|| Noa || - 15

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Songs for the chapter:
Kiss It by Dorothy
Good Girls by Elle King
(A/N: lots of swearing in this chapter—you've been warned😉)

I check the clock again. Class is about to start and Rhett's not here. He also forgot to pick me up this morning.

Maybe he's done with you, my paranoid inner voice tells me.

Just as I am about to listen to her, Rhett comes flying into the class, right as the bell rings. The teacher, Mrs. Williams, looks at him and smiles. He's a teacher's pet, so it doesn't surprise me. If it were me running in the class almost late like that, she would've sent me to the principal's office with no hesitation.

The bitch.

"Alright class, settle down and open up your textbooks to page 57 and-" I tune out the rest of her lecture as I stare intently at the back of Rhett's head.

Why hasn't he acknowledged me yet?

Is it because he didn't get what he wanted from me? Did he want more from me last night? Is he embarrassed to be seen with me?

I bite my lip as my anxiety worsens. Whenever this happens I explode, and I also don't have my cigarettes to calm my nerves after this god awful class.


I can't take it anymore. I stand up abruptly, and Mrs. Williams narrows her eyes at my action.

"Miss Alvrezea, sit back down now. We still have ten minutes of class left."

I clench my fists. "I think I'm done listening to you."

Her gaze darkens at my tone. She closes her book, setting it on her white desk, standing up. "Do you want detention? Because if you don't sit down, you will be sent to the principal's office."

Fuck her.

I glance over at Rhett who looks at me confusedly.

Fuck him too.

I begin to walk to the front of the class, making my way towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?! Get back here!" Mrs. Williams screams at me, but I ignore her.

"Noa!" I snap my head towards the source of the voice. Rhett's eyes are pleading for me to sit down. I flip him off.

"Fuck you. Oh!-" I look back at Mrs. Williams, "-and fuck you too! I'm out of here!"

I push the wooden door open and walk out into the halls. I continue to walk even with Mrs. Williams screaming after me, threatening expulsion.

Like she has the authority to do that.

I continue out of the school, now running towards the nearest gas station. I needed cigarettes, badly.

Once I find one, I swiftly walk in. I dig in my pockets, hoping I have enough to get me the cheapest pack there. I have just enough.

I look around at the gas station. It happens to be one of the scuzziest ones around. Perfect, I think. The clerks usually don't question my age at lower class gas stations.

Putting my crumpled dollar bills and random change up on the counter, I point to the red and white pack above.

The old man behind the counter quirks an eyebrow, obviously wondering if I'm old enough to even get a pack. Which I'm not, yet. I'm a couple months shy of 18.

"Can I see an ID, Miss?" He asks gruffly. He leans over the counter.

"I don't have it on me. Can I please just have a pack? I have enough cash... please." I give him my most angelic smile, which probably looks incredibly stupid.

He eyes me up for a second before sighing. "Alright. Just this once. You're too cute to say no to." The skeez has the audacity to wink at me before grabbing the pack. I grimace as he turns his back to me. What a creep.

As he scans the pack, he gives me another wink. "You sure this is enough?" His question rubs me the wrong way.

"Yes I'm sure! Do you want me to count it in front of you?!" I raise my voice.

He looks taken aback at my outburst before a grimy smirk replaces his shocked expression.

"Cute and feisty. I like it. Say, I'm almost on my break, maybe I can take a smoke break with ya, what do ya say?" I look at him with pure distaste.

First of all, the man could be my grandfather. Second, he looks like he takes a shower with sewer water. He even smells nasty.

"No thanks. I'm running late for my shift anyways." I try to not say anything too mean or anything that would give away my real age, since he could literally take the pack away from me.

His smirk falters. "I'm sorry if that seemed like a question. It wasn't. If you want the pack, you have to take a smoke break with me."

"Excuse me?" Is this old man serious? If I didn't need these damned cigarettes to calm my nerves, I would've walked out by now.

"Ya heard me. Go in back with me for a smoke break or no cigarettes for ya." He spurs out every word. Before I have time to respond he comes around the counter, blocking me from the exit. "Com'n! One cigarette with me and you can leave."

He grabs onto my arm roughly, and I freeze in my spot for a second. I finally snap out of it and shove him off me.

"Fuck that! I'm leaving!" I yell.

"I'll call the cops on ya! Report ya for theft and underage smoking!" Is this guy nuts?!

"I didn't even steal, what the fuck?!" I yell out.

He grabs my arms again. "Get your pretty little ass into the back now or I'll call them."

I can't afford to go to jail. My mom wouldn't be able to bail me out.

Before I can say anything, he's torn off me and thrown to the side. His body slams into the counter.

I look over to see that it was Rhett who tore him off me.

"Touch my girl again, and I'll have you thrown into a cell!"

The old man gets up, rubbing his side. "Who the hell are you?"

"Someone you don't want to mess with." His nostrils flare as he glares down at him angrily, before looking at me. "Noa, lets go."

I reluctantly go with him, but not before I snag the pack from the counter. I flip off the old man before fully exiting the building.

I'll never be going back to that gas station again.

I quickly take a cigarette out, rummaging my hand through my pant pocket for my lighter. Once I find it, I light it up. Inhaling the nicotine and other dangerous substances for a moment before blowing it out. I do this a few times, feeling myself already calm down.

Rhett only stands by and watches me. He places his hand out as if asking for one.

"I don't know if I want to give you one, you didn't pick me up this morning like you promised." I don't hide the hurt in my voice as I speak.

His face doesn't fall, instead he looks angry.

"I just saved your ass back there and that's what you say?"

I take a puff of the cigarette, blowing it out onto his face.

"I didn't need saving." I begin to walk away.

He pulls at my arm, bringing my flush against him. "Dammit Noa! Don't do this."

I'm actually enjoying how sexy he is looking—all angry and tense. I also have a lot of problems.

"Why didn't you pick me up this morning? Done with me already? Did I ruin the golden boy's reputation too much?"

He kisses me hard, his tongue darts out, forcing entrance into my mouth before I can fully accept it. His hands grab my head and he tugs my hair back showing his dominance. My insides are on fire and it only intensifies as I feel his hard length pressed up against my lower half. I moan into the kiss more, which only makes his grip on me tighter.

The kiss lasts only a couple more seconds, as he is the first one to break away. He takes the cigarette from my hand and takes a puff of it. I'm in a daze as he takes another, as if he's been smoking his whole life.

His eyes find mine, and I finally see the strange flicker of wildness within them.

He leans his head against mine as he says, "baby, I want you to ruin me. Ruin me good."


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