Season 1 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or The Boys so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

Our story begins in an electrical appliance store as a 16 year old Izuku Midoriya is making sure all the appliances are clean.

He watches the news on a single television, talking about how the superheroes, Homelander and Queen Maeve had stopped a hijacked armored truck.

Izuku watched as Homelander smiles at the camera, giving a thumbs up.

This made Izuku smile as he continues with his job alongside his co-worker and friend, Hughie Campbell.

Their shift had eventually come to an end as two people came into the store.

Robin Ward, Hughie's girlfriend, and Hisashi Midoriya, Izuku's father.

They all left the store as they walked down the sidewalk together.

Izuku: I'm surprised to see you here, dad.

Hisashi: I figured I'd take some time off to see my son. So how's work, Izuku?

Izuku: It's alright, dad.

Hisashi: Did you ask your manager for a raise?

Izuku: Um . . .

Hisashi: Izuku, you're working so hard. Your mom and I know you deserve a raise.

Izuku: I know, dad, I'm just not sure when or how to ask him.

Robin: So you wussed out too, Izuku?

Hughie: Hey, Gary said he couldn't talk to us at the moment.

Robin: Mhm.

She said, not believing them.

Hughie: So anyway . . . Izuku, are you gonna do it?

Izuku: Do what?

Hughie: Show the world that you have super powers? I mean, yours is pretty cool. I bet you'd be popular in no time.

Izuku: I don't know . . .

He says with uncertainty until Robin playfully punched his arm.

Robin: Come on short stuff, you can't stay in the shadows forever you know.

Hisashi: She's right, Izuku, isn't it your dream to become a hero?

Izuku: Well . . . yeah.

Hisashi: You can do it, Izuku, and no matter what, your mom and I will always support you.

Hisashi said as he and Robin took a step off the sidewalk to cross the street.

Izuku: Thanks dad, you're right. I think it's time I-

He didn't get to finish his sentence as both Hisashi and Robin had seemingly disappeared in an instant.

Both he and Hughie ended up covered in blood and guts.

Izuku was in shock as he looked to see Hughie was now holding onto Robin's dismembered hands.

Izuku also saw the splatter of blood, bone and flesh that was once Hisashi and Robin.

The speedster hero, A-Train had stopped and turned to see the two and himself covered in blood.

Hughie: Robin . . .

Izuku: Dad . . .

A-Train: I can't stop. I can't stop. I can't stop. I can't stop. Can't stop. Can't stop.

He said as he continued running at high speeds.

Hughie: Robin!

Izuku: Dad . . .

They said with tears started streaming down their faces.

Hughie: Robin!!

Izuku: Dad!!

They screamed as they began to sob in the street.

A couple of months had passed since Hisashi and Robin's passing.

It was decided that one funeral would be held for the both of them as Izuku and Inko had just returned home.

Both mother and son sat on the sofa without saying a word. Their eyes red from all the tears they shed.

Inko then takes the remote and turns on the television to try and get her mind off of things.

The news channel came on as the CEO of Vought, Madelyn Stillwell, was speaking to the press with A-Train standing next to her.

Inko: Of all the channels . . .

Izuku: Keep it.

Inko: Izuku-

Izuku: Please keep it, mom.

He says to which Inko reluctantly agrees as they watched.

A-Train: My deepest condolences to the families of Robin Ward and Hisashi Midoriya. I was chasing these bank robbers. They just stepped in the middle of the street, and I-I couldn't . . .

Izuku: . . . What? That's not what happened. They were a half step off the curb.

Inko: Izuku, please, don't get upset. He . . . he knows.

She says just before they heard the doorbell ring.

Izuku went towards the door and opened it as he meets a man in a suit.

He then enters the house, sitting at the dining room table across from Izuku and Inko.

Man: Everyone at Vought is just . . . just wrecked about Hisashi and Robin. Now, Ms. Midoriya, we at Vought want to do the right thing and offer you $50,000 in restitution. All you have to do is sign right here and I'll offer you your checks.

Izuku: This . . . this is a confidentiality agreement.

Man: It's a boilerplate NDA.

Izuku: If we sign this . . . we can't talk about it? Pretend like it never happened, that my dad and Robin didn't die right in front of me because of one of YOUR heroes?

Inko: Izuku . . .

Man: Look, I know you're upset, but we're just trying to help.

Izuku: Then say you're sorry.

Man: Excuse me?

Izuku: Everyone from Vought says "our condolences", "my sympathies", and "our regrets" but no one can look at us in the eyes and say "I'm sorry?" We're not signing anything. Get out.

Man: I-

He was cut off as Midoriya grabbed him by the throat and pinned him to the floor.


He screamed as he readied himself to use his power on the man, raising his fist into the air.

But it was all in his head as Izuku was just staring at the man.

Man: You okay?

Inko: Izuku?

They said as the teen returns to reality.

Izuku: Sorry . . . I-I'm fine.

Man: Well, like I said, boilerplate NDA, really. Pretty standard stuff.

He says as Inko glanced at her son before looking back at the man.

Inko: . . . Can we think about it?

The man smiled and nodded.

Man: If either of you have any questions at all, just give us a call.

He said as he leaves them with the papers still on the table.

A couple of days later, Izuku and Hughie were frustrated.

They've been trying to file a criminal case against A-Train, but nothing could be done.

Both Inko and Hughie's dad were getting concerned for their sons.

Both parents agreed to have a meeting as Izuku and Inko went over to the Campbell residence.

Inko: Izuku, Hughie, please come sit us.

They were confused but sat down on the couch with their respective parents.

Hughie's Dad: Inko and I are proud of you guys, you want to make this right, what happened to Robin and Hisashi.

Inko: But the thing is . . . you can't. So sign this.

He said as they bring out the papers the man had given them.

Izuku: What?

Hughie's Dad: This is a lot of money, you guys. Both our families could really use it.

Hughie then got up from the sofa looking at Mr. Campbell in shock while Izuku looked at his mother in disbelief.

Hughie: We can't-Dad, he killed them.

Hughie's Dad: Be realistic, okay? Even if we could pay for a lawyer, and that's a big if, there's no case. They were in the street. Be like if a bus hit them.

Hughie: Dad, they were ONE STEP off the curb! Me and Izuku were right there!

Hughie's Dad: You can't do this!

Izuku: But why not, Mr. Campbell?

Hughie's Dad: You don't have the fight! Neither of you do! I'm sorry, but it's true. I don't have it either. Now . . . come, come and sit with me, okay? Remington Steele's on.

He said as Hughie walked away.

Hughie's Dad: Hughie! Where are you going?!

He said as they leave the apartment.

Izuku lowered his head, getting up from the sofa as he heads for the door.

Inko: Izuku, wait!

She calls out to him, but he just ignores her, exiting the apartment as Inko is left behind to cry with Mr. Campbell trying to comfort her.

Some time later, Izuku and Hughie made their way to a convenience store together.

Izuku grabs some chips and a soda before seeing a few A-Train branded snacks and drinks.

He looks away from them just as Hughie goes up to the counter with some alcohol.

Clerk: Hey buddy, you okay?

He asked Hughie, looking distraught.

Izuku: Hughie, are you feeling all right?

He asked before Hughie fell back against a stack of food as he fell to the floor.

Izuku: Hughie!

He said as he puts his hand on his friend's shoulder to try and help him.

Once Hughie got a minute to breathe, they then paid for everything before leaving.

It was night as Izuku and Hughie were at work.

A tv broadcasting the Jimmy Fallon show with the hero, Translucent as a guest.

A man then comes into the store as Izuku approaches him.

Izuku: Hello sir, are you looking for a nanny cam? Because we're actually running a special on that.

He said since the man held a white teddy bear in his hands that had a camera in one of it's eyes.

Man: Tell me, how many nannies shake their babies?

Izuku: Uh . . . w-what?

Man: You know, a good, hard shake, like . . . like tryin' to get ketchup out of a bottle. One percent? Less?

Izuku: I . . . I don't . . .

Man: Funny that . . . they sell a billion dollars worth of that shit worldwide. Goes to show you, doesn't it? The bollocks people will believe if you get them scared enough.

Izuku: Um . . . okay then . . . so, uh . . . is there anything I can help you with, or . . . ?

Man: I'm not gonna piss you about, Izuku . . . you too, Hughie. I heard what happened to Hisashi and Robin.

Hughie: I'm sorry, who are you?

Man: They weren't in the street, they were one step off the fucking curb. And you two . . . you didn't take the pay-off.

Izuku: H-How do you know about that, sir?

Hughie: Yeah and who the hell are you?

Man: Name's Butcher. Billy Butcher.

He said, showing them an FBI badge.

Butcher: Listen, I was thinking that, uh, we should have a little bit of a chat.

They then leave the store and follow Butcher outside as they take a stroll through the city.

Hughie: So you're a Fed? You don't sound like a Fed.

Butcher: What, I can't immigrate? There's a giant green slapper with her ass in the harbor that says different.

Hughie: You don't really look like one either.

Izuku: Well, if it's obvious to tell that he's a . . . um, "Fed", then he wouldn't be able go undercover.

Butcher: Smart little wanker ain'tcha?

Izuku: Um . . . thanks?

Hughie: So what exactly can we do for you?

Butcher: No, you got it all wrong, Hughie. It's what I can do for the two of you. You see, you ain't alone. It happens a lot more than you think. Supes lose hundreds of people each year to collateral damage.

Hughie: What? No. Come on, that'd be all over the news. People would be screaming bloody murder.

Butcher: Yeah, look, there might be the mention of it now, like Robin and Hisashi, but there's a fuck-sight more that happens that just gets swept right under the rug.

Izuku: But why?

Butcher: Ain't it obvious? Movie tickets, merchandising, theme parks, video games. A multi-billion dollar global industry supported by corporate lobbyists and politicians on both sides. But the main reason that you won't hear about it is 'cause the public don't want to know about it. See, people love that cozy feeling that Supes give them. Some golden cunt to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don't got to do it yourself. But if you knew half the shit they get up to, oh . . . fuckin' diabolical. But then, that's where I come in.

Izuku: . . . To do what?

Butcher: Spank the bastards when they get out of line.

Hughie: How do you spank a Supe?

Butcher: Come on.

Hughie: Um, where?

Butcher: You'll love it.

Izuku: Uhh . . .

Hughie: Look, I think we're good, we're good. Thank you for an extremely weird conversation, but, uh, we don't want to follow you to wherever you plan on taking us.

Izuku: Y-Yeah, besides, we have to get back to work.

They said as they started walking away.

Butcher: Hughie. Izuku.

They stop in their tracks and turn to face Butcher.

Butcher: This is your one and only, mates. Once I go, I'm gone. I'm offering you the opportunity to get back at the bastards that got your girl and your dad. What have either of ya got to lose that you ain't already lost?

Izuku and Hughie remained silent, thinking about it as Butcher started walking away from them.

Izuku and Hughie decided to go with Butcher as they go down a dimly lit alleyway.

Hughie: Where are we?

Butcher: Just keep your mouth shut.

He said before knocking on a door just before a small slide window on the door opened.

Butcher: Harry. Got your message. Thank you for being an upstanding citizen.

Harry: You know this is fucking police brutality, man. You know what they'll do to me if they catch me letting you in?

Butcher: Not half of what I'll do if you don't.

Hughie: Did he just say you were police?

Butcher: Yeah, you know, cop, Fed, all the same to twats like that.

He said as Harry unlocked the door as they stepped inside only to find the place packed with a shit ton of people drinking and having sex with each other.

Izuku: Uhhh . . .

Hughie: Holy shit, man.

Butcher: Just try to blend in, will ya? Follow me.

He says as they entered the building.

Butcher: Yep, this is the one place where the Supes can scratch their filthy little itch without the paps taking snaps.

Izuku: Hughie, isn't that the hero, Ezekiel?

Hughie: Yeah, it is.

He said as the hero pushed a guy's head down to give him a blowjob. He then stretched his torso out to make out with two other guys.

Hughie: So much for that "Pray the Gay away" crap.

Butcher: Yeah, and he's the meat in a manwich. Fuckin' hypocrite. Come on, then. Let's go.

He said as they make their way to the security camera room with Harry.

Butcher: Keep going forward. That's it, further. Further. There. There. Stop.

He said as the camera shows A-Train.

Hughie: Wait, wait, wait. A-Train's . . . A-Train's here right now?

Butcher: Was. This is from last night. Turn it up.

He said as Harry started the recording, a man sat down with A-Train.

Man: I cannot believe you ran through two people.

A-Train: You want to hear something crazy? I ran so fast through them that I swallowed one of their molars. Like a bug on the fucking freeway.

Man: Dude, that's nasty.

He said before they both started laughing much to Izuku's shock and Hughie's frustration.

Hughie: They're laughing. Just . . . like they were a joke. They're fucking laughing.

Izuku: I can't believe this . . .

Butcher: So . . . what are you blokes gonna do about it?

He said as they all left and sat at a table.

Hughie: Are they all like that? All of them?

Izuku: Even Homelander?

Butcher: Homelander's the exception. He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke. Man's a saint. But the rest of 'em, yeah. Pardon my French, fuck those fuckers.

Izuku lets out a sigh of relief, glad to know that his idol, Homelander, wasn't corrupted.

Or at least that's what he thought.

Butcher: Here, have a shufti of that.

He said, giving them a file.

Izuku: What is it?

Butcher: That's the police log the day that Hisashi and Robin got murdered. Couple of bar fights. A few cars got nicked. But you know what's not in there? No bank alarms going off. No one charged at Central Booking. A-Train stopped two bank robbers, my arse. Someone's fucking hiding something.

Hughie: Hiding what?

Butcher: Well, I don't know, whatever dodgy shit he was up to that night. Why couldn't he stop? I mean, what was in that bag? You know? Who was he running from?

Izuku: And where was he running to?

Butcher: Bingo. Work that out, and we'll have the fucker, I can smell it.

Hughie: Okay . . . okay, so, um . . . what can we do to help?

Butcher: Here's what you do. Ring Vought, tell 'em you'll take the money, sign the NDA, but only if A-Train is there in person when you do it.

Hughie: Why does A-Train need to be there?

Butcher: Because then they'll take you into The Seven Tower, through security, mates, and then you're gonna plant a bug.

Hughie: A bug?

Butcher: A bug. And we'll have a little listen. See what's really going on.

Izuku: Wow, that's pretty cool. We'd be like James Bond.

Hughie: Izuku, don't tell me you're actually considering this?

Butcher: Hughie, Hughie, fucking grow a pair. You heard that cunt laughing at your girl and Midoriya's dad.

Hughie: No, no, no way.

He said as he was about to get up and leave but Izuku puts a hand onto his friend's shoulder.

Izuku: Hughie, I don't like the idea of signing those papers, taking that money or seeing A-Train in person. But we can do it, we'll both be there. Remember, I have powers, if anything bad happens I'll protect you.

Butcher: The fuck do you mean you got powers?

Izuku: Um, well, Mr. Butcher sir . . . I'm what you call a "Supe", believe it or not.

Butcher: Oh yeah? What you got?

Izuku: I can't really show you here. But basically I can stockpile power throughout my body and punch with a great amount of force.

Butcher: Super strength, then?

Izuku: Y-Yeah, basically.

Hughie: Alright . . .

Izuku: Huh?

Hughie: You've convinced me, Izuku. I'm in.

The next day, Butcher and Izuku were in a bar waiting for Hughie.

Butcher: You sure he comin'?

Izuku: He said he'd be here soon.

Hughie: Hey guys, I'm here.

Butcher: About bloody time.

He said as they moved somewhere secluded as Izuku got out his phone and called the guy that gave him and Hughie the papers.

Izuku: Hello? . . . Yes, this is Izuku Midoriya. Um, me and Hughie decided that we'll sign the papers and take our 50 thousand for each of us. But there's one thing we need before we sign anything . . . We need an apology from A-Train . . . no, no, I mean, yes he did say his regrets and apologized on television but we'd really appreciate it if he'd apologize to us in person. You know, for closure . . . Okay, well can you at least . . . hello? Hello? He hung up on me. I don't think they're gonna go for it.

Butcher: . . . Oh yes they will.

He says with a smile as they exited the bar and drove off in Butcher's car.

Some time later, they made it to the parking lot of The Seven Tower.

Butcher: Alright, Midoriya, give me your phone. There's fuck-all security to worry about. In fact, they're a bunch of muppets. And the metal detector won't pick this up. Right? And what they'll probably do is take you through the security and then up into the boardroom. Sit down, be nice, congenial. Then, real polite-like, tell 'em you're gonna take a fake shit. Go in the bog, take the bug out. Peel back the plastic bit to reveal the sticky side. Put the plastic bit in the bog. Flush it. Then go back into the boardroom, sit down, big smiles, plant the bug underneath the table. Easy peasy Japanesey. Bob's your uncle. That's that.

Hughie: That's that? That-That's a lot, how is Izuku supposed to-

Izuku: It's okay, Hughie, I already memorized it.

Hughie: You did?

Izuku: Mhm.

Butcher: You sure?

Izuku: Absolutely, Mr. Butcher.

Butcher: I ain't no mister, just call me Butcher. Now then, off you go.

He said as Izuku & Hughie exit the car and walk towards the tower entrance.

They head towards the metal detectors, emptying their pockets and going through without any issue.

They then head up to the boardroom where The Seven have their meetings with one guard in the room with them.

Izuku opened his mouth and was about to ask the guard if he could use the bathroom but stopped himself as A-Train and a few others entered the room.

Friedman: Just to be clear, A-Train's apology isn't an admission of any sort of culptability whatsoever. Do you understand?

He said as A-Train approached them. Izuku was getting mad but he made sure not to show it as the speedster got closer.

He then noticed that Hughie froze up and quickly nudged him to snap out of it.

Hughie regained his composure as A-Train spoke.

A-Train: I'm sorry about what happened to your girlfriend and your dad, all right?

Hughie: Yeah, thanks for the apology.

He said, shaking A-Train's hand.

Izuku: We really appreciate it, A-Train, thank you.

Ashley: Okay, great. Thank you so much. As you know, a crimefighter's work is never done. Douglas here will handle the rest of the paperwork for you, okay? Thank you.

She said as she left the room with A-Train. They were now alone with Douglas who had just gotten a pen out.

Izuku: Is it okay if I used your restroom? Hughie, you can sign your paper until I get back, okay?

Hughie: Yeah, sure.

He said as Izuku made his way to the men's room, goin into one of the bathroom stalls.

He opens up his phone to get the bug but accidentally drops it.

He then reaches for it, taking it into his pocket before flushing the toilet and washing his hands before leaving.

Within the bathroom, Translucent deactivates his invisibility power, returning to normal.

Translucent: What the fuck?

Izuku returns to the boardroom, Hughie having already signed his papers as Izuku starts signing his own papers while planting the bug underneath the table.

They then exit the building and get in the car with Butcher.

Hughie: That was so awesome, man. Fuck A-Train, fuck the Seven, fuck all . . . Seven. Uh . . . what are we doing here?

He asked as Butcher parked right in front of the store they work at.

Butcher: Well you got to go to work, don't you?

Hughie: Yeah, but, um . . . we don't, uh . . .

Butcher: Well, I mean, that's all I need you both for right now, yeah?

Izuku: Yeah, but . . . we can help with other stuff too, right Hughie?

Hughie: Yeah, I mean, I could be, like, your tech guy, help with tech stuff. You know? Like I can be in a van with headsets telling you stuff like "he's in the hall of the left." And Izuku can be your muscle, you know? I mean, he is a Supe, he can really help you out.

Butcher: I know you can, but for now I'll take it from here. If I ever need your help, I'll come find you.

Izuku: Oh . . . okay, yeah, sure. That'd be great.

He said as they awkwardly got out of the car, ripping their 50k checks in half.

Butcher: Hughie, Midoriya . . . you're good lads.

Butcher says before driving away as the two reluctantly walk into the store.

Some time later, Izuku and Hughie were near the end of the night shift as their manager, Gary, was getting ready to go home.

Gary: Hughie, Izuku, you guys mind locking up?

Izuku: Yeah, sure thing, Gary.

He said as Gary leaves the store as the bell jingles.

The door was about to close until it stopped itself and opened a bit as the bells jingled again.

Izuku: I'm sorry, but we're closing.

He said, not paying attention to the door until he saw that no one was in the store except for him and Hughie.

Izuku: Hello?

Translucent: Who are you?

This shocked Izuku & Hughie as they looked all around the store for whoever it was.

Izuku: Who said that?

Translucent: Right in front of you, brat. You think I wouldn't find this thing?

He said, holding up the bug Izuku planted in the boardroom. He then drops the bug and pulls up the teen's name tag.

Translucent: Izuku?

He said, pulling his name tag, hitting Izuku's head to the counter and pulling him over it as the teen fell to the floor.

Translucent: You little shit, I followed you and your friend from the fucking tower!

Hughie: Izuku!

He yelled as he tried to help only to get knocked into the wall.

Translucent then grabs Izuku by the shirt, lifting him up and throwing him against the window, cracking it as Izuku fell to the floor.

Translucent: Who's that guy you were with in the car?! Who was he?! Did he put you up to this?!

Izuku: I don't know what you're talking about! He was just an Uber driver!

Translucent: Don't give me that bullshit! Fuckin' Uber driver my ass! Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?!

He said, lifting up a tv and walking towards Izuku, ready to kill him with it.

But then, Butcher comes driving his car into the store, hitting Translucent as he gets launched into the wall.

Hughie quickly moves away just as Butcher got out of the car.

Butcher: Sorry about the mess. You should fuck off, Midoriya. You too, Hughie.

He said as he takes out a crowbar, walking towards the damaged part of the wall where Translucent fell towards.

Butcher: Well, well, well . . . if it ain't the invisible cunt.

He said, swinging his crowbar at the hole only to hit nothing as Translucent had already moved out of the way.

Hughie made his way to the emergency exit in the back while Izuku watched Butcher getting beaten by Translucent.

Butcher tried to fight back but his opponent was invisible, couldn't see him. So he spits blood onto the face of the "hero", now he could see his face as he proceeded to punch it.

But even then it still wasn't enough as Translucent made a low kick, knocking Butcher to the floor.

He tried to get up but Translucent kicked him while he was down.

Translucent: So who are you? A fucking spy? For who? Huh? You're gonna fucking tell me, or I'm gonna smash your fucking scalp off! Who the fuck are you?!

He yelled while holding Butcher's crowbar.

Butcher: I'll tell you who you are. A fucking moron. "Translucent" doesn't even mean "invisible."

He said as Izuku quietly walked up to Translucent from behind.

Butcher: It means "semi-transparent."

He says as Translucent raises the crowbar.

Izuku: Leave him alone, Translucent!

Translucent turns around to see an angry Izuku glaring at him.

Translucent: Go to hell, kid!

He yelled, swinging the crowbar at him only for Izuku to stop it with his bare hand.

Translucent tried to pull it out of the teen's hands but he couldn't as Izuku's power flowed throughout his entire body.

Green electricity surged from his body as Translucent looks at him in shock.

Translucent: What the fuck? You're . . .

Izuku raised his other hand into a fist and punches Translucent with a 10% Smash, knocking Translucent unconscious as he was sent flying into a wall.

Butcher: Shit, lad . . . and here I was thinkin' you were just tryin' to look cool.

He said as Izuku helped him up.

Izuku: Are you okay, Butcher?

Butcher: I'll live, nice punch you got there.

Hughie: Everything okay back there?!

Hughie yelled as he made his way to the front entrance.

Izuku: We're fine, Hughie!

Butcher: Yeah, now do me a favor and help me put this cunt in the trunk, yeah?

He said as Izuku and Hughie picked up the unconscious Translucent, tying up his invisible legs and hands as they shove him into the trunk.

Butcher then proceeds to put his vehicle into reverse and then drive out and away from the store.

-To be continued-

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