Season 3 - Part 6

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Note: I DO NOT own The Dragon Prince or Dragon Ball so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

It was now morning as Callum was doing one handed push-ups at the pinnacle of the Storm Spire as the sun had risen.

He stopped as he felt the morning breeze throughout his body.

Callum then started doing some sit-ups as Rayla came up to check on him.

Callum: Morning, Rayla.

Rayla: Mornin'.

She said as Callum stopped training.

Callum: Got a big fight ahead of us, I'm getting excited.

He says with a smile as he and Rayla hold hands, looking off into the horizon.

Rayla: Callum, if today is going to be our last . . . I want you to know that-

Soren: Hey, guys! Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding! Time for the battle meeting! Ding-ding.

Callum smiled, but Rayla was annoyed at Soren for interrupting her.

Despite that, they all headed down to meet up with the others to come up with a strategy.

Meanwhile, Viren and his army were getting closer to the Storm Spire as they walked past the petrified Avizandum.

Claudia held the corrupted staff of the Sunfire Priest in her hand and even Aaravos's caterpillar had grown to the size of a snake, wrapping it's body around Viren like a scarf.

Back at the Storm Spire, everyone was now gathered at the meeting.

Amaya then laid out the plan with her sign language as Callum translated.

Callum: We have one objective today, protect the Dragon Prince.

Rayla: At any cost.

Khessa: The forces of Lux Aurea will fight bravely, to the last elf standing.

She said as Callum continues to translate for Amaya.

Callum: We will be outnumbered, but their forces are viscous and sloppy. Our job is to hold the line.

Soren: So what happens if some break through?

Callum: That's when our natural advantage comes to play, the Spire itself.

He says, taking out a drawing he made for the plan upon his aunt's instruction.

Callum: While they try to climb up, they'll be vulnerable, and Callum can pick them off easily with his ki and magic.

He paused as he looks at Amaya with disappointment.

Callum: But I was hoping I'd get to fight on the front lines.

He says, that last sentence being his own words.

Zym lied down, saddened that his mother was still asleep. Bait and Rayla sit next to him and try comfort the dragonling.

Rayla: I'll stay here with you. No matter what else happens, I will keep you safe.

Janai: You will be a worthy defender, the last Dragon Guard.

This made Rayla smile as everyone got ready.

It took some time but Viren and his army had finally arrived. The transformed Prince Kasef roars, which then led to the entire army roaring.

Just up ahead of them were the Sunfire Elves.

Callum was dropped off at a hill by Amaya, Janai and Khessa before the three of them headed down to their forces on the griffin's back.

Soren was there at the front lines as they stood together, Amaya raises her shield as many Sunfire elves came up to the front with shields of their own.

Viren was going to give the order to attack, but then the transformed Prince Kasef suddenly roared as he charged with spear in hand.

Viren just sighed and gives the order as his army charged.

The Sunfire elven forces waited until their shields began to light up with magical energy as the enemies edge closer.

Khessa: Drop!

She said as the Sunfire elves slammed their shields to the ground, creating a powerful wave of magic, sending the monsters in the front flying. The rest hesitated for a moment until Viren ordered them to continue.

The shield wielding elves stood their ground as Viren's army tried to push through, even climbing on top of each other to get over the shields.

Khessa: For Lux Aurea!

The Queen yelled, unsheathing a sunforge blade as Janai and the other elves went in to fight off the enemy soldiers that tried to get past the shield wielders.

In the distance, Claudia held the corrupted Sunfire staff into the air.

Claudia: Noctu Igne!

She says, creating a rune and firing a ball of fire covered in darkness, throwing it towards the barrier.

This created a large explosion which stunned both armies. This also meant that the middle of the barrier was destroyed as Viren's army charged.

Soren: Hold the line! Push them back!

He yelled, him and Amaya surrounding themselves in an aura of ki as everyone charged in to fight them off.

Amaya managed to kill a few enemy soldiers before heading to the barrier and using her own shield to help.

But Prince Kasef roared as he charged towards Amaya, grabbing her by the face and slamming her to the ground.

He then throws her towards Janai as the elf catches her.

Khessa then stood by Janai's side as they transformed, their bodies burning in their heat-being modes before charging towards Prince Kasef.

They fought well, landing several solid hits but Kasef was much stronger than them and the other soldiers of Viren's army as he overpowered them both.

Janai and Khessa would have continued their fight with the prince of Neolandia, but then some of the other enemy soldiers got in their way as Prince Kasef roared.

Callum can see from above that they weren't doing so well, he was about to go down there until he heard roaring in the distance.

He turned around to see Ezran riding Pyrrah along with a dozen more dragons close behind them.

This made Callum smile as he looked towards his allies.

Callum: Hey, guys! Ezran's here! And he's got backup!

He yelled as the dragons arrived.

Soren: Dragon friends! Whoo!

He cheered as the dragons all breathe fire towards Viren's army.

Only Claudia, Viren and Saleer were safe as the young dark mage created a barrier to protect them.

They all seem to be dead, but they weren't as they stood up from the flames, roaring as the fire had increased their power.

The battle continued as some of the dragons, knowing their fire wouldn't help, landed as they proceeded to attack the human soldiers with their teeth, claws and tails.

Unfortunately, the enemies had the dragons chained down, which prompted the other dragons to stay airborne.

Some of the enemy soldiers that had gotten through were now climbing up the spire.

But Amaya predicted this as Callum was ready for them.

Callum: Aspiro!

He yelled, using the wind spell to blow them away. He was currently using magic, preserving his ki in case he needed it.

He then looked to see that there were more soldiers climbing, creating another rune.

Callum: Fulminis!

He yelled, firing a bolt of lightning, blasting them off the cliff.

Suddenly, Prince Kasef managed to climb up, roaring at Callum before charging towards the tailed prince.

Kasef went in for a punch only for Callum to dodge and kick him in the face.

Kasef stumbled back at bit as he glares at Callum.

Kasef: Prince Callum.

Callum: Huh? You know my name?

Kasef: Wait, do you not remember me?

Callum: Uhh . . . I don't think so, no.

Kasef: What?! I am Prince Kasef of Neolandia!

He roared as he glares at Callum.

Callum: Prince Kasef?

He says, remembering something from the not too distant past.


It was a year ago when King Ahling of Neolandia invited King Harrow for a feast.

Harrow had brought Callum and Ezran with him as they ate in the dining hall with the Neolandian Royal Family.

King Ahling made sure to literally give Callum tons worth of food as the tailed prince ate a vast amount of food that only a Saiyan can consume.

King Ahling: Kasef, are you not going to eat your broccoli?

Prince Kasef: You know I won't.

King Ahling: Eat your vegetables, son, they're good for your health.

Prince Kasef: I HATE vegetables, father.

He says, to which King Ahling sighed.

King Ahling: Honestly, Kasef, why can't you be more like Prince Callum?

He said as they look towards the half saiyan happily stuffing food into his mouth.

Prince Kasef: He eats like an animal.

King Ahling: At least HE eats his vegetables. Try to grow up, son.

He says as Kasef looked annoyed by that statement.

-End of Flashback-

Callum: Oh yeah! I remember now! You're the guy that didn't like eating vegetables!

He points to him with a smile as Kasef clenched his fists with a growl.

Callum: You look way stronger than all those other guys. Let's fight, Prince Kasef!

He says, his Saiyan blood pumping with excitement as he gets into a fighting stance.

This made Kasef grin as he cracked his knuckles, locking eyes with the half saiyan.

Kasef: Hmph. Someone's got a death wish. I'd be happy to oblige!

He says before rushing towards Callum, the half saiyan was surprised by how fast he was as the transformed prince went in for a punch.

Callum was barely able to dodge as he kicked Kasef's leg, it didn't do much as Kasef grabbed Callum by the face, slamming him to the ground before lifting him up by the neck.

Callum tried to break free as Kasef started choking him.

Kasef then raised his fist, ready to punch him but then an arrow went straight through his hand.

Kasef turned to look and as soon as he did, Callum used his tail to grab Kasef's raised hand and kicks him in the face.

This made Kasef let him go, stumbling back as two more arrows hit the ground, which would've otherwise have hit Kasef in the heart and head.

Callum looks over to see Queen Annika of Duren in the distance on horseback.

But she wasn't alone as Queen Neha, Princess Aanya, Corvus, Commander Gren, Opeli & Barius the Baker stood by her side along with the armies of Duren and even the soldiers of Katolis that refused to fight for Viren.

Callum: Thanks, but I got this!

He called out to her, Queen Annika was surprised by this, but she nods in response before giving her commands.

Queen Annika: Ready! Launch!

She said as Duren archers fired a horde of arrows toward Viren's army, killing many of them in the process.

Queen Annika: Forward!

She yelled as she leads the charge to help the others against Viren's army.

Callum then turns to Kasef as the transformed prince pulls the arrow out of his hand and roars at the tailed prince.

Callum: You're probably the strongest fighter I've ever faced. If you're giving it your all, then I am too.

He says with a smile, clenching his fist as he concentrates.

Callum: Hhhrrrrrrrrraaaaaahhhh!!

He yells as his body is surrounded by ki as he gets back into his fighting stance.

Kasef was surprised by this but soon regained his composure, roaring at Callum as he charged towards the half saiyan.

Kasef goes in for a punch only for Callum to block it with his arm, Kasef was shocked by this as Callum punches him in the gut.

Kasef grunted in pain just before Callum hits him in the head with a spinning kick, sending him flying.

Kasef stops himself by digging his claws into the ground. He looks up at Callum with fury in his eyes as he charged, punching Callum in the face only for Callum to hit him back just as hard.

The two then proceeded to fight with a flurry of punches and kicks.

Kasef then punches Callum in the face, but the tailed prince had a trick up his sleeve, holding his other hand up to Kasef's face and firing a small blast of ki.

Kasef was sent back as he glares at Callum.

The half saiyan charged up his aura of ki before lunging towards Kasef. They both locked hands in a grapple, screaming as they test their might against one another.

Kasef headbutts Callum, giving him the opportunity to grab Callum by the leg, lifting him into the air and slamming him down.

Callum was hurt by this, but it wasn't too serious as he used his tail to grab Kasef by the leg, making him trip as he lets go of Callum's leg.

Callum then backs away while the clashing armies continued to fight.

Kasef charged towards Callum only for the half saiyan to uppercut him followed by a combination of punches and kicks.

Kasef was just getting angrier as he fights back, the two being equally matched.

But Callum clearly had a speed advantage, using it to dodge and outmaneuver Kasef's attacks whenever he could.

The battle had lasted for an hour as Viren's army was starting to lose. But during the battle, Viren was going to attack Ezran, thankfully Soren was there to stop him by plunging his sword through his father's chest.

But it was a ruse as Claudia reveals it to be an illusion and that the battle itself was a distraction.

Ezran then looks up to see Callum still fighting Kasef, both fighters wounded and tired.

Ezran: Callum! Viren's not here!

Callum: Huh?! What do you mean?!

He yells in confusion as he held Kasef in a headlock, punching him in the face.

Ezran: The battle was a distraction so he can get to Zym! You have to get up there and help Rayla!

Callum's eyes widened, he had been fighting Kasef for an hour, and now Rayla & Zym were in trouble.

Kasef then throws Callum off of him, Callum managing to kick Kasef in the face before being thrown several meters away.

Kasef grits his teeth and clenched his fist, wiping the blood from his mouth before roaring in rage at Callum, charging towards him.

Callum had to end this quickly, he had to get up there and help Rayla ASAP.

He then gets up, lets out a battle cry, powering up as his aura of ki increased in pressure, with wind picking up from it.

He then charged towards Kasef, both punching each other in the face.

They were both bruised and bloodied as they glared at one another, screaming as they attack with a barrage of punches and kicks.

Janai and Khessa saw this and were about to head up there to help, only for Amaya to stop her as she uses sign language.

Gren: Don't. Callum has to do this on his own.

He says, translating for Amaya.

Meanwhile, Kasef punches Callum in the gut as the young spat out saliva, he then grabs Kasef by the hair, pulling him down as Kasef's face met Callum's knee.

Kasef's hands covered his nose, Callum having broken it as blood oozes from his nostrils.

He then looks back at Callum and is surprised to see him up close, both hands out as he creates a ball of ki.

Callum fires it at Kasef, launching him into the air and exploding as Kasef fell toward the armies down below.

Callum then stands at the edge, creating ki in both hands.

He let out a yell as he fires a barrage of ki blasts, killing many of Viren's soldiers in the process.

Kasef had gotten up, his body covered in dirt from the explosion as he looks up to see Callum sliding his way down the spire with his feet planted into the dirt.

He then jumps down towards Kasef, punching him in the face and sending him flying as he punches Kasef repeatedly.

Khessa: How can this be?!

Janai: How can someone so young be this strong?!

They asked, both confused and amazed by Callum's power and martial arts.

Kasef managed to grab Callum by the tail, slamming him into the ground multiple times as Callum yells in pain.

Kasef held a tight grip onto his tail, but Callum screams loudly, powering through the pain as he fires a ki blast out of his mouth, hitting Kasef in the face.

Once Kasef let go of his tail, Callum went in for the attack, hammering down on Kasef with punches and kicks.

Kasef was shocked to see that Callum had actually gotten stronger as they fought, his attacks being much more powerful and faster than before.

The half saiyan's assault was so overwhelming that Kasef had to go on the defensive.

But even that wasn't enough as Callum began to overpower him.

Ezran: Go for it, Callum!

Soren: Get him!

They cheered as Callum kicks Kasef in the face, sending him flying into a boulder.

Kasef tried to get up but he couldn't. He was in too much pain and far too tired to move as he glares at Callum in fear and confusion.

Kasef: How . . . how are you this strong?! . . . What are you?!

He yelled as Callum looks down at him.

Callum: I'm Callum, the Half Saiyan Prince of Katolis! And don't you forget it!

He says, drawing a rune before putting both hands together.

Callum: Fulminis Kamehameha!

He yelled, firing a massive beam of blue energy infused with the lightning spell that was heading towards Kasef.

With no way of escape, the eldest prince of Neolandia was engulfed by the attack, screaming in agony as his entire body had been incinerated.

This then created a large and powerful explosion, which killed even more of Viren's soldiers in the process.

Callum stood there, both hands still out as he pants.

Callum: Aw man . . . that was rough . . .

He said, sitting on the ground, tired.

Ezran: Callum!

He yelled, riding a dragon as he approached the half saiyan.

Ezran: You gotta get up there, come on!

Callum: Right!

He says, climbing onto the dragon as they give him a lift up the spire. Callum then jumps off the dragon, looking back at his little brother.

Callum: What're you gonna do, Ez?

Ezran: We'll take care of Viren's army, you go help Rayla!

Callum nods in agreement as Ezran and the dragon head back down.

Callum then faces the doorway with a determined look on his face.

Callum: Here I come, Viren!

He yells, running inside as fast as he could.

Callum had made it just in time as Rayla had been slammed into a wall by Viren's magic.

The Dark mage was about to blast her with magic until Callum came rushing in, tackling Rayla out of the way as they roll onto the ground.

Viren: You!

Rayla: Callum?! What're you doing here?!

Callum: Ez said you needed help, so here I am.

He said nonchalantly with a smile on his face.

Aaravos's astral form, which could only be seen by Viren, then notices two things.

The anger in Viren's eyes and Callum's tail. He then looks at the scar on Viren's lip, he wonders if Callum was the "monkey" Viren had mentioned at the castle.

Rayla then gasped upon seeing Callum's wounds.

Rayla: You're hurt . . .

Callum: I'll be fine. It's like aunt Amaya always told me . . . Saiyans get stronger every time they fight.

He said as Viren growls.

Viren: Don't you ignore me, monkey!!!

He screamed as Callum and Rayla look at the Dark mage, seething with anger.

Callum: Sorry, just talking to my girlfriend.

He says with a smile, making Rayla blush as Viren and Aaravos were surprised by this statement.

Callum: Viren, I won't let you hurt Rayla or Zym. I'm gonna shatter through my limits, become stronger on my own and I WILL defeat you! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!

He yelled as he surrounds himself in an aura of ki.

Aaravos: 'This power, it is unlike anything I have ever seen. This is clearly not magic, it's something . . . different.'

Aaravos thought, intrigued by Callum's power.

Callum: Don't hold back, Viren! Cause I'm not!

He said as Viren grits his teeth.

Viren: 'Curse you, saiyan monkey! You are so much like Kakarot, it makes me want to vomit!'

Viren thought as Callum gave Rayla a smile and a nod before the Moonshadow elf does the same, picking up her blades as they ready themselves for a fight.

Viren: You want to die that badly?!! Then so be it!!

He yelled as Callum and Rayla charged in to attack, Viren using his staff to block Callum & Rayla's assault, with a little help from Aaravos since Callum was the more powerful of the two.

Viren tried to attack them with magic, but their speed and ferocity didn't give him any chances to do so.

Aaravos then waves his hand to the side, sending Callum and Rayla flying.

Viren used this opportunity to blast them with magic, but Callum counters by blasting it with ki, creating an explosion.

As the smoke had robbed them of their sight, Callum closed his eyes and was able to sense Viren's ki.

Callum's eyes shot open as he creates a rune.

Callum: Fulminis!

He yelled, firing a lightning spell through the smoke.

Viren would've been hit if it hadn't been for Aaravos protecting him with a barrier.

Viren: What?! How can you perform primal magic without a primal stone?!

Callum: I don't know. I was able to do magic on my first try without it. Maybe it has something to do with that Arcanum Ibis was talking about?

This made Viren furious as he used a powerful spell to fire a barrage of dark magic spheres towards Callum as the smoke dissipates.

Callum was too fast for Viren as he dodged all his attacks.

Viren then glanced at Rayla, who had hit her head against the rocks after being sent flying.

The dark mage then looks at Callum with a smirk before firing a large ball of dark magic towards Rayla.

Callum's eyes widened as he ran and jumped towards Rayla, pushing her out of the way as he gets hit by the attack, causing an explosion.

Rayla coughed as she had been surrounded by smoke, she then looks to see Callum up against the wall, covered in blood and unmoving.

Rayla: Callum!

She yells in fear for her boyfriend's well being as Viren used an ice spell to incapacitate her.

She grunted, trying to break free as Viren approaches Zym, the baby dragon whimpering in fear as he backs away.

Viren: Your mother can't protect you now. So still. So perfect.

He says as the Dragon Queen was still asleep not too far away.

Viren: I'll harvest her later, but first, it is time to consume you.

He says as he was about to grab Zym, but then Bait comes in, glowing brightly and blinding Viren temporarily.

Rayla: Zym, run!

She yelled as Zym ran away from the dark mage.

Viren then used his staff to send Bait flying into the wall as the glow toad groans in pain.

Viren: You haven't saved him. You've done nothing but create a brief inconvenience for me. I'll return for you both soon. It will be a pleasure to add another Moonshadow Elf to my collection. As well as my first and only Saiyan.

He says, holding up a small bag full of coins.

He grinned as he walks off with a satisfied grin.

Once he was out of sight, Callum had regained consciousness, groaning in pain.

Rayla used both hands on one of her blades as she repeatedly slams it down onto the ice as she tries to break free.

Rayla: Callum! Get up! You have to stop him!

Callum: Ow . . . yeah, I know . . .

He said as he began to pick himself up.

Callum: Gotta . . . keep Zym . . . safe . . .

He said as he managed to get up on his feet.

Callum: But what about . . . you?

Rayla: Don't worry about me! Just get up there!

Callum: Not without you.

He says, walking up towards Rayla. He then raises a fist and punches the ice, shattering it and breaking Rayla free.

Rayla: You're so stubborn.

She said, giving him a peck on the cheek before they started making their way up to the pinnacle.

Once they reached the top, their eyes widened upon seeing Viren using dark magic to slowly take Zym's magical power.

Viren: Yes . . . yes! Such power! I can feel it surging into me!

He says before Callum and Rayla charged towards them.

Aaravos's astral form then turned around and with a wave of his hand, he sends Rayla flying as she hits the ground hard.

Callum: Rayla!

He yelled, stopping in his tracks and looking back towards Rayla.

This distraction was exactly what Aaravos needed as he drew a purple rune and thrust his hand into it, firing a beam of purple.

Rayla looked on in horror as the beam had impaled Callum, to which the half saiyan coughed up blood.

The beam disappeared soon enough as Callum fell to his side, lying in a pool of his own blood.

Rayla: Callum!!

She screamed, getting up and charging in, but she only managed to take three steps as Aaravos restrained her with glowing magic chains.

Note: Cue the music up above for the following scene.

Rayla struggled to break to no avail as she and Callum looked on helplessly as Viren continued to take Zym's magic.

The dragonling cried out in pain as Viren looked on in glee.

Rayla: I can't get out!

Callum: Viren . . . stop this!

Viren: Stop? Why would I do that when I'm so close?

He says with a smirk as Aaravos's astral form looks on with a grin.

Callum then started to slowly crawl towards the dark mage in an effort to save Zym, the half saiyan groaning in pain as he did so.

Callum: Leave Zym alone!

He yelled as he continued to crawl.

Callum: Please!!

He begged as tears began to form in his eyes.

But it was all on deaf ears as Viren used more power to finish the job.

Zym screeched in agonizing pain as Viren had now absorbed all of the dragon prince's magic into himself.

Zym's eyes then turn all white, his limbs falling limp before the dragonling's lifeless body fell to the ground.

Rayla: Zym!!!

He screamed as tears rolled down her face.

Callum looked on in shock and horror, his body was trembling uncontrollably. He couldn't feel anything. Neither pain nor numbness.

He could feel his heart shatter. He's lost so many family members throughout his life. First his father, his mother, his stepfather and Zym, a small, sweet and innocent baby dragon that wasn't even a month old.

Callum then slowly started to get up, his body shaking as he did so.

Callum: How could you?

He said, his voice cracking as he stared at Zym's body.

Callum: Zym . . .

He said as the tears streamed down his face.


He screamed louder than ever has in his entire life, an aura of ki instantly bursting throughout his body, to which everyone was blinded a bright golden light.

Rayla, Viren and Aaravos covered their eyes for a moment before opening them, to which their eyes widened in shock.

Aaravos: What?!

Rayla: Callum?!

They yelled as Callum stood there, surrounded by an aura of golden ki, his hair spiked upwards in a golden color, his tail's fur also now being gold and his once green eyes were now a piercing sapphire blue.

Viren: No . . . it can't be!

The dark mage said as he trembled in fear.

Viren: Kakarot said . . . it was only a legend!

He yelled in disbelief as Callum glared at Viren with an intense hatred as tears were still streaming down his face.

Callum: Viren . . . I'm gonna make you pay!!!

He screamed before moving so fast that no one could see him moving.

Viren then lets out a gasp and coughs up blood as Callum had impaled the dark mage's stomach with his fist.

Aaravos and Rayla looked on in shock as Viren stared fearfully into Callum's hate filled eyes.

Viren: The . . . Super . . . Saiyan . . .

He managed to say before Callum used his spare arm to punch Viren away, cracking the dark mage's neck as his body plummeted off the Storm Spire along with Aaravos's caterpillar.

With Aaravos gone, the chains that held Rayla down had disappeared.

She stood, staring at the newly transformed Callum as he turned to look at him.

Rayla: Callum . . .

She said, walking up to the half saiyan and giving him a big hug, ignoring the power and wind pressure his new form was creating.

Rayla: It's not your fault. You did your best.

She said as Callum's eyes widened.

Callum: No! This can't be the end! Not like this!

He said, breaking away from Rayla's embrace as he fell to his knees, picking up the deceased Zym in his arms.

Callum: Please, Zym . . . come back!

He said, hugging the dragonling.

Suddenly, an idea came to Callum's mind, and despite not knowing if it would work, he decided to do it anyway.

Callum then placed his hand onto Zym's heart and began to give him his energy.

Rayla looked on in suspense as Callum did this for a whole minute.

Once Callum had finished, he gently started shaking Zym.

Callum: Zym? You there, little buddy?

He said, hoping that this would work.

After a few seconds, Zym's eyes shot wide open, gasping for air as he looks at Callum and Rayla in confusion, before being shocked upon realizing Callum's new look.

Callum: Zym!

He cried out, hugging the dragonling with tears of joy as Rayla soon joined in on the hug.

Rayla: He's alive! Callum . . . you brought him back to life, I . . .

She sighed.

Rayla: You never cease to surprise me.

She says, giving him a peck on the lips as Callum let out a sheepish laugh before his aura disappeared, his eyes and hair turning back to normal as he collapsed.

Rayla: Callum!

She yelled as Zym lets out a concerned yelp.

Hours had passed as Callum started to wake up, his vision a little blurry before it became clear as he saw Rayla and everyone else surrounding him.

Ezran: Callum!

He said, giving his older brother a hug.

Callum: Ez!

Soren: Come here, buddy!

The crown guard said as he gave the half saiyan a big hug.

Callum: Soren!

He says before Amaya came over and started pulling on his ear.

Callum: Ow! Aunt Amaya, why?!

He yelled as she used her sign language.

Gren: That's for scaring us to death.

He translated before Amaya smiled and gave him a big hug.

Callum: So . . . what happened?

Rayla: We won, Callum.

She said as Amaya used her sign language.

Gren: Callum, Rayla mentioned that you turned into a Super Saiyan. Is that true?

Callum: Yeah. Why do you ask?

Amaya: You and I are gonna need to have a chat about that. After you recover, that is.

Khessa: Rayla has also told us how you used this . . . Super Saiyan transformation to resurrect the Dragon Prince.

Ibis: Such a thing is completely unheard of.

Soren: Hey, who knows? Maybe the kid's got light magic in him or something?

Rayla: Light magic?

Soren: Yeah, I mean, no one expected dark magic to be a thing so who's to say there isn't light magic?

He says before Amaya used her sign language once again.

Gren: Trust me, there's nothing magical about the Legendary Super Saiyan.

Suddenly, everyone heard and felt a rumbling, heading into the Dragon Queen's chamber.

Zym approached his mother and the Dragon Queen herself had finally awakened. She was in disbelief upon seeing Zym as the dragonling nuzzled her.

Zubeia: Is this a dream?

She says before looking towards the group of humans and elves as Callum and Rayla hold hands.

Amaya then gives Janai a soft punch to the arm, to which Janai reluctantly extends her hand out to her as they held hands as well.

Zubeia: I can't believe it. Elves and humans are here . . . and they've brought back my baby . . . my love, and my hope.

She says as Callum pulled Rayla, Ezran and Bait close, with Zym perching onto the half saiyan's shoulder as Zubeia looks at them all with joy.

-To be continued-

This is it for Season 3, I'll get to future seasons eventually when the show continues. But for now, I'll be writing other stories.

If you guys are enjoying the story please give it a like, comment your thoughts, give me a follow and share this story with your friends.

If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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