Season 2 - Part 1

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Note: I DO NOT own My Hero Academia or The Boys so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

It's been a year since the boys have escaped the CIA, but for now, we take a look at a compound in Al 'Zabadani, Syria.

It was night as a woman walked by with a cup in her hand only for a blade to cut her throat, her own blood filling up the cup as she fell.

A hand reached out to catch the blood filled cup, carefully setting it on the ground as to not cause a ruckus.

We then cut to two armed men standing guard when they suddenly a heard a noise to their left.

Both looked in the direction of the noise to see nothing.

But the one guard standing closer to the noise then heard another noise, one of a blade slicing into flesh.

He turns back to see that his comrade's throat had been slit, the man choking on his own blood before collapsing to the ground.

He was scared, holding his fully automatic rifle up, looking around to see who was responsible.

But suddenly, two black gloved hands grabbed him by the mouth and face, forcing him to fall backwards.

The man's eyes widened as Black Noir stared into his eyes before grabbing hold of his jaws and tearing them open, killing him.

We now cut to the inside of the compound as the Super Villain, Naqib was with a friend looking over some merchandise t-shirts with his picture on them.

Naqib: Maybe "By the Power of my Holy Fire"?

Man: That's too long. You want a catchy catchphrase.

Naqib: Then how about . . . "Burn in Truth"?

Man: Ahhh, that's a good one. I think that's perfe-

He was suddenly cut off by Black Noir stabbing a blade down his shoulder and into his lungs.

The man fell dead as Naqib looked on in shock, he was about to attack only to stop himself upon hearing footsteps.

Naqib looked towards the door as an incredibly tall, muscular man with a literal flaming face and shoulders walks into the room.

Naqib's eyes widened, not expecting Vought's Number 2 Hero, Endeavor, being here.

Endeavor: Thanks for taking care of the weaklings, Noir. Naqib is mine.

The flaming hero said as he stepped towards Naqib while Black Noir stepped back.

Naqib furrowed his eyebrows, not wanting to go down without a fight.

Naqib: BURN IN TRUTH!!!!

He screamed as his body began to glow.

Black Noir quickly dove out of the room while Endeavor just stood there as Naqib used his power to create a large explosion that destroyed the second floor.

Naqib panted heavily as he gave that blast everything he had only to look on in shock as Endeavor was still standing, completely unharmed.

Endeavor: Was that all? I'm disappointed.

He says before punching Naqib straight through a wall.

The Super Villain was now on the ground, coughing up blood as all of his ribs were now broken.

Naqib couldn't move, he felt as if he had been hit by a train. He then looked up with fear in his eyes as Endeavor approached him with his usual scowl.

The Number 2 Hero then grabbed Naqib by the neck and used his power to set the Super Villain ablaze.

Black Noir simply looked on while Naqib let out an agonizing scream as Endeavor's flames burned him to a crisp, killing him.

Black Noir and Endeavor, the latter carrying the charred corpse of Naqib on his shoulder, then walked into a room to see a little middle eastern boy on the bed in his pajamas.

Noir then approached the boy, quickly grabbing the boy's stuffed bunny toy and started being playful with guttural grunts as a way to calm the boy's nerves.

Once Black Noir had finished, he carefully puts the stuffed animal back onto the bed and leaves.

Endeavor: Be sure to tell your terrorist friends what happened here tonight.

He says before following Noir out the compound.

We now go back to the United States as Homelander stood on stage in front of an audience.

Homelander: Today I can report to the American people that Black Noir and Endeavor have conducted an operation in killing the Super Terrorist known as Naqib.

He says before the audience began to applaud.

Homelander: But that doesn't mean sacrifices won't still be made. The proof of that, sadly . . . lies before us. For today, we mourn a fallen member of The Seven. Translucent.

He said as a projection screen shows a picture of the now deceased Translucent, the Number 1 Hero hosting his funeral.

Homelander: Murdered in cold blood by cartel Super Terrorist, El Diablo. Before he left, Translucent said to me . . .

He paused before scoffing.

Homelander: Almost as if he knew something was gonna happen, he said . . . "Hey, Homelander. Tell my daughter, Invisible Girl, that I love her.

He says while looking towards the front seats at the young hero, Invisible Girl, crying as she was seated with her mother and her fellow teammates of Teenage Kix.

Her teammates being Creati, Shoto Todoroki, Uravity, Tenya Ida, Red Riot, Vine and Lizardy.

They all offered comfort to the invisible hero with her mother hugging her and Uravity holding her hand.

Homelander: And he also said . . . "You find those Super Villains, Homelander. And you stop them." So I say to you, Invisible Girl, and to all the sons and daughters of this great nation . . . I WILL stop them. I will save you. I will do it for you. For America.

He says, putting up his act to "good" use as he approached Translucent's metal coffin, putting a hand on it. Though in truth, his body wasn't even in there.

Honelander: And to a dear . . . dear old friend.

He says as he was holding back "tears."

Homelander: Goodbye brother . . . and thank you.

He said as the stage light faded to darkness before another light coming on as Annie, reluctantly wearing her revealing uniform made by Vought, began to sing in Translucent's honor.

Some time had passed as the funeral would come to it's end.

Homelander, Starlight and Teenage Kix exited the building as paparazzi quickly took photos of them.

Invisible Girl: Starlight!

She called out, to which Annie turns around to face the invisible teen.

Annie: Invisible Girl, hey. How are you . . . holding up?

Invisible Girl: Oh, you know . . . hanging in there. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you so much for the funeral. Your song was amazing.

Annie: Thanks, but Vought's the one that set it all up, preparations, decorations and all that.

Invisible Girl: I know, but still, I'm really glad you were able to make it. I just . . . I know it's been a year since I last saw my dad, but . . . I just still can't believe he's gone.

She says, to which Annie felt genuinely sorry for her, pulling Invisible Girl into a hug

Annie: I lost my dad too. I know what you're going through. If you ever need to talk, give me a call or a text.

Invisible Girl: That . . . that'd be great. Thanks.

She said as the two exchanged numbers.

Invisible Girl: All right, I'm gonna take my mom home now. See you later.

Annie: Yeah. See ya.

She says before Invisible Girl walked up to her mother and the rest of Teenage Kix and left.

We now cut to a 17 year old Izuku, who was currently out on a jog throughout the city, keeping it at human levels as to not draw any attention to himself.

He then stops by at a food stand, buying himself a hotdog and eating it before continuing his jog.

Meanwhile, we take a look at the rest of the boys, who are currently watching the news showing a re-enactment of Madelyn Stillwell tied up to a chair and Butcher blowing up her house with a detonator.

News Anchor: That's exactly what William Butcher did. He murdered Vought Vice President, Madelyn Stillwell using upwards of thirty pounds of C-4. Why would William Butcher do it? Disgruntled, perhaps, over his deceased wife, a former Vought employee. And why was Madelyn Stillwell's baby found safe in a yard 17 miles away?

Frenchie: It is a puzzle. Where is Monsieur Charcuter?

Hughie: Who cares?

Frenchie: He could be dead.

Hughie chuckled.

Hughie: No. No. He's too much of an asshole to die.

Frenchie: Hm. Well either way, I know Izuku would be worried about him.

He says before M.M shushes them as the news continued.

News Anchor: William Butcher's whereabouts, if he is alive, are unknown as well as any of his known associates; Marvin Milk, Hugh Campbell, Izuku Midoriya or this man, whose real identity is unknown. If you have seen any of these individuals, please call 1-800-0-CRIMES-

He says before M.M turns off the television.

Mother's Milk: Christ!

Hughie: Okay, calm down, guys. I know this is bad, but we can't give up. Remember the plan. Annie's gonna help us get Compound V and we'll burn Vought to the ground.

Mother's Milk: I know, but still, this is just . . . fuck!

Frenchie: Wait, where's Izuku?

Hughie: He went out for a jog and . . . oh shit.

Mother's Milk: Call him, right now.

Hughie: I know!

He says, quickly getting his phone out and dialing Izuku's number.

We now cut back to Izuku, who was currently doing pushups at a park when his phone rang.

He then puts it up to his ear and answers.

Izuku: Hello?

Hughie: Izuku! Thank fucking God! You gotta come back, now!

Izuku: Huh? Why? What happened?

Hughie: We're wanted, Izuku.

Izuku: What?

Hughie: We're fucking wanted, Izuku! Butcher's missing and the news showed our pictures as his fucking accomplices! Okay?! You gotta get back, now!

Izuku: Okay, okay, calm down. I got my hoodie, I'll try not to stand out, I'm on my way.

Hughie: All right, just . . . be careful.

Izuku: You too, Hughie.

He says before hanging up and letting out a sigh as the hideout was a three hour walk away.

Izuku puts his hood over his head and began walking back to the hideout.

Izuku had been walking for about half an hour as it began to drizzle.

Izuku then had a feeling as though he was being watched, he glanced towards his left to see the silhouette of someone quickly taking cover in a dark alley.

Izuku wondered who this was and what they're doing. But it didn't matter, maybe it was nothing and he should just keep moving forward.

However, within the span of a couple minutes, he had seen the silhouettes of multiple people hiding and following him.

Izuku began to grow in concern, these could be CIA or worse, Supes from Vought.

Regardless, the green haired was worried that they'd follow him back to the hideout.

Izuku kept walking for another five minutes, keeping his cool and not quickening his pace.

He then spots an alleyway on his right, slowing down a bit as he takes a quick glance into the alley.

It was quiet, empty, a little dark and he could tell that there were multiple turns he could take, similar to that of a maze.

Izuku then made his way down the alleyway, making a quick glance to see three figures.

He then continued down the alley, taking a left and then a right and another right.

He knew these people were following him, hearing their faint footsteps some distance away.

Izuku then stops in his tracks upon seeing five individuals cut him off, looking back to the ones behind him he counted ten in total.

They all stepped closer, stopping at around 15 feet away from the teen as he could see them more clearly.

Izuku: Idaten.

He said as he is face to face with the team leader, Tensei Ida, otherwise known as Ingenium.

Ingenium: Izuku Midoriya, you're pretty calm and collected for someone your age. I had no doubt you'd lead us here to keep your associate's whereabouts secret.

Izuku: How did you find me so quickly?

Ingenium: It was quite the coincidence, really. We decided to patrol here when one of my teammates spotted you sometime ago and informed the rest of us. Now then, I advise you to surrender. And if you tell us where your associates are located, none of you will be harmed. You have my word.

Izuku: Even if you really mean that, Vought wouldn't let me or my friends live more than one day in police custody. So no thanks.

He says before powering up, leaping onto a rooftop and started running.

He then turns back to see a woman flying after him.

He then clenched his fists, ready for a fight as the woman charged only for him to dodge her.

She charged towards him once more, the teen dodging, though she stops herself before delivering a kick to Izuku's side.

He grunted as it hurt a bit, currently using 5% of his power.

Izuku then grabs her leg and punches her off the roof.

He then made his way to a ledge, jumping off it towards another building only for birds to suddenly swarm him.

They all pecked at him as Izuku lost his momentum and began to fall into the alleyway.

But then a portal appeared beneath him, falling into it and exiting another portal that led him into the alleyway, hitting the ground.

Ingenium: Idaten, move in to capture! Deadly force is not authorized!

Idaten: Yes, sir!

The team said as they surrounded the teen.

Izuku then analyzed his foes, recognizing every member of Idaten and their powers, looking towards the woman hovering in the air and a man with some birds perched on his shoulders.

Izuku then took one step before a man breathed fire at his feet, though the teen dodged it.

But as soon as he dodged, a woman used telekinesis to hurl trash cans at him, hitting Izuku in the back as he stumbled a bit.

It was then that Ingenium sprinted towards Izuku at super speed, punching him into a wall.

Izuku then leaps into the air only for a woman to create a portal in front of him, the teen exiting out another as he fell towards the ground.

But before he landed, the flying woman went in for a punch to the teen's face.

He then reels his fist back to punch to return the favor only for a woman to create a force field, protecting the flyer.

It was then that the bird controlling man used his power to summons flocks of birds to attack Izuku once more until he hit the ground.

Izuku then looked towards the bird man, now using 10% of his power to sprint towards him.

Idaten was shocked by this sudden increase of speed, Izuku was about to punch the bird man only for Ingenium to grab the teen's wrist, twisting it as he puts his hand behind his back.

Izuku was about to use his other arm only for a man to come in, using elasticity powers to restrain his other arm.

Izuku then used 15% of his power, using a shoulder throw on Ingenium and forcing the elastic man to release his grip with pure strength.

Suddenly, a woman comes up to him and lets out a supersonic scream.

Izuku was then sent flying into a wall yet again, barely able to cover his ears from the scream, though it still hurt.

The woman then stopped screaming, not wanting to hurt Izuku too much.

Izuku's ears rang for a bit just as a large charged towards him, hitting the teen with a super strong punch that bruised his face.

Izuku knew this man as Idaten's muscle, super strength and all.

He then quickly dodged another punch from the hero before getting behind him and aiming for a kick.

But the teen was stopped by an unseen force as the telekinetic woman threw him into another wall.

She then pinned him there with her telekinesis, though Izuku started using 20% of his power.

It was then that the elastic man tied himself around Izuku's arm and legs, the force field woman using her powers in conjunction to restrain the teen.

Ingenium: Please surrender, young man. We don't want to make this more difficult than it needs to be.

He said as Izuku struggled to break free at 20% and the three heroes using everything they had to keep him restrained.

Izuku wanted to use more power, but he was worried he'd overdo it and end up killing then in the process.

But if he didn't use more power, he'd be arrested, interrogated by Vought and eventually killed.

Izuku closed his eyes shut, conflicted on what to do.

But suddenly, he heard the sound of metal cutting into flesh.

Izuku opened his eyes to see that the force field woman had a knife gone down her shoulder and into her lungs.

The hero then fell as a woman with dark blue and pink hair stands before them with a blood stained knife.

Idaten was in shock as the woman looks at them with a stoic expression on her face.

Ingenium: Lady Nagant?!

He yelled in shock before her arm morphs into a fleshy sniper rifle and opened fire on Ingenium.

The turbo hero quickly used his speed to dodge the bullet, but she then fired another bullet right into the telekinetic woman's head, killing her instantly as the telekinesis wore off on Izuku.

Ingenium: NO!!

He screamed, tackling Nagant into a wall and began to hit her with rapid punches.

Izuku then used this chance to break free from the elastic man, rushing towards the portal woman and knocking her out with a 10% Smash.

The sonic screaming woman then screamed, sending Izuku back into the wall again.

Meanwhile, Nagant was getting punched rapidly by Ingenium only to grab the turbo hero by the neck and slamming him into the wall with great strength.

Nagant then sprints towards Idaten, the super strength man going in for a punch only for Nagant to break his ribs with her elbow.

The man then fell to the ground, coughing up blood as Nagant rushed towards the sonic screaming woman.

She quickly turned around to face Nagant only to get punched in the throat.

The sonic screaming woman then gasped for air, unable to use her power only for Nagant to grab her head and instantly snap her neck.

Izuku was shocked by all this, not sure why Lady Nagant of all people was here, killing members of Idaten.

He then looked to his left upon seeing the bird controlling man looking at Nagant in terror, his entire body shaking as he didn't know what to do.

Izuku used this opportunity to kick him unconscious before seeing Nagant about to take on the rest of Idaten by herself.

Nagant fired another bullet with her morphed arm at the flying woman only for Ingenium to leap towards her, pushing her out of the way as Nagant missed.

This then gave the elastic man the opportunity to wrap himself around Nagant, restraining her.

The fire breathing man then breathed fire at Nagant's head, carefully not to hit his teammate.

The firebreather then stopped as he ran out of breath only to look on in shock as Nagant was completely unfazed by the flames.

Nagant then used her strength to release herself from, using her knife to slice the elastic man to pieces as he fell dead.

The firebreather stood there frozen in fear as Nagant aims for his head only for Ingenium and the flying woman to tackle her down some distance into the alleyway.

Izuku then used this opportunity to knock out the firebreather with a 10% Smash before following the others.

Nagant was pinned to the ground as Ingenium and the flying woman were pummeling her with their fists, though they didn't seem to go much damage to her.

Izuku then rushes in, kicking the flying woman off of Nagant as they went flying into a wall.

Ingenium then paused his assault on Nagant as he was about to run to help his teammate.

But just as he took a single step, Nagant morphs her arm into a sniper and shoots, hitting Ingenium in the back of the knee, the bullet flying right past it.

Ingenium screams in pain as he fell to the ground, holding his bleeding, broken leg.

Izuku looks at the injured Ingenium before knocking the flying woman unconscious with a 10% Smash.

Izuku then looks to see Nagant planting her boot onto Ingenium's back, aiming her sniper arm for his head.

Izuku: Wait! Stop!

He yelled, grabbing Nagant's attention.

Izuku: Don't kill him! He's not a threat anymore!

He pleaded, Nagant staring at him for a moment before morphing her arm back to normal.

Nagant: You're lucky he cares for your worthless life, Ingenium.

She says before walking towards Izuku, the teen taking a step back.

Nagant: Relax. I'm not here to hurt you.

Izuku: Then what are you here for?

Nagant: I'll explain when we get to the rest of the boys.

She says, Izuku a bit hesitant but he felt that she could be trusted as he and Nagant started making their way to the hideout.

It took less than two and a half hours since Izuku and Nagant fought Idaten as they had finally made it to the hideout.

Izuku: Guys?

Hughie: Izuku!

He yelled, running up to the teen and giving him a hug.

Hughie: I was so fucking worried.

Frenchie: Glad to have you back, Broccolidoriya.

He says as he and Kimiko hugged the green haired teen.

Mother's Milk: Izuku, who the fuck is that?

He asked as everyone looked to see Nagant.

Frenchie and M.M were about to take out their handguns only for Izuku to raise his hands.

Izuku: It's okay! She's with us! She helped me against Idaten.

Hughie: Idaten?

Frenchie: Ingenium's team?

Izuku: Yeah.

Mother's Milk: Wait . . . I remember you now.

Izuku: Wait, you know Lady Nagant?

Mother's Milk: Yeah, you were Black Noir's sidekick before you went AWOL and ended up working for Mallory.

Hughie: Wait, Mallory?

Lady Nagant: Yes, Ms. Mallory has assigned me to keep an eye on all of you. Especially you, Izuku Midoriya.

Izuku: Me?

Lady Nagant: Let's just say that Ms. Mallory has a good feeling about you.

Izuku: Oh.

Mother's Milk: And exactly how long have you been watching us?

Lady Nagant: Since the kid got you out of CIA custody. With Idaten giving him a hard time, I deemed it necessary to reveal myself. Which I wouldn't have had to do it if you didn't hold back.

Izuku: I . . . didn't want to risk killing them.

Hughie: Wait, is Idaten dead? All ten of them?

Izuku: Um, well . . .

He says awkwardly while Nagant was unbothered.

M.M then grabs the remote and turns on the tv, looking for the news channel.

News Anchor: We interrupt this program with some breaking news. And it's rather . . . tragic. Approximately two hours ago, the superhero team known as Idaten have been found beaten in an alleyway. Police on the scene found Idaten's leader, Ingenium, with a broken leg along with four other unconscious superheroes. They also found another four members of Idaten dead and another having suffered internal bleeding, dying shortly after police and ambulances had arrived. Ingenium reported that he and Idaten were in pursuit of one of the wanted associates of William Butcher, Izuku Midoriya, when the former superhero, Lady Nagant, attacked and murdered half of Idaten in cold blood.

He says before M.M turns it off.

Mother's Milk: What fuck did you do!?

He yelled at the former hero.

Lady Nagant: I killed five of Vought's so-called heroes. That's less Supes to worry about.

Mother's Milk: Bitch, if you weren't invulnerable, I'd slap the living FUCK out of you!!

He screamed as Hughie and Frenchie tried to calm him down while Izuku and Nagant went somewhere private.

Izuku: Lady Nagant-

Lady Nagant: Tsutsumi.

Izuku: Huh?

Lady Nagant: Just refer to me by my last name.

Izuku: Oh, okay then. Ms. Tsutsumi-

Tsutsumi: Just Tsutsumi, Midoriya.

Izuku: Sorry. Look, I'm glad you helped me but . . . killing half of Idaten isn't a good look for us. Mr. Milk is getting frustrated that we're all wanted and that his chances of seeing his family are getting slimmer. So, please . . . could you maybe try not to kill anyone else?

He asks politely as Tsutsumi stares at him for a moment before speaking.

Tsutsumi: I can't make any promises, Midoriya. It's kill or be killed.

She says before making her way to the bathroom as Izuku was looking rather worried about the consequences Nagant's actions could lead to.

-To be continued-

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If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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