partner.

"Always, Chat Noir." She whispered softly before she used leverage to jump down from the tower mostly to Hawkmoths horror thinking she was his son.

Chat Noir smiled and decided he would save her himself until he felt his bodyguard grab him much to his horror. As he watched his best friend falling to her doom.

"No!" He screamed worriedly. As he struggled to get free with his baton but he couldn't no matter how hard he tried. He then looked back down at Marinette with wide terrified eyes. "Where are you Ladybug!" He growled out.

Never before had he been so desperate to have her there. He could only watch as Marinette was falling and falling faster to her doom.

Marinette meanwhile felt her whole world fading but she knew she could trust ChatNoir he would save he had too.

Tiki then revealed herself to her chosen as she flew alongside her. "Marinette, If you don't transform soon, you might wind up-"

Marinette gave a small glare to her Kwami. For not trusting ChatNoir.

"I can't,Tiki ! At least not in the open like this! But you have to trust that Chat Noir has a plan. I trust him!" She smiled.

And Tiki dared to look up and saw the poor boy was struggling and calling out for help. Well help from Ladybug who Marinette couldn't transform into right now.

Chat Noir was struggling more and more as Marinette plummeted to the ground below.

"Ladybug! Help!" He pleaded desperately. Never before feeling so worried for someone either then his lady. Who he was shocked wasn't coming to what he was seeing so far.

Suddenly before he could struggle more his bodyguards hold on him suddenly vanished and Chat Noir felt himself falling. And instantly started to run down the side of the building throwing his baton just below the falling girl which landed perfectly against the building.

Marinette caught onto it much to his relief and before his baton could come undone Chat Noir quickly jumped and scooped the falling brunette into his arms.

As soon as Marinette looked at him he could see her sky blue eyes through her visor thanks to his cat super vision. And Chat Noir instantly felt himself melt under her gaze.

He felt his heart beating more rapidly than before. And Adrien knew it wasn't because of his worry for her but could tell his feelings instantly changed from being just friends with this awesome girl who would do anything and the counts jumping off a side of a building to do so for anyone especially him...To his feelings being something more than just friends even more than he ever felt for Ladybug.

But Unknown to him Marinette was going through the exact same thing only her feelings for Adrien started to crumble away into brand new feelings for her feline partner, Chat Noir. Who was giving her a small relieved smile as he held her in his arms.

Everyone below them cheered happily even Hawkmoth unknown to the duo. As Chat used his baton to gently lower them to the ground. As soon as they did. He gently let go of Marinette who took deep breaths trying to comprehend what had almost happened to her.

"A-Are you okay?" Chat asked, placing a comforting leather clawed hand onto her shoulder.

Marinette nodded happily. To her shock Chat Noir hugged her much to her confusion. She didn't know he cared this much for her even as her civilian self. But now she did. But she too him was Adrien right now so maybe she was wrong.

"That's good to hear Mari-I man Adrien." Chat Noir stuttered. As he let go of her. Just as Wayhem is crazy fan interrupted their moment.

"Adrien?" Wayhem said in a relieved voice as he hugged Marinette."Your safe."

Marinette could only chuckle just before she heard one of Chat Noirs paw prints beeping.

She looked at his ring and looked back at him and was surprised to see him still staring at her intensively.

"Your ring is flashing. Is there a problem?" Marinette asked faking her confusion knowing very well what it meant.

Chat Noir looked at his ring and noticed he only had three paws active now and gave her a small smileW

"No worries, It only means it won't be long before I transform back." Chat explained as quickly as he could. "But don't worry. Maybe Ladybug will show her face and we can get-"

Chat was interrupted by his BodyGuard landing on the ground behind him. Before Wayhem stepped up about to remove Marinettes helmet but Chat held it down for her much to her relief.

"You can leave, Chat Noir! I'll keep him at bay!" Wayhem exclaimed and Chat shook his head before gathering Marinette into his arms once again.

"No. I want you to find a safe place to hide." Chat ordered before he used his baton to take Marinette with him to a safe place until Ladybug shows up is she actually does that is.

As he finally managed to get them to safe place on top of one of the buildings he gently lowered them but still held onto Marinette.

"Uh, Chat, you can let me go now," Marinette said and Chat could tell by her tone she was nervous. Great now she was nervous around him as his alter ego as well. "I think you lost him."

But Chat shook his head, refusing to let her go.

"I can't risk that Marinette..." he paused as he realized what he just said. As he noticed Marientte giving him a look. So he pretended he knew the whole time. "I know about your situation. Your friend Adrien found me and told me. He seems to really care about you."

Marinette was shocked but nodded as she took off her visor part of her helmet to meet Chats green cat like eyes which now melted her heart.

"Tell Adrien thank you for me." Marinette smiled. Chat blushed furiously already knowing she already did.

"You will thank him not me. Besides you and Mr. perfect need to change your clothes back." He could see Marinette blush and chuckled before getting right down to business. "Do you have any idea where his akuma could be?"

He was interrupted by his ring flashing once again. Marinette shook her head before as she looked at him.

"You're about to transform back, Chat," Marinette argued back softly. As she tried to get out of his arms only for him to pull her back towards him, which made Marinette blush even more. "So you should just leave me here, and I'll stay hidden and wait for Lady-"

"Don't even say it." Chat growled. Marinette was slightly taken aback at her partners anger towards her alter ego. Why was he so angry?

"Chat-" Marinette tried to say but Chat cut her off once more.

"No more arguing and waiting for Ladybug to show up," Chat said sternly his eyes filled with anger but Marinette could tell it was for her alter ago, Ladybug instead of Marinette. "I'm taking you somewhere safe. And what if the supervillain finds you before he gets here?"

Marinette smiled at him.

"He thinks I'm Adrien so he won't hurt me." She tried to reason with him. But by the look on his face she could tell this was far from over.

Chat then noticed the sub away entrance and smiled as held Marinette in his arms.

"Of course! I know how we can track him. This way, I'll have enough time to find out where his akuma is before Ladybug gets here." Chat gleamed before talking off for the subway. Before setting Marinette back on her own two feet.

Whipping out his baton Chat decided to message Ladybug as much as he didn't want to. Ladybug had to be there to purify the Akuma.

"Meet me and Marinette at the subway station." Chat growled anger in his voice much to Marinettes surprise. "Marinette agreed to act as bait, but we really need you and your lucky charm to fix everything. Hurry and please make it this time."

Marinette watched as he angrily closed his baton before facing her. And she knew when she transformed into Ladybug she was going to get Chat Noirs wrath. But she did have to find out why he was suddenly so angry with her alter ego all of a sudden.

"What if Ladybug doesn't turn up?" Marinette asked one last time hoping he would lighten up but he did the opposite and glared at the ground.

"Then I'll protect you myself. " He replied. Just then Marinette could hear the panting of Wayhem Adriens super fan coming down the road and she looked at Chat Noir and smiled.

"Yeah, you're right. But I'm sure she'll be here-" she got cut off by Chat.

"I don't know. Even you don't. Why would you trust her after all she didn't come when we needed her most of all." He growled.

Marinette shivered at his growl but ignored him as she nodded to Wayhem and told Chat to keep Gorilla busy if ladybug came.

Again Chat Noir looked hesitant but one stern look from her had him shrink up into himself. And he nodded gently kissing the top of her head well helmet as he did so.

With a small two finger solute he was off. And Marinette looked at Wayhem as Tiki finally appeared from Adriens jacket.

"You know when you see him again as Ladybug," Tiki said cautiously. "That he will be different from the last time you saw him as Marinette right?"

Marinette sighed knowing the her partner was already angry with her and she knew she had to face the music.

"I know but Paris needs me Tiki." She said. Before waving Wayhem overs "And I think I have an idea of how I can be Marinette and Ladybug. If Chat Noir thinks Wayhem is me then he won't go looking for me"

Marinette watched as Wayhem stopped his bike and screamed as he saw her. She quickly shushed him and told him she had been pretending to be Adrien to protect him. And that he had to pretend to be Adrien when Chat Noir wasn't around and pretend to be Marinette when he was.

She watched after changing clothes with Wayhem feeling more awkward as she stood in the exact replica of Adriens Jacket which to Tikis relief didn't smell like stinky cheese only perfume.

When Wayhem was gone she knew what she had to do. "Tiki! Spots on!" In a flash of red light Marinette as Ladybug again.

She quickly raced outside to where Wayhem was kicking cars so that their alarms would be triggered and gain Adriens Bodyguards attention away from Chat Noir.

"Over here!" Wayhem hollered and Adriens Bodyguard looked at him and was distracted that it didn't see Marinette as Ladybug on top of the nearest building.

"Hey Gorilla! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?" She yelled, as she hit him with her yo-yo. Before landing before Wayhem. "Don't worry,Adrien , I won't let him touch you!"

Instantly Ladybug dashed out of the way and Wayhem ran for cover while Chat Noir spotted Ladybug going into the subway station.

"Now she shows up." He growled as he attacked his bodyguard. "Where was she when Marinette needed saving."

He quickly led his bodyguard into a trap right over the subway station and used cataclysm on the ground below. To make his bodyguard fall through the cement and into the subway below.

Angrily taking out his baton he called ladybug. "Did someone order a delivery from Chat Noir express?!" He asked, even though he was furious with He he had to act the part.

Marinette was surprised Chat didn't sound angry and smiled through her but phone. " I knew I could count on you, kitty! Where is Marinette?"

She waited for a moment before she heard Chat growl out. "She's safe. Thanks to me."

Marinette sighed heavily before she went into the Gorillas pocket and took out what appeared to be the lucky charm she gave to Adrien. And hesitated as she ripped the sting in two.

"Time to de-evilize!" She shouted swinging her yo-yo. Which grabbed the Akuma and came back into her hand like a magnet. "Gotcha! Bye bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!"

Marinette watched as she made her way over to Chat Noir who stood before Adriens Bodyguard, as the Gorilla transformed into Adriens Bodyguard once again.

"Pound it!" Marinette smiled, holding out her fist. But to her shock and surprise. Chat Noir just glared at it before he noticed Wayhem standing behind a bench near the subway entrance.

"Marinette are you okay?!" Chat Noir asked. Wayhem raised a thumb. Just as Ladybug got in front of Chat Noir and smiled at him.

"She's totally fine! Right Marinette-" Suddenly before Marinette could finish her sentence Chat Noir grabbed her arm and pulled her along.

"Do you think this is a game, Ladybug?" He growled anger seeping back into his eyes. Marinette froze as she saw nothing but anger in those eyes reminding her of when he got shot by Dark Cupid.

"N-No I-" Marinette as Ladybug tried to say but Chat growled and let her go.

"Marinette could have died!" ChatNoir Noir yelled in her face. And Marinette froze in confusion was he really that upset about her jumping? "I sent you a message. I called your name to save her! But you didn't come! And now I have to relive the moment of that sweet innocent girl jumping for the sake of her friend. Because of you."

Marinette flinched and instantly tried to apologize and make up an excuse but Chat Noir was already running off.

"I'm sorry Kitty." She whispered sadly before she hid behind one of Adriens posters that was right in front of the place she and Wayhem changed clothes and detransformed into Marinette.

"He hates me Tiki." Marinette said sadly. Tiki could only look at her chosen in sadness just as Wayhem came their way.

"That was awesome! Marinette!" He smiled, as he removed the helmet and placed it on the ground below them as Marinette just chuckled and picked up the helmet. "I got to help Chat Noir"

Marinette smiled.

"I bet you did, why don't we change back." She offered. Wayhem nodded and together in separate rooms they changed clothes and Marinette was back in Adriens clothes.

"Thanks again, Wayhem." She waved with a smile. Wayhem waved back before running off.

Leaving Marinette alone to come to terms with her romantic feelings for Chat Noir which she used to have for Adrien Agreste. But when Chat Noir saved her she just felt at peace knowing she could trust him. But the fact that her partner and crush now hated ladybug because she couldn't be there to rescue well, herself, it made things more complicated between them.

"Marinette!" A familiar voice called out as if they were out of breath.

Marinette turned and she would have blushed if not for her crush on Chat Noir now. As Adrien still wearing her pajamas ran over to her out of breath, sweat visible on his skin.

"Hi, Adrien-" She was instantly engulfed into his arms and she let out a small surprised gasp. At how tightly he held her. "A-Adrien?"

Adrien ignored her and continued to hug her close to him. After his fight with Ladybug as Chat Noir he just had to see if Marinette was okay. He then released her blushing furiously and smiled at her his cheeks painted pink.

"W-Why Marinette?" He said hoarsely.

Marinette gave her friend a raised brow in confusion and crossed her arms. "You have to be more specific , Adrien. Spit it out."

Adrien blushed rubbing the back of his neck.

"I heard what happened on the news. Why did you jump? Why trust Chat Noir? Especially Ladybug?" Adrien asked, and Marinette furrowed her eyebrows at him in confusion. Before realization hit her like wave.

Great now Adrien just like Chat Noir didn't trust Ladybug. But she decided to answer his question why she trusted Chat Noir and smiled.

"Because he is always there for me when I need him most." Marinette blushed as she remembered Chat Noir cheering her up when Adrien couldn't come to André's ice cream. "I will always trust him. I can count on him."

She missed the awe look from Adrien. As she looked to the ground. Adrien snapped out of his trance and nervously chuckled.

"Uh, do you want to maybe switch clothes?" He asked shyly. "Because I'm gonna need them back."

Marinette nodded instantly and opened the door for him. Getting a thank you in return. Before long Adrien and Marinette both had changed outfits and they both decided to keep their helmets for the future if they ever needed them that is.

As they walked out of the building Adrien gave Marinette one last hug.

"Thanks for everything Marinette." He whispered softly, earning a soft pat on the back from her in return. "Your amazing."

If she didn't have a crush on Chat Noir Marinette would have squealed that Adrien was hugging her against him.

"No problem Adrien," she chuckled warmly at him. Before she spoke once more. "I just hope I get to see Chat Noir sometime again."

Adrien could practically feel himself purr in the inside at her words. Oh, Marinette if only you knew who you were talking too. He thought and chuckled.

He pulled away and gave her small smile.

"I'm sure you will." He said, as he already knew he wasn't going to visit her as Chat Noir again tonight.

Marinette smiled before waving goodbye to him. While Adrien made plans to visit her tonight if she wasn't busy.

Little did his princess know. She was going to get exactly what she wanted tonight and that was everyone's hero...Chat Noir

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