Season 2 - Part 2

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Note: I DO NOT own The Dragon Prince or Dragon Ball so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

It was morning on the Cursed Caldera as Callum & Ezran were getting themselves ready.

Ezran: I can't believe they found us. I hope Claudia isn't mad, last time we saw her, you chained her to a wall. Plus you stole and broke her Primal Stone.

Callum: Yeah . . .

He said, scratching the back of his head.

Meanwhile, Soren and Claudia were getting ready as they talked.

Soren: I think I figured out why the princes are so chummy with the elf.

Claudia sighs.

Claudia: Don't talk to me until I've had my hot brown morning potion.

She said before drinking the coffee.

Claudia: You were saying?

Soren: She must have bitten them and now they both have Moonshadow Madness!

Claudia: What?

Soren: It's a thing.

Claudia: And where did you hear it from?

Soren: . . . Camp.

Claudia starts laughing.

Soren: Well, whatever the reason, we need to do something. Dad gave us a mission.

Claudia: To bring the princes home.

Soren: Right. Unless a terrible accident occurs . . . accidentally.

Claudia: What?

Soren: Nothing. My point is . . .

He then looked down to see a bag.

Soren: We should stuff them in sacks!

Claudia: Soren! They are our friends. We should try persuasion first. We should use our words, not our muscles. Besides, you heard Callum. If we fight the elf, he's fighting with her. And if that happens, it won't be me to fight him.

Soren: Yeah, yeah!

He said, scratching his chin.

Soren: So what do we do then? Butter them up?

Claudia gasps before tapping her nose with her finger and laughing.

Soren just pretended to understand what Claudia was doing with a fake smile.

Later that morning.

Claudia: Who wants pancakes?

She asks everyone, bringing lots of pancakes.

Claudia: I made sure to make plenty for you, Callum. Since, you know, your Saiyan appetite and all.

Callum: Thanks, Claudia!

He smiled, immediately devouring his plate as everyone began to eat.

Rayla was skeptical but decided to try it anyway.

Rayla: Mmm, I have to admit, these are pretty good.

Claudia: Impossibly fluffy, right?

Ezran: Yeah, how did you get them so light?

Claudia: The secret is separating the eggs and beating the whites into a stiff meringue. And just a hint of dark magic.

Everybody looked at her.

Ezran was a little worried but Callum was hungry and refused to let this food go to waste as he continued eating.

Claudia: So . . . now that we know you guys are safe, we can take you home. With the egg, of course.

Soren: Egg? Eggs would go great with these pancakes.

Callum: You got that right, buddy.

The half Saiyan said with his mouth full before swallowing.

Callum: But there's no egg.

Claudia: . . . What?! What happened to the egg?!

She yelled as Ezran got up from the table.

Callum: Just a sec . . .

Claudia and Soren then heard the sounds of a baby and turn around to see Ezran holding Zym in his arms.

Claudia gasps with huge anime hearts in her eyes.

Claudia: IT'S SO CUTE!

She then imagined herself floating towards the dragonling, but in reality she was walking towards him.

Claudia: Oh! It's a baby dwagon! Come here yo-

She was cut off as Rayla blocked her path.

Rayla: I'm sorry, but last time I checked, you thought his egg was a powerful weapon.

Claudia: Which is still technically true. Someday, it could grow up to destroy us all. But right now, he's so widdle!

She said, trying to pet him only for Rayla to slap her hand.

Rayla: Well, take a good look, because we're heading back to Xadia and returning him to his mother.

Callum: Rayla's right. We can't go home yet. Getting Zym back home is too important.

Soren started thinking of an excuse for the princes to come home. And he knew just what to say.

Soren: But you guys have to come home . . . because the King, your dad, really misses you.

Rayla and Claudia gave Soren a glare while Callum & Ezran were none the wiser as the two brothers smiled.

Some time later, Rayla and Callum were alone in the guest room.

Rayla: We can't trust them!

Callum: Hey, I get it. But Claudia thought you were trying to hurt me and Ezran. So now that she knows you were never gonna do that, she won't want to attack you again.

Rayla: Ugh! That's not it, Callum! I know they're lying. I know, because . . . because . . .

Claudia: Knock knock.

The young dark mage said, standing in the doorway.

Callum: Oh, hey Claudia!

He says with a smile while Rayla was not happy to see her at all.

Claudia: Hey, Callum. Can we talk?

Callum: Sure.

He says before exiting the room with Claudia.

Rayla clenched her fists, she was suspicious of what Claudia had to say to Callum. But she was also irritated that Callum was now alone with the dark mage.

This wasn't something she had ever felt before, but she immediately started thinking to herself.

Rayla: 'Am I . . . am I jealous? No, there's no way. Why would I be jealous?'

She thinks, sitting on the bed as she looks at her wrist, thinking about the night Callum had torn off the wrist binding that would've taken her hand.

Meanwhile, Callum and Claudia were walking side by side as the half saiyan spoke up.

Callum: So what did you wanna talk about?

Claudia: Just some things going on back home. You know, some good things, some bad things . . .

Callum: Right. So Claudia?

Claudia: Yeah?

Callum: I . . . kinda . . . sorta broke your Primal Stone.

Claudia: That's okay, accidents happen.

Callum: It was . . . on purpose . . .

Claudia: I'm sure you had a good reason.

Callum: And I do! Thanks for understanding, Claudia!

He said, hugging her.

Callum: I wanna make it up to you, if you want I can show you around?

Claudia: I'd like that.

She says before the half saiyan gave her a tour, reaching Lujanne's home.

Callum: Claudia, this is Lujanne. She's a Moon Mage, she can create illusions.

Claudia: Wow! Are you an illusion yourself?

Lujanne: Well, no, I'm-

She was interrupted as Claudia pulled on her cheeks.

Claudia: But you feel so real!

Lujanne: I am real.

Claudia: That's exactly what an illusion would say.

She says before Lujanne got her cheeks back and left.

Claudia: And just like that, she disappears.

She said as they head inside to find the walls covered in hundreds of runes.

Claudia: This place is amazing!

Callum: I know, right? I wonder what all these symbols mean?

Claudia: They're probably incredible spells.

Callum: Yeah. Oh! Hey! Claudia, check this out!

He says before drawing a rune in the air.

Callum: Aspiro!

He says, performing a wind spell.

Claudia: What?! You can do magic without a primal stone?!

She yells in excitement.

Callum: Heck yeah, I can! Isn't it awesome?!

He yells back with his own excitement as the dark mage started geeking out.

Claudia: How'd you do it, Callum?! I gotta know!

Callum: I'm not sure, I just did what you did and I can do the wind and lightning spells.

Claudia: Lightning too?! Show me!

Callum: Okay!

He says, drawing another rune.

Callum: Fulminis!

He says, shooting a lightning spell into the ceiling.

Claudia laughed before her face immediately turned into that of horror as pieces of the ceiling were falling towards her.

Callum: Claudia!

He yelled, leaping towards his childhood friend, pushing her out of the way as the stones hit the floor.

Callum: Phew! That was close. You okay, Claudia?

He asked, but the young dark mage was silent. Her cheeks turning red as Callum was currently on top of her.

Callum: Huh? Hey, Claudia, you're turning red. Are you getting a fever or something?

The half saiyan said, oblivious to the position they were in.

Claudia then shoves Callum off of her, getting up from the floor.

Callum was confused as Claudia couldn't look the half saiyan in the eyes while dusting herself off.

Callum: Did I do something wrong?

Claudia: No! No, of course not. Um . . . anything else to show me?

She asks before the two exit Lujanne's home, making their way towards some ruins.

Callum: I know it's not much, basically just a bunch of rocks but-

Claudia: Ruins! I love ancient ruins.

Callum: Oh, really?

Claudia: If you close your eyes, you can imagine what it was like. Everything so magical back then. It's beautiful.

Callum: If you think this is great, wait until you see the Moon Nexus.

The half saiyan stopped after realizing something.

Callum: Actually, maybe it'd be better if we went after the moon rises.

Claudia: Great. It's a date.

Callum: Yeah! See you then!

He says before they went their separate ways.

Callum: . . . Wait, date?

He asks himself, surprised by Claudia's words.

Some time had passed as Callum was drawing all the places he had seen recently in his book.

Rayla walked in just a minute later.

Rayla: We can't trust Soren and Claudia.

Callum: Rayla . . .

Rayla: I have proof, Soren built a zippy line thingy for Ezran, but it was a trap.

Callum: A zip line?! That sounds fun!

He said with a smile.

Rayla: Hey, are you even listening to me?!

Callum: Sorry, so . . . how's building a zip line a bad thing?

Rayla: The peg was kinda loose.

Callum: The peg?

Rayla: Yes, which is why Soren tightened it before he went down.

Callum: Wait, he made sure it was safe to use it?

Rayla: Look, Callum, I know I'm not explaining it well but you just have to look me in the eye and trust me.

Callum: I do trust you, but there's no way Soren or Claudia would ever try to hurt me or Ez. They've been my best friends since we were kids and . . . I just don't see why I should doubt them. Ya know?

Night would eventually come as Callum showed up to the ruins to meet up with Claudia.

He was surprised to see Claudia had tied her hair while Callum hadn't done anything, aside from taking a bath.

Callum: Hey, Claudia!

Claudia: Callum, hey!

Callum: You did your hair?

Claudia: Yeah, I thought it'd look cute this way. Do you like it?

Callum: Yeah, you look nice. So are you ready to see the Moon Nexus?

Claudia: Yep.

She said as Callum led her to the Nexus, the dark mage in awe upon seeing the massive lake fit perfectly with the moon's reflection.

Claudia: Wow! It's like the moon, but more . . . here.

Callum: Right?

Claudia: So, Callum . . .

Callum: Hm?

Claudia: I've known you for a long time.

Callum: Yeah, I know. I have too.

Claudia: Callum, you might be a bit different from everyone else, but I am too. Which is why I have this . . . connection with you.

Callum: Yeah, I know what you mean.

He said, holding her hand.

Claudia: You do?

She asked, holding his other hand.

Callum: Yep!

He said with a toothy grin, which made Claudia smile.

She wanted to lean in and kiss him on the lips but something held her back.

Claudia: Do you trust me, Callum?

Callum: Yeah, of course I do!

Claudia: I'm glad . . . but it's not making it any easier for me to tell you this . . .

She said as Callum looked at her in confusion.

A little while later, Rayla was walking by the ruins, looking for the tailed prince. She then sees him walking slowly in the distance.

Rayla: Callum? Oh, I'm so glad you're here. We need to talk.

Callum: I know what happened . . . he's gone.

He said as held back his tears.

Rayla: Oh no . . .

Callum: First my father . . . then my mom . . . and now him?

He said, tears streaming down his face.

Rayla wanted to say something only for Callum to walk past her, the Moonshadow elf then follows him.

Rayla: Callum, I'm sorry. I tried to tell you the King was dead.

Callum: My dad . . . he was more than just a king to me.

Rayla: Your dad, I know. I really tried to tell you, but I could never find the right way. And whenever I tried, I messed it up and the next time was harder, until-

Callum: Rayla, just stop it, please! I don't want to talk about this right now! All I can think about is how I'm going to tell Ezran that our dad is gone.

Rayla: I'm sorry, Callum. I'm so, so sorry.

She said that last part as Callum flies away.

The half saiyan makes his way to Ezran's room, Zym & Bait sleeping at the corner of the bed.

He reached a hand out to wake Ezran, but he stopped himself as he saw Ezran smiling in his sleep, probably having a nice dream.

Callum couldn't bring himself to tell his brother the bad news as he on the floor with his back up against the bed.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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