Season 1 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own The Dragon Prince or Dragon Ball so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

On a stormy night in the Kingdom of Katolis, a little boy was snoring in his bed as a yellow glow toad with blue spots sleeps soundly.

The boy turns over and begins to drool on the glow toad's eye to which the amphibian wakes up and licks the drool off before going back to sleep.

In the next room, a young teen with a monkey tail is sitting at his desk, drawing a Dragon breathing fire on a creature made of marshmallows.

Callum: Take that, Marshmallow monster!

He said, making growling noises as he finished the drawing.

Callum: Thank you mister Dragon, now I can eat the world's biggest roasted marshmallow!

Suddenly, there was a crash of thunder which made Callum yelp as well as waking up his younger brother as he squealed awake.

Ezran: Callum!

Callum looked over to Ezran.

Callum: It's okay, Ez. It's just a thunderstorm, no need to be afraid. Just go back asleep, okay little buddy?

Ezran: I wasn't scared!

He said all pouty before hugging the glow toad.

Ezran: Bait was scared.

Bait growls as his yellow skin turned red before turning back to normal in moments.

Callum looked at his brother with a smile, putting his drawing away when his stomach began to rumble.

Callum: I should get a midnight snack before I go to bed.

He said as he tip toed out of the bedroom, making his way to one of the many food storage rooms.

Callum licked his lips before proceeding to eat a couple dozen plates worth of food in less than a minute.

Callum: Ahh, that's better.

He says, rubbing his belly before heading back to his room and going straight to bed.

The next day, Callum was outside with an older teen in armor carrying a wooden sword.

Soren: Prince Callum, today we focus on the art of-

Callum: You do art now?

Soren: No, and we're not doing art. Take this practice sword and I'll teach you the ways of sword fighting.

Callum: Mmmm, no thanks.

Soren: No thanks? Callum, a prince needs to know how to fight.

Callum: But I do know how to fight, Soren.

He said as he punches air with his fists and gives it a kick.

Soren: Well, yeah. You can fight with your fists but you really should know how to fight with weapons.

Callum: But if use a weapon, how am I gonna use my fists?

Soren: I don't know! Hold it with your tail?

Callum: Oh . . . okay then.

Soren: What? No, I was joking.

Callum: Too late, you ready?

He said, getting into a fighting stance while holding the practice sword with his tail.

Soren sighed.

Soren: Yeah, yeah. Let's go.

Callum: We go on three! One . . .

Soren: Two . . .

Callum: Three!

He said, charging towards Soren, landing a punch to his face.

Soren: Ow! On second thought, fists aren't allowed!

Callum: Where's the fun in that?

He said, blocking Soren's weapon with his own while kicking Soren in the gut.

Soren: 'I've made a terrible mistake.'

Soren thought as Callum began to pummel the crownguard without taking any hits.

The guards watched in amusement as they watched a 14 year old beat up an 18 year old, knocking him to the ground.

Callum: Looks like I win again.

Soren: That wasn't fair, Callum! If this were a real sword fight, you'd be dead in seconds!

He said, annoyed as Callum looks at him with a smile before noticing his friend, Claudia, reading a book.

Callum: Hey, Claudia!

Claudia: Hi, Callum. Training with Soren again?

Callum: Yep! Still haven't lost!

Soren: Not yet, you haven't! Come on, let's go-

He says only to be interrupted by Callum punching him in the face again.

Soren: Ow!

Claudia: Nice work, Callum! He deserves it.

She said with a smile as she continues to read.

Opeli: Prince Callum, the King needs to speak with you urgently.

Callum: Oh . . . well I guess we'll spar later, right Soren?

Soren: My nose . . . !

He said as Callum follows Opeli.

Harrow, Viren and other members of the High Council discuss certain matters just as Callum and Ezran enter.

Harrow: Boys! You're going on a trip. To the Banther Lodge!

Callum: But it's spring, that's the winter lodge.

Harrow: Well, winter is coming . . . eventually.

Ezran: What are we even going to do there? Everything fun there has to do with snow or ice.

Harrow: Well maybe you can invent new versions with dirt and rocks. You can build a dirt man! Or . . . what about mud sledding! Huh? That could be a thing!

Bait croaks in response as Harrow puts his hands onto their shoulders.

Harrow: Look, this is something I need you to do.

Ezran: Dad-

Harrow: It's decided. You'll leave before sundown, so go get packed up.

Callum: Sure thing, your highness. Come on, Ez.

He said as the two princes exit the throne room.

Ezran: Why is he sending us away? Something's wrong.

Callum: I'm sure everything's fine.

He says before walking with his brother. They were in the courtyard as Callum could hear Viren talking to Soren and Claudia by a nearby window.

Callum stopped upon hearing about King Harrow being killed by elves tonight.

Viren noticed the half saiyan outside, closing the window.

Callum was worried as he looks to see Ezran playing with Bait.

A few minutes later, Soren and a few other soldiers were on horse back as Soren examined a box his father gave him.

Callum: Wait up, Soren! I'm coming with you!

He said as Soren looked to see Callum, still wearing his usual clothes, unlike in canon.

Soren: Uh, I don't know Callum . . . it's going to be dangerous, so . . .

Callum: Don't leave me cooped up in the castle, Soren! Besides, this is the perfect opportunity to test out my techniques in a real fight against real elves!

Soren sighed as he knows there's no way of talking him out of this.

Soren: Alright, just try to keep up. You know, since you always refuse to ride a horse.

Callum: Great! So what are we waiting for?

He said as Soren and the soldiers immediately took off on horseback as Callum's body exploded in a burst of energy.

With his body enhanced by ki, Callum was able to keep up with the horses as they ran out the castle.

Some time later, they made it to the forest, walking about as Soren raises the box.

Soren: Let's see if this magic moon moth can find more than a closet full of moon sweaters.

He chuckled.

Soren: Get it? Because moths eat clothes?

Callum lets out a chuckle while the guards were unamused by his joke.

Guard: Yes, sir.

Soren opens the box and the moon moth flies off.

Soren: Let's go!

He said as they made their way through the forest, following the moon moth for a good five minutes before stopping in a clearing.

Callum looked around as Soren dismounted from his horse.

The moon moth had landed on a tree, but there was no one in sight.

Callum: Is this it?

Soren: No, Callum, it's nothing. Surprising no one, a magic moth is just as worthless as a regular moth.

He said as the moon moth landed on his hand before shooing it away as it landed on a tree again.

Soren: I guess we'll have to wait for the elves to come to us.

He said as everyone got back on their horses.

Callum: That's too bad, I really wanted to see a real, live elf.

He said as Soren got on his horse with an annoyed look on his face.

Callum: Cheer up, Soren! I'll race you on the way back?

Soren smiled as he nods.

Soren: Sure . . . if you plan on losing that is?

Callum: Not a chance!

Soren: On marks, get set . . . Go!

He yelled, Callum enhancing his speed with ki as everyone raced away.

After everyone returned to the castle, Callum had decided to take a walk throughout the castle.

He made his way to the library, looking around the vast collections of literature. He then picks out a big red book that says "Lost Secrets of Xadia".

He smiled as he opens it up. He looked through the page but suddenly it flipped itself over.

Callum was confused by this, but it soon turned to surprise as many pages had suddenly been flipped over.

Callum then heard giggling as Claudia came out from a corner.

Claudia: Aspiro.

She whispered as she used magic to close the book shut and launch it into a wall. She giggled as she walked up to him.

Callum: At first I thought that book was haunted.

Claudia: You should've seen the look on your face, it was completely adorable.

Callum had a faint blush as he rubbed the back of his head while they both laughed together.

Callum: It's so cool that you can do things like that.

Claudia: Nah, it's just a simple wind breath rune.

She said holding an orb and using her finger to draw a symbol in the air itself.

Claudia: Aspiro.

She breathed out as a gust of wind had been blown in Callum's face.

Claudia: Can you smell the peanut butter?

Callum: Yeah, is that part of the spell?

Claudia: Nope, that's just what I had for lunch. See this? It's a primal stone. It uses magical energy from one of the six primal sources. Here.

She said, giving it to Callum.

Callum: Wow . . . what's inside it?

Claudia: A storm, a real storm, captured from the top of Mount Kalik.

Callum: That's awesome, Claudia. Magic sounds pretty cool.

Claudia: It is. But at least you have martial arts and sword fighting.

Callum: Yeah, but I'm not really into using weapons. I'd switch places with you in a second.

Claudia then got an idea as she exclaims excitedly, tapping her nose with her finger before running off.

Callum: What's up with Claudia?

He says, confused by his friend's demeanor as he scratched the back of his head.

Callum then had a late lunch, eating 50 full course meals in less than a minute.

The chefs were exhausted from cooking that much food as Callum finished a bowl of soup.

Callum: Yeah! That hits the spot!

Chef 1: Finally . . .

Chef 2: Now we can catch a break . . .

Chef 3: Why did this kid have to inherit his father's appetite?

Callum: Can I have another bowl, please?

He asked, shocking the tired chefs.

Head Chef: Seriously?! Haven't you had enough for your lunch?!

Callum: Yeah, you're probably right.

He said as the chefs let out sighs of relief.

Callum: I should save room for dessert.

He said, making everyone fall to the floor out of shock.

Head Chef: Prince Callum, please . . . just leave. I'm begging you here!

He pleaded, to which Callum let out a sheepish laugh until a guard approached the half saiyan.

Guard: Prince Callum, the king wishes to speak alone with you.

Callum: Oh. Okay then.

He said as he got up from his chair and exits the kitchen.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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