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Note: I DO NOT own DC Comics or One Punch Man so don't report me. This is for entertainment purposes only and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

We begin our story 13 years before the events of One Punch Man, a truck pulls over in front of a Junior High School.

There was a sign that reads "Entrance Ceremony".

Jonathan: Ready for orientation, Clark?

He asked.

Clark: Sure am, pa.

Said a 12 year old Clark Kent as he exits the truck, wearing a Junior High uniform.

He headed inside and into the gym, Clark sitting down with his fellow first year students as the entrance ceremony began.

Man: Today, you must begin thinking of yourselves as Junior High students. Aim to be fine, well-rounded students! What should you do for your future? All your hard work is an investment for the days ahead!

After some time, the entrance ceremony ended as he headed to his assigned class, meeting his teacher and fellow classmates as they went through orientation.

After an entire month, Clark has become a model student.

He's never late to class, always paying attention and studying, even becoming class representative after getting the highest scores in his tests.

Clark also made plenty of friends in his class, becoming one of the popular kids in school.

One day, after school had ended, a group of three boys were walking home when a pair of older, tall, muscular students appeared with the sleeves of their uniforms seeming to have been torn off.

Bully 1: Hey, new kids! My buddy and I are short on cash. You mind helping us out?

The new kids were scared.

Boy 1: Uh . . .

Boy 2: Y-You want money?

Bully 2: That's right, so how much have you got?

Boy 3: We . . . d-don't have any on us.

Bully 2: But you do at home, right?

???: Hey, you thugs! Stop right there!

The bullies turn around to see a boy named Satoru, riding a bike, wearing a helmet and glasses.

Bully 1: Who're you?

Satoru: I'm a new student that commutes by bike!

He yelled as he gets off his bike and places it up against the wall.

Satoru: I never overlook injustice, I won't let you bully them!

The bullies laugh.

Bully 2: This kid's got no idea who we are!

Bully 1: Let's show him!

The next day, Clark had just walked into the classroom and saw his friends talking as he approached them.

Clark: Hey guys, how is everyone doing?

They turned to look at Clark with nervous looks on their faces.

Clark: Did something happen?

Girl 1: You haven't heard, Clark? Yesterday, some third year bullies beat up four boys from class 2.

Clark: What?

Boy 1: Yeah, they were covered in bruises and their uniforms were ripped.

Girl 2: Everybody's scared, wondering who'll be next.

Clark: Who are these bullies?

Boy 2: Two upperclassmen, real scumbags too. We should be careful not to get their attention.

The second day went by without any problems for Clark, but the day after that, he heard about what happened after school.

Clark: They beat up another first year student?!

Boy 2: Yeah, did the same thing to him like they did with the others.

Clark: Isn't anyone going to stop them? Has anyone talked to the teachers or the principal?

Girl 2: It's no use, Kent. Teachers don't care about bullying. It's the same as it was when in my last school.

She said, saddened by the painful memories prior to Junior High.

Clark clenched his fist ever so slightly.

He didn't want to admit it but what his friend was saying is true.

Teachers don't do anything to help.

Later after school, the two bullies were walking down the school hallway until Clark appeared in front of them.

Clark: So you're the "Uniform Rippers"?

Bully 1: What about it, new kid?

Clark: Let's step outside for a minute.

Bully 1: Huh?

Bully 2: If you know who we are, then you should know not to mess with us.

Clark: You don't scare me.

Bully 1: Heh, alright new kid. Let's go.

He said as the three stepped outside the school grounds.

Bully 1: You're gonna regret this when we beat you to a pulp, rip your uniform and take whatever you got in your pockets.

Clark: If you think you can do it, then go ahead and try.

He said, cracking his knuckles.

The bullies had enough as the first one walked up to him.

Bully 1: You're really starting to piss me off!

He yelled, swinging his fist towards the first year student.

Clark effortlessly dodged the attack and uses a heavily suppressed punch to knock the bully to the ground.

Bully 1: Agh! What the?!

Bully 2: Woah, what?!

Bully 1: Y-You . . . you . . . you!

He yelled as the second bully helped him up.

Bully 2: You're dead, new kid!

He yelled as they both charged towards Clark.

But out of nowhere, a monster appeared, ramming into the bullies and knocking them against a wall.

Bully 2: Gaaah! A monster!

Piggie Bank: Piggie Bank wants your change, give me your change!

Bully 1: W-We don't have any!

Piggie Bank: If I run into you again, maybe coins will fly out!

He growled as the bullies began to scream for their lives. Clark stood himself in between the monster and bullies.

Clark: Leave them alone, monster!

The monster and the bullies were confused by this.

Piggie Bank: Do you have change, little boy?

Clark: Yeah, I have 500 Yen. But I'm not giving it to you.

Piggie Bank: Then I'll trample you to death and take it by force!

The monster yelled as he charged towards the three.

Clark quickly grabbed the two bullies and jumped out of the way as the monster hits the wall.

Bully 1: You . . . you saved us?

Bully 2: But why?

Clark: Because you were in danger, even letting jerks like you get hurt would go against everything my ma and pa taught me.

He said as he starts walking towards the monster.

Bully 2: Hold it, you're not actually gonna fight that thing, are you?!

Clark: Better than letting it run free.

Piggie Bank shook it's head after hitting the wall as it looked at Clark.

Piggie Bank: I'll kill you!

It yelled, charging towards the young man.

Clark clenched his fist, leaping towards Piggie Bank and punching the monster square in the face.

His skull had cracked as the monster was sent flying straight into the wall.

Clark then turns around to look at the bullies, both had their jaws dropped in shock of a Clark's strength.

Clark: No more bullying, okay?

The bullies just stare at Clark as the young man walks away.

Meanwhile, the Kents were in their truck, looking for Clark.

Martha: Jonathan, where is he?

Jonathan: I don't know. We're usually the ones that keep him waiting. Not the other way around.

Martha: Do you think something happened to him?

Jonathan: Martha, the boy's invulnerable and he can lift this truck with a finger. What could possibly happen to him?

He says before heading a knock on the passenger seat window.

They looked to see that it was Clark as Martha unlocks the door for him.

Martha: Clark Joseph Kent, where were you!? You had me worried sick!

Clark: I'm sorry ma, there was a bully in school picking on two kids. I couldn't let him get away with it.

Jonathan: You made sure to hold back, right?

Clark: Don't worry, pa. I did.

The next day, everyone was talking about the now former bullies.

Clark saw the former bullies walking down the school hallway wearing brand new uniforms, not even talking to anyone.

Boy 1: What the heck has gotten into them?

Girl 1: Who knows? Maybe they've seen the error of their ways?

Girl 2: Well, either way, at least we don't have to worry about them anymore.

They said as the two former bullies glanced at Clark before looking away as they headed straight to class.

Three years before the events of One Punch Man, a 22 year old Clark Kent was in the Fortress of Solitude, located in the North Pole.

Clark was walking through the hall as the door in front of him opens automatically.

He was now in a large room with all kinds of kryptonian machinery, treasures & knowledge.

At the end of this room was a large statue of his birth parents, Jor-El & Lara Lor-Van holding a baby Kal-El.

A golden service robot for the House of El had ceased his work to turn and greet him.

Kelex: Master Kal-El, how are you this evening?

Clark: I'm doing fine, Kelex. You?

Kelex: Everything is fully operational, as you can see, Master Kal-El.

Clark: Can you do me a favor, Kelex?

Kelex: What do you wish of me?

Clark: I was wondering if you could make me a suit?

Kelex: May I ask what for?

Clark: Earlier today, I saved a boy from a monster. And as you know, I don't want people to know about my powers without reporters or the government hounding me or my family. And now that I've graduated from college, I have more spare time to help people. So if you could make me a superhero suit to hide my identity, I'd really appreciate it.

Kelex: I am at your service, Master Kal-El.

Clark: Oh, and Kelex? You don't have to call me master. You can just call me Kal-El.

Kelex: As you wish, Kal-El.

The next day, Clark had returned to the fortress to check up on Kelex.

Clark: So how is everything, Kelex?

Kelex: Everything is fully operational, Kal-El. I have also finished the suit you've requested. Do you wish to see it?

Clark: Yes, Kelex.

Kelex presses a button which opens a cylinder shaped chamber to reveal Clark's blue and red suit.

Clark then tries it on.

Kelex: Is it to your liking, Kal-El?

Clark: Yeah, you did a great job, Kelex. It fits perfectly. Thank you.

Kelex: I am always at your service, Kal-El.

For the next nine months after obtaining his suit, Clark has been patrolling the cities of the world for any and all crime he can find.

Ranging from criminals, natural disasters, monsters to even the little things such as saving a cat out of a tree.

Superman was on patrol one morning when he heard the screams of an elderly woman.

He sped into the direction of the voice and lands to see a monster, with flower petals around it's head, approaching an old woman as it growled.

Superman: Hey, leave her alone!

The monster turns to growl at Superman before charging towards him. But Superman knocked him out in one punch as the monster fell on it's back.

Old Woman: Oh my! You saved me! Thank you so much, young man! I can't believe monsters would even attack candy stores these days!

Superman: There's no need to thank me, ma'am. I heard your call for help and came as fast as I could.

Old Woman: You just wait right there. Let me get you a reward.

Superman: Oh, um, that won't be necessary ma'am.

Old Woman: Nonsense, let me repay you. I'll be back in just a minute.

She said as she enters her store, coming back out with a large bag.

Old Woman: Here you are, young man. A year's worth of assorted candy!

She says with a smile.

Superman didn't want or really need candy, but he didn't want to be rude so he just accepts the reward.

Superman: Thank you, ma'am. Have a nice day.

Old Woman: You stay safe now, you hear?

Superman: Don't worry, ma'am, I will.

He said before grabbing the unconscious monster and taking off into the sky.

As he flew towards the Fortress of Solitude, he decided to eat just one piece of candy before imprisoning the monster in the Phantom Zone.

He left the year's worth of candy in Kelek's possession before heading back on patrol.

Just a couple hours later, he was patrolling the skies as a little boy was walking his Bull Terrier puppy.

The boy looked up to see Superman.

He was in awe to see him flying in the sky, but he didn't notice that he was crossing the street without looking and was about to get hit by a car.

Superman immediately got in front of the boy and pup, lifting the car off the ground.

The driver freaked out as people watched and even started recording with their phones.

Superman: You okay?

The boy was in shock by this but managed to nod his head as Superman gently puts the car down.

Superman: Sorry about that, you hurt anywhere?

Driver: N-No . . .

Superman: That's good.

Superman turns back to the boy.

Superman: You should always look before crossing the street, young man.

Boy: I-I'm sorry, sir.

Superman smiled as he got down on one knee.

Superman: No need to be sorry, kid. Just try to be a little more careful, okay?

He said before the puppy jumped onto him and started licking his face.

Boy: Ah! M-Max!

Superman: It's okay, I love dogs.

He said, petting the puppy before the boy went home with his dog beside him.

Superman took off into the skies, leaving the people in awe as he did so.

Later at noon, Clark changed out of his costume so he could grab lunch.

Being a Kryptonian under yellow sunlight meant that he doesn't require food, water or even oxygen to survive.

But despite this, Clark really does enjoy the taste of food.

Plus, he wouldn't want people to get suspicious of him if they knew he doesn't need to eat.

Man: Thank you very much, enjoy your hotdogs.

Clark: Thank you.

He said before taking a bite.

He then heard a cry for help in the distance.

Clark went into an alleyway, ate his hotdogs in an instant with his super speed and immediately changed back into his costume before heading off.

Woman: Somebody help!

Man: It's a monster, run!

They screamed as Superman looked at the monster with veins pulsing from his head, wearing glasses, boxing gloves, shoes & wrestling underwear.

Incarnation of Electric Light String: Graaaaah! I'm so frickin' strong! Look how fast my fists are!!

He yelled, before pummeling a nearby car.

Incarnation of Electric Light String: Shadow Boxing the string dangling from an overhead light made me superhuman! I'm the toughest guy around! But cars and buildings aren't enough! I need a human! Someone let me punch their face!

Superman: Go ahead then.

The monster turned around to see the Man of Steel right behind him.

Incarnation of Electric Light String: Huh?! Where the hell did you come from?!

Superman: It was pretty easy, you were too busy boasting about yourself. Even the average joe could've snuck up behind you.

Incarnation of Electric Light String: You tryna make fun of me?!?!

He yelled in anger before punching Superman square in the face, only to find that the man hadn't even flinched.

The monster backed away, his body sweating like crazy as he tried to process what had just happened.

Incarnation of Electric Light String: N-No way! What the hell are you?!

He said before Superman punched him into a wall.

The Man of Steel then carried the unconscious monster to the Fortress and straight into the Phantom Zone.

Two years before the events of One Punch Man, City Z seemed abandoned.

That is to be expected when there are orders to evacuate.

Some people, however, aren't so fortunate to escape the city and headed to the shelters built by the Hero Association.

Woman: Hey, don't push.

Man: Is everything okay out there?

The people were scared as they heard the sound of a building collapsing and the crying of an infant.

The monster was a large cicada-like creature with a small human infant head on top of it's cicada head.

It had just tried to attack two heroes. C-Class, Rank 140; Red Muffler & C-Class, Rank 299; The Grad School Grad.

Red Muffler: Dammit! It's exoskeleton repels our attacks!

The Grad School Grad: And it's powerful! We gotta be careful!

???: Leave this to me.

They turn around to see a man wearing armor and carrying a sword.

Red Muffler: Y-You . . . you're the B-Class rookie, Darkness Blade!

Darkness Blade: Yes, my blade can cut through anything. The monster's mine.

Red Muffler: Um . . . sure.

He said as the three of them got ready to fight.

About twenty minutes later, the three heroes reached the shelter alongside several civilians with cuts and bruises.

Man 1: You know we're screwed if you guys hide here in the shelter, right!?

Man 2: You call yourselves heroes!?

Woman 1: What about the monster outside!?

Man 3: Return my donation to the Association!

The Grad School Grad: 'I need a new job.'

He thought as the three heroes entered.

Red Muffler: The monster was too strong for us, let's just wait until it dies naturally.

Woman 2: Are you kidding!? That'll take forever!

Man 4: The number of monster attacks have been increasing and these guys are our defense?

Woman 3: They're so useless. Good thing these people made it here, at least.

Man 5: Come on now, they helped us evacuate to the shelter.

Man 6: Yeah, thanks for that. I didn't even know about this place.

Woman 4: Thank you very much, heroes!

Meanwhile, the monster known as 170 Thousand Year Old Cicada Nymph was continuing it's rampage across City Z. That is, until it noticed someone above it.

Superman: I'm gonna need you to stop what you're doing and surrender.

The monster wailed like an infant before jumping into the air to try and catch the Man of Steel.

This was a mistake as Superman punches him to the ground. As it laid unconscious, Superman headed towards the shelter.

Within the shelter, people heard the crashing sound of the monster getting punched into the ground and thought that it was trying to get in.

A woman with blonde hair and glasses comes in to settle things down.

Woman: Everyone, please, remain calm! There is nothing to fear! The Hero Association has built these shelters to withstand anything! We're perfectly safe!

Everyone went silent when they heard a knock at the entrance.

Woman: Check the cameras.

She said to a facility staff member in a suit and tie. He took out a tablet and checked the cameras to see Superman at the entrance.

Man: Huh? Is that a hero?

He said as the woman looked to see for herself.

Woman: . . . Open the door.

She said as the shelter door had unlocked and opened automatically. Everyone was surprised to see Superman at the entrance.

Woman: What's your name, class and rank?

Superman: I don't work for the Hero Association.

Woman: So you're a vigilante?

Superman: Yes, and I should let you all know that I took care of the monster. It's safe now.

Man: So we can go home?!

Superman smiled as he nods.

Everyone eagerly exited the shelter, with Superman heading back to the unconscious monster and heading straight to the Fortress of Solitude.

A year before the events of One Punch Man, Clark had heard about snow monsters in the northern regions.

The villages and towns there had been attacked many times without any signs of stopping.

Clark got into his costume and immediately flew north. He closed his eyes as he concentrated on his super hearing.

Superman flew towards the ground as he sees a boy with a sled.

Superman: You shouldn't be out here, there are monsters roaming these mountains.

Boy: So? Doesn't mean I can't have fun.

Superman: Do your parents know you're out here?

He asked, approaching the boy.

Superman's eyes widened as he quickly grabs the boy, pulling him to safety as a snow monster tried to attack him.

Boy: So there really are monsters here?!

Superman: How do you not know about it?

Boy: I heard about it from my friends at school but I thought they were just trying to scare me!

Superman sighed as the monster tried to attack them, but Superman used his heat vision to melt the snow monster into a puddle.

Loud screeches echoed throughout the mountain as hundreds of snow monsters charged towards the Man of Steel.

The boy screams in fear as they approached them.

Superman: Stay here, kid. I'll be right back.

He said as he ran towards the snow monsters, bulldozing them with his indestructible body.

The monsters tried to attack but Superman used his super breath to blow them all away into the wind.

He makes his way back to the boy.

Superman: Are you okay?

Boy: Yeah, I'm fine. That was so cool old dude!

Superman: I'm not old, I'm 24.

Boy: You were still pretty cool though, what's your name?

Superman: Superman.

Boy: So cool!

The mountains began to shake with the boy nearly falling if he hadn't held onto Superman.

They looked up to see a gargantuan snow monster that was taller than the mountain itself.

Boy: Y-You can take him . . . right?

Superman looks at the boy with a smile.

Superman: No sweat, kid. I'll be right back . . . again.

He said as he took off into the sky. The monster tried to swing it's arms at him but the Man of Steel dodged it with ease and obliterated the monster with a single punch.

Boy: Wow . . .

He said before Superman returned and brought him home safe and sound. The boy wouldn't stop talking about Superman for weeks.

It got to the point that he told the local news what had happened to the monsters, mentioning Superman with high regard and admiration.

A month later, a monster going by the name of 170 Thousand Year Old Cicada Imago appeared.

It was larger and stronger than the nymph from last year as Superman stood on top of a building.

Superman: Must be the other one's sibling or parent.

He says before charging towards the monster, taking it down with one punch

He then carries it's large body before it could hit the ground as to not damage any buildings or crush people to death.

He then carries the creature all the way to the Fortress to meet up with it's kin in the Phantom Zone.

-To be continued-

If you guys are enjoying this story please give it a like, comment your thoughts, give me a follow and share this story with your friends.

If any of you have any ideas for a story you'd like me to write, feel free to let me know in the comments or in my DM.

With that said, I hope you all have a nice day.

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