|| Noa || - 10

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Rue gave me a thumbs down.

I currently am trying dresses on at the local Goodwill, hoping I find a decent dress for cheap. I'm not about to break my bank for a stupid dance: a dance I had never intended going to until Rhett.

"Try the silver one on! I'm tired of seeing you in black all the damn time!"

"Watch your fucking language, Rue!" I yell back teasingly to which she only rolls her eyes before laughing. I slip back into the small dressing room and tug the tighter black dress off. Placing it back on the hanger, I grab the silver dress that glimmers when the lights hit it and put it on. There are larger sequins on it and it only comes down to the middle of my thighs.

It is a softer scoop neck with a more open back which causes me to slightly frown. I feel completely exposed.

Shrugging to myself in the mirror, I decide to open the dressing room door and show Rue as she really wants to see me in it.

Once I open the door, her eyes trail up from her phone to me. I never have seen her eyes light up as much as they are right now. Her lips curl into a smile as she nods.

"That's the one. That is the dress you're wearing." Her tone is matter-of-fact. I twirl around, feeling stupidly excited.

Once I realize what I'm doing I halt abruptly and frown.

"Are you sure?" I ask Rue, turning so she can see my bare back, "I'm showing a lot of skin. I'm too pasty for this kind of dress, and my legs aren't the skinniest, and I think I have some side boob action going on and-"

"Noa! Shut up!" She snaps at me, and I close my mouth. "It looks amazing on you! Rhett is probably going to be drooling the whole night."

"Gross," I mutter slightly under my breath. Imagining Rhett drool over my half naked, partly disco-ball body makes me want to vomit.

But I strangely feel my cheeks feel up at the thought.

Stupid estrogenic hormones.

"Get it..please!" She pouts her lips. She knows damn well I'm gonna get it. Not only is it only $15, but it also is—I guess—a nice switch-up from my usual choice of black.

"Yeah. Only cause you said please." I close the door behind me, hearing her squeal with happiness.

I don't know why she's more excited than me... I'm the one wearing it to the dance, not her.

After changing into my clothes, which consists of my self-ripped jeans, a plain black tee and my combat boots, I hear my phone buzzing.

Looking at the lock screen, I see it's Rhett calling me. Letting out a sigh, I answer. He probably wants to "study."

"Hey babe." I don't know why babe flows off my tongue effortlessly, but it does.

There's a slight pause before he finally answers. I think I made little Rhett excited there.

"Noa, are you free? I could really use your company..."

"Company in what sense? Hmm." I'm of course teasing him, which he should get the hint.

"Oh not like that kind-kind of-" he coughs, "company. I could really use a friend." His voice sounds broken.

I look over at Rue since I'm already out of the dressing room. Her eyes watching my face intently. It's rare when I'm on the phone, and recently, I've been on it a lot more.

"I would but I'm with my sister-"

"She can come over too. Where are you at? I can pick you up."

I bite my lip. I can't let him see my dress. "I need to check out first and drop my uh things at home. Want to meet us there?"

I can hear the smile in his voice as he says, " yeah. Of course! See you soon!" The line clicks off and as I'm putting my phone in my pocket, Rue quirks an eyebrow.

"Who's babe? Is that the Rhett??"

I shrug, walking to the cashier to purchase the dress. The cashier, who knows that I usually only purchase darker clothing, eyes up the dress. He doesn't say anything as he scans it and rings up the total. Rue hasn't stopped staring at me. Her eyes are just narrowed in on the side of my head.

"Tell me."

"You'll meet him soon enough."

Her eyes go wide. "Wait. Seriously?! Yes! I get to meet your boyfriend!"

We walk out and head back to our apartment. "Rhett is not my boyfriend. We're just ... friends." I still can't get used to saying the word 'friends.' It feels so weird.

"You called him babe, though?"

I give her a side glance, picking up my pace. "It's an inside joke." She nods her head slowly, still unconvinced.

Once we make it back, I hang the dress on my side of the closet, noticing how it sticks out like a sore thumb. It would mesh better with Rue's side, that's for sure.

"Noa!! Someone's at the door!" I hear my sister yell. As I walk out into the main foyer, I see she's just sitting on the couch, watching tv. Her favorite show is on, which is why she didn't get up to get the door.

I hear another knock before I open the door, letting Mr. Golden Boy come in. Rue's head turns over by us, her jaw dropping nearly to the floor. She looks like a fish.

Just as I'm snickering at her face, Rhett decides to envelope me in a huge hug. I keep my arms to my sides, feeling the life nearly squeeze out of my body.

As he pulls away, I'm met with his smiling face.

I squirm out of his hold, noticing that Rue is still staring at us with her mouth agape.

I drag him towards her. "Rhett, this is my sister Rue. Rue this is Rhett. Okay we're good. We can leave now."

Rhett ignores my last command and, instead, takes a seat on the couch next to Rue.

He sticks his hand out towards her, smiling brightly.

"Nice to meet you, Rue. Would you like to hang out with us?"

Rue looks at his hand as if it weren't real. Once she takes it, her cheeks blush profusely. I cross my arms at the sight.

"It's- it is nice to meet you, too." She notices my hard stare and clears her throat. "I'll be fine here. You guys go have fun. My shows on anyway, and I really don't want to miss it."

I smile. "Good. You guys are acquainted. Let's go." I tug on his arm, and he finally gets the hint that I want to go.

I hate that he's already been inside my home twice. I know he says it doesn't matter to him, but it does to me. Especially since he lives where he does.

"I'll have to talk more with you next time!" He waves at my sister which she waves back, pink rushing onto her cheeks again.


I close the door behind me.

"She's cute."

I point a finger at him. "Watch it! That's my sister you're talking about."

"You know I didn't mean it in a creepy way!" He holds his hands up.

I nudge his shoulder, moving in front of him as we walk down the stairs to his car. "Mmhm."

As we buckle our seatbelts, I glimpse over at Rhett who, although is shining brightly on the outside with his charming lopsided grin, his eyes speak louder than his mouth ever could.

He's upset about something.

"Rhett." He snaps his eyes to me, meeting my gaze. "You're hurting."

He furrows his eyebrows, faking confusion. "No? I'm fine. Just was bored and wanted to hang with you-"

"Rhett, stop spewing out bullshit before I punch your face. Tell me what's wrong. I can see it in your eyes. You can't fool me." I place my hand on his arm closest to me. I see his eyes look down at the caring gesture, his cheeks reddening a bit.

He looks up at me; his eyes are glossy. "He's going to get hurt, and I can't stop it from happening anymore."

He can't stop who from getting hurt from—his father! His cruel, asshole of a father!

"Who will your dad hurt?" His eyes flicker to mine.

"How-how did you know I was meaning my father?"

"I can spot daddy issues a mile away. Now tell me."

He takes a deep breath, shaking his head.

"I'll tell you, but not here."

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