|| Noa || - 12

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Fuck Feelings by Olivia O'Brien
Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects

Okay, so I know I look hot, but I didn't think I looked hot enough to get stares from everyone.

"Why are they all staring? Don't they have better things to do?" I murmur under my breath, but loud enough for Rhett to hear.

He glances over at me, a small smile forming. "I don't blame them. You look stunning tonight."

His words cause me to warm up, and a sassy remark comes out of my mouth. "So, you're saying I don't look good every other day?" I bet five bucks he says, "no! That's not what I meant! You look good everyday!"

He rolls his eyes--gasp--and pulls me closer to his side. "You and I both know that you always look good. You just look exceptionally better tonight because--" oh god please don't say something cheesy "--you have this good looking hunk next to you."

His response was much worse than I thought...but, it was unlike him to be really cocky so I guess I approve.

"Mhm yeah. Alright, well I'm going to go to the photobooth and photobomb all those girls over there." He follows me as I begin trudging over there. As I make my way over, a familiar feminine face approaches us: Aria. Her hair is curled and hangs past her shoulders and her tighter black dress actually looks good on her. Overall, she looks great...it just sucks she can't work on making her personality look good too.

But who am I to talk?

"Hey Rhett! Noa. Did you see my date? He's over there." She points to a table where a scrawny, pretty boy sits, flashing his braces at us. "He's like really sweet to me and so hot." Is she serious right now?

The kid can't be any older than fifteen. Maybe sixteen. And I'm pretty sure she just turned eighteen.

I can't stop the laugh that escapes my lips. Her eyes hastily flash over to me as I try to cover my mouth, but my laughing just gets louder and more obnoxious.

"I'm sorry, but what's so funny?"

I can't even respond because I'm laughing so hard. Rhett begins to chuckle too.

She huffs in annoyance before strutting away.

After taking some deep breaths, Rhett nudges my arm.

"Looks like she distracted us for too long... that group left the photo booth." He nods his head over towards the now vacant photo booth. Suddenly a sly smile forms on his lips. "I got an idea."

With that, he pulls me over to the booth. It's covered on top and partially on the sides, leaving a small hole in the back uncovered. We step inside the booth and notice a small bin of props on one end covering the slot for money.

I remember from the morning announcements that the student council rented it out for the whole night, so all pictures are free.

I watch as Rhett grabs a plastic crown which vaguely resembles the one that you see in the Burger King commercials. Next, he grabs a plastic tiara and bright pink feather boa.

He holds both options in his hands for me to choose. I choose the obvious choice: the plastic, "Burger King" crown. He chuckles to himself, shaking his head.

"I knew you'd pick that. I guess I'm stuck with the tiara and boa, huh?"

I shrug my shoulders before placing the crown on my head. I watch as he places the tiara on his and the boa around his neck.

For some reason it looks good on him.

"You'd make a great drag queen."

He strikes a pose, pursing his lips. "I know."

He then presses the button for the pictures to begin; a countdown starting from ten pops up on the screen. I do finger guns towards Rhett while he pretends to blow me a kiss as the first snap of the camera resounds.

The next picture I make a serious face while Rhett purses his lips, giving me a side glance.

The third picture we both decide to smile; his arm is slung over my shoulders as we bear cheesy grins.

The last picture, I look at Rhett for ideas since the majority of them have been mine. As the countdown proceeds, he gives me a mischievous glance before pulling me closer, so I am completely pressed up against him. With his hands, he cups my face and kisses me. My backstabbing hormonal body reluctantly kisses him back as the camera snaps our picture for the final time.

The kiss is soft and ... easy. It feels natural to be kissing him for some reason.

I mean, we have kissed before, but even then it felt natural. It feels good.

Why am I enjoying this?

I'm the first one to pull away, placing my palms on my cheeks, hoping that my sweaty hands will somehow cover and cool them.

Rhett notices this and grabs my hands from my face and sets them in his lap.

"Stop it."

He raises his eyebrows at my command. "Stop what?"

I take my hands from his and place them on my own lap. "Stop whatever the fuck you're trying to do to me."

With that, I get up hastily from the photobooth and run towards the nearest exit.

I want to think that he cares about me, but I keep doubting it all. Does he mean what he says? Does he really deep down like me for me? Or is he a good liar like my ex best friend?

Is he going to go behind my back and ruin my already ruined family?

But the biggest question I have is for myself.

Am I brave enough to let my walls down for him?

"Noa!" I'm face to face with Rhett, his hands shaking as he places them lightly on my shoulders. "W-what did you mean before? I'm not trying to do anything but-" He stops midway his sentence and looks at me with wide eyes.

I narrow my eyes at him. "But? This is what I mean, Rhett! You don't even know what you're doing to me!"

I slump to the ground, pushing my back up against the cool wall. The stars are covered by clouds, but the moon still shines through.

"Do you really think I want to be like this? I hate everything I have become because of them! I hate them for ruining my family! I hate them for ruining me!"

He slips down beside me. "Who's them?" His voice is soft and gentle; the opposite of how I'm sounding.

I shake my head. I haven't told anyone about everything, but, for some reason, I want to tell him. I trust him, and I don't know why.

"My father and...someone I used to call my best friend." My voice is full of bitterness as I speak. The mere thought of them brings back all the terrible memories and pain. "They were having an affair behind all of our backs. I was fourteen at the time, and she was sixteen. It went on for months before any of us found out."

He places a hand on my shoulder, sympathetically. "Noa, I'm so sorry."

I feel the tears come on, but I quickly replace the sadness with anger. "He knocked her up! And on their way back from her appointment with the doctor, they crashed the car! Wanna know what's even better?!"

I take in a deep breath, physically shaking from the memories. "They crashed right into our car! My pregnant friend died on impact whilst the rest of us were left with the physical and mental pain of it all. She got let off easy."

Rhett is silent, but his hand is rubbing my shoulder, slightly easing my anger.

"That's why I go to therapy. That's why my mom only rides the bus to work. That's why I haven't had any friends until you. That's why I push people away. That's why I can't trust the fact that you may actually care about me. And I hate it."

Pretty sure I scared off the couple around the corner that came out here for privacy with how loud I said everything.

But I don't care.

Biting my lip, I stand up and begin to walk into the dance again. I turn around to see Rhett right behind me. Just then, he envelopes me in a hug.

He whispers in my ear, "thank you."

"W-what?" I ask in a hushed tone.

"Thank you for being open. I know how hard that is for you." We still are in each other's arms as he says this. "I'm falling...." I don't catch anything else he says because my mouth opens before I can.

"You're not falling?" I pull back, but this time I keep my arms around him. His eyes widen at my question.

"Oh um I was singing along to the song playing. Let's go dance, yeah?"

I can barely make out the music from out here, but maybe he has better hearing than me?

I cross my arms. "Okay, Rhett-babe." We walk back into the gym where lights are flashing and teens are grinding on each other. Do they not realize we have chaperones at these events?


"This music sucks. Let's go request some good shit!" I yell over Drake's annoying voice. I don't know the name of the song, but I know it's his most popular one as of now.

He nods his head, and we rush over to the DJ who just got done taking a request from a group of boys. Once we walk up, he smiles.

Taking his headphones off, I watch as he gives me a once over. "What can I do for you?" I can tell he's trying to be professional, yet, for some reason, I really want to punch the stupid grin off his face.

"Uh can you play 'Gives You Hell' by The All- American Rejects? The music you're playing is ass. Thanks."

Rhett snickers beside me, and I lightly nudge his side with my elbow.

The DJ, who I pretty much insulted, laughs and nods. "Good song. I'm honestly going off a list of what they gave me and the requests so far. I'll play it in a couple." He begins typing on his laptop and working with his equipment before giving me a thumbs up. "Got it! Enjoy!"

We walk back to the outskirts of the dance floor, and as I wait for my song, Rhett's buddy, Beckett walks up to us. His date is a pretty brunette who has on a simple but cute, blue dress. I recognize her but not enough to remember her name.

"Sup, dude! Hey Noa! You both look great!" I smile awkwardly at his compliment.

"Thanks! Not looking too bad yourself!" Rhett replies back casually. It's easy for him because he's natually a conversationalist whereas I'm more of a "get-the-fuck-away-from-me-ist."
If that makes any sense.

Beckett ushers to his date as he says, "this is Dakota. Dakota, this is my best friend, Rhett, and his date, Noa." I notice the look he gives her as we both say hi. He seems to really like her.

As the boys talk, she leans over towards me, "these songs all are horrible! I'm waiting for some good stuff!"

"Same here! I requested a song...you like All -American Rejects?" At my question she nods instantaneously and smiles.

"Oh my god, yes! Them or My Chemical Romance are my favorites! I also like Panic! At The Disco!" I feel myself squeal internally.

"Good taste," I remark back, earning a small grin from her. Just then, the song plays and I begin bobbing my head to the beat. I glance over at Dakota and notice she does the same. Without saying anything, we both begin to dance together: throwing our fists in the air and singing along to the lyrics.

Then, I feel a pair of hands grab my hands. It's Rhett, and he decides to twirl me around while also grooving side to side with me. Even though it's so loud, I can hear him actually singing the words.

Before you ask, he's not a good singer. But, it did cause me to smile and sing louder with him. I also notice Dakota and Beckett dancing together as well. They're both all smiles.

And as I look back at Rhett, I can't help but to smile too.


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