|| Noa || - 1

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The egotistical little brats that roam this school can kiss my ass for all I care. They think their petty words will bring me to my knees in tears, begging to be accepted into their superficial world full of lies and fake love.

I let them pretend I'm one minute away from a mental breakdown. The resentment and hatred I have piled up over the years shields me. My cold exterior will never break, I won't allow it to. Not even if God himself commands me to do so. It's kept me safe for this long, and I won't let anything even crack it

Not even Rhett Rider. The infamous, sweet-talker of a boy at this hellish school.

His blondish brown hair is always trimmed nicely and neatly, it disgusts me. He, so far, has fooled everyone into believing that he is one of the sweetest and studious boys here. His perfect attendance - gag me- matches his perfect aura. Girls describe him as being better than our school's 'bad boy', who is also someone I highly despise for other reasons. None of them are important right now. The only important thing right now comes in the form of a question that keeps antagonizing me.

Why is everyone so god damn fooled by Rhett?

This Rhett has always been the 'talk of the town', but in a seemingly good way. Parents love him, and teachers praise him. I hate him. He always smiles at me, but I know no one is that perfect. Everyone has their flaws.

And I probably take the cake with the most.


I lock gazes with my therapist. I have been zoning off into space as she rambled on about making friends. She was in the middle of telling me why my guinea pig, Wren, doesn't count as a friend when I decided that Rhett Rider was more interesting to think about than listen to her drone on.

"Mhm yep." Her perky demeanor diminishes at my annoyed tone.

She taps her fingers anxiously in front of her on her desk. I take notice of her neatly manicured nails. She went with a light pink color this time. I figure it's because she wants to mock my lighter pink hair. Or at least my narcissistic mind likes thinking that way. I'm sure she picked the color since it's popular this season.

"Noa. Can you at least try to pay attention when I talk? I know you'd rather be with your friends-oh wait-what friends?" I feel a stupid smile creep on my face at her sassiness towards me. This was the reason why I actually showed up to these god awful sessions with her. She knew after my first session that I respect someone who can put me in my place.

"Zoey...you know how to make me feel just spectacular, don't you?" I smirk as she rolls her eyes at me. At first, I wasn't a fan of her shorter black hair since I felt it didn't fit her pretty features as nicely, but I guess it's just a part of her. Her fiancé, Josh or something dumb like that, is literally the epitome of average, based upon the pictures I've seen around her office. You'd think she would've been with someone more adventurous and not so...safe?

"Just telling you how it is. You wanted me to be real, and you will get real, girlie," she says back, a sly smile forming on her lips. God, I hate when she calls me 'girlie'.

"Can I leave now? I have some chemistry to work on." I may hate everyone and be into some dark shit, but I take my studies somewhat seriously. I only try in the classes I like, and so far, I love chemistry. Don't ask why. I really don't know the answer.

"Fine. I guess I'll see you next time then... Next Tuesday, same time?" she asks, knowing I have to say 'yes' anyway. I give a nod as I get out of the plush seat. Her office is actually pretty cool with hints of black and purple. She has numerous pictures of her cats and dogs along with her and Josh.

She follows me to the door, leaning on the door frame. I keep forgetting that she's the same height as me which I feel is rare now. It is at my school at least. My taller height sometimes scares some of the guys. Or maybe it's my brooding and dark persona.

Yeah, probably that.

"Make some friends. Even if it's just one."

I turn around, giving her my normal, bored face.

"Yeah. Imagine me with friends."

"Just try. Okay?" I just give a shrug before exiting the building. I begin walking the sidewalk back to my home. The cold air hits my skin, and I instantly regret not wearing my jacket. I opted out the leather for my comfier sweatshirt made strictly of cotton and other shit so it doesn't shrink. My teeth begin to chatter, and the cold, honestly, makes me wanna die.

"Here, take this." I look to my left to see the boy that could only make this better for me. Note the heavy sarcasm.

"No thanks. I'll manage," I mutter, shifting my gaze from Rhett to the ground again. I let my ragged combat boots carry me forward, ignoring Rhett's legs catching up to mine. The ass doesn't give up...does he?

"Aw, com'n Noa. A jacket isn't going to hurt you. Please take it...for me. I hate to see you cold," His voice, I'll admit, is the perfect tone. It's not too deep, yet deep enough to let you know he was more a man than a boy now. He also has an almost British quality to how he talks. It makes me wonder where he was born.

"I said, I'm fine," I clench my teeth, sneering my response back as I attempt to walk faster. He still manages to keep up with me, matching my long strides.

"Noa! I need to ask you something." I halt immediately at his words. What on earth does he need to ask me about? I look up at him, meeting his milk chocolate brown eyes. Honestly, they are a simplistic yet pretty brown. I could easily see myself getting lost in them, if I actually liked the kid.

"What?" I cross my arms, narrowing my eyes at him. I take in his preppy clothing of a pale blue polo and darker wash jeans with his boat shoes. I feel bile rise in my throat at the sight.

"Mr. Greene told me to ask you for tutoring help..." his eyes trail down to the ground, and I can't help the laugh that comes out of my mouth.

"Why the hell would he suggest that?"

"You're his best student." His answer is firm as he looks back up at me. I quirk an eyebrow at his statement. Me? Mr. Greene's best student? What kind of bullshit is he on right now?

"Mr. Perfect needs help with something? What a joke!" I begin walking away. Just as I get two steps, his hand grabs a hold of my arm, tugging me towards him. I slightly lose balance and end up falling back into him. His arms, unlike most cliché love stories, are too late to grab me, and I end up sliding to the ground.

His eyes are glimmering with panic as he assists me back to my feet. I accept his help, which I feel like I'll regret later.

"I am so sorry...I didn't mean to just do that. I-I don't know what got into me there..." he apologizes frantically, but I'm not one to easily forgive. Probably one of my downfalls, but it's kept me alive this far.

"You know I can degrade that action of yours before as assault..." His eyes get wider, which is quite shocking since they were extremely wide beforehand. He begins to mutter more apologies, and I see a hint of unshed tears starting to form in his eyes. "Oh my god...shut up! It's fine. Just tell me why you need my help, so I can go back home in peace."

He nods before speaking. "I'm not doing so great in chemistry, and I know it's your best subject. Mr. Greene recommended me to seek you out for tutoring help."

"Interesting. What's in it for me?"

He smiles slightly at my somewhat teasing tone. "A friend."

"What makes you think I want a friend?" I look past him towards a sign for cigarettes. "How about you get me some cigarettes. I'm almost out."

"Um, no. I'll pay you, and then you can spend the money on whatever your heart desires." He mimics my current position by crossing his arms, tilting his head to the side.

I cross my arms, thinking. Maybe if I pretend to make a "friend", Zoey and my mom will stop annoying me to make friends. Before I could stop myself, I begin to ask him. He even suggested it earlier, I remind myself.

"Fine. Also, for the sake of my therapist and mom...ugh, I hate even suggesting this, but I need you to pretend to be my friend. They're all on my backs about being an antisocial nobody with no friends, and I'd need you to pretend to be my friend for a bit. Just until they stop bugging me. Is that a deal?" He tapped his chin in thought before nodding with a big grin.

"Do I have to pretend? What if I want to actually be your friend?" He says sweetly, and I almost feel like he's being sincere, but I brush it off, scoffing at his sweet-talk.

"Whatever. Do we have a deal?"

He brings his hand out for me to shake it. I clasp mine with his, almost liking how warm his hands are. "You got a deal, Noa. Are you free tomorrow night after seven to study? We can meet at my place or wherever."

I quickly nod, not wanting him to come over to my place. The apartment I live in with my mom and sister is too small for us. Plus, it's in a sketchier part of town, which I don't need Mr. 'Perfect' here blabbing about my crappy neighborhood to his friends.

"Your house at seven. Okay, bye," I give him a nod before striding towards my place, leaving him standing there.

I have the feeling something is going to come from this. Something that I probably wouldn't want but might need.

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