Happier then ever

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Neither of them had felt happier or more at peace in their entire lives. Anne Wheeler and Phillip Carlyle had just kissed center stage, and they didn't care what anybody thought about them. They had each other, and that's all that mattered.

After the show had concluded, Anne and Phillip walked out of the tent hand in hand. It wasn't just a tent though, it was their new home. A place that the unaccepted could go and feel accepted. A place that everyone belonged.

About three months later, Anne, Phillip and all of the other members of the show were living their best lives. Phillip was ringmaster, as expected, Anne was still doing her trapeze and aerial act, and was loving it!

Phillip loved seeing Anne so happy, but seeing some of the things she was doing up there did scare him a bit. But he didn't say anything, in fear of upsetting her, and he knew she could handle it.

Anne's POV
Phillip and I both loved the Barnum's. Even with Phillip in charge now, we still stayed in touch, and visited every so often.

I loved Helen and Caroline, their two daughters, and they made me love the idea of possibly having my own children someday. Part of me really hoped that it would be with Phillip. I knew he would be an amazing father.

Today we were going to visit the Barnum's in their very large house that Charity and P.T. grew up playing in and they fixed up. I couldn't wait to see the girls!

Phillip's POV
Anne and I make it to the Barnums' house, and are almost immediately bombarded by Helen and Caroline. "Anne!", Caroline exclaims before giving her a hug. "Hey, Caroline. Look at how big you two have gotten since I saw you last." Anne says before picking Helen, the younger one of the two daughters up, and I can't help but notice how well she handles children, and I find myself getting the weirdest image in my mind of Anne and I having children of our own one day.

I sit down on the couch with the older couple, while Anne sits on the carpet with the girls. Helen is giving Anne a tour of her new dollhouse as Caroline starts showing us some of the things she learned in her ballet class last week.

"So how have you two been?" Charity asks me. "Outside of the show, that is." She specified.

"We're good. I feel like I've been falling deeper in love with this girl every single day." I say. Anne looks up at me from the floor and raises an eyebrow. Caroline pretends to vomit while Helen just coos at the talk about love.

"Come with me." Phineas says, pulling me into the next room.

"What's going on?" I ask him, noticing the confused looks from the other room.

"So, when are you thinking of...you know...popping the question?"

"What, Phin, I-" I sigh, deciding not to protest against it. "I have a ring."

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