|| Rhett || - 6

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You know how eclipses are so fascinating?

When the sun finally covers the moon and an eerily yet blissful image covers the sky.

I remember just being so enthralled, so in love with the concept of the eclipse. Even to this day. It only happens a very few times in one's life. It's so rare, so beautiful...

This is how it felt when I had first kissed Noa.

I'm not sure what drove me to pull her lips to mine. Maybe it was the sexual tension lingering in the air or the fact that I found someone who I could relate to in a sense. I felt I could open up to her.

I felt I could be myself around her, and she would actually appreciate it unlike most people. Everyone else had always dwelled on my good boy persona and 'rich' upbringing. It also helped I was a decent athlete. All of this is why Aria and I didn't work. She believed I was the person I showed on the outside, and once she saw a glimpse of my true self, she lashed out and broke up with me.

She asked for me back a couple times, saying it was a 'mistake', but I just ignored her. I didn't need anymore fakeness in my life.

Noa made me realize how stupid it all was.

The popularity, the ambition to make everyone like you; everything superficial. It was all pointless to dwell on. Why care if they don't truly care about you?

My lips were hungrily roaming past her lips and to her neck, as if it were the first time I tasted something so sweet. She had let out a moan, only furthering my drive to proceed further.

I remember her fingers running through my hair; blonde strands being mixed by the ivory of her skin.

"Rhett..." Her attempt to stop us was more of a plea instead of a command. My young mind had brought my lips back up to hers, not knowing she wasn't fully ready for this. She had wanted this, but it was too soon.

She pulled away, shoving me slightly. Her lips were pinker than before, and a darker spot began to form on the nape of her neck. Her pale skin showcased the mark I gave her beautifully. I liked how it looked almost like a crescent moon.

Her eyes were filled with something unknown. She had looked scared; scared of opening up to someone else. If only she knew I was just as frightened in that moment. I wasn't even sure how to even comprehend any of this.

I had taken the opportunity to get her to relax by tapping my neck in the spot of where her hickey resided. She had quirked an eyebrow before realization hit her. She bolted up and ran to the bathroom where I waited a couple seconds before she let out a groan. I chuckled at the frustrated noise, but it wasn't for long as she marched back into the living room and slapped me across the face. It didn't really hurt, but it was a shock.

"Ow what the heck!" I yelped, putting my hand up by the inflaming cheek. She gave me a hard look, pointing at the hickey.

"Seriously? Did you seriously think I'd like this?" I smiled brightly at how irritated she was at the little 'love-bite'.

"You seemed to like it when I was giving it to you." Her anger fell, and a blush had spread across her pale cheeks. I was happy I wasn't the one blushing in that moment.

"Why?" Her sudden question had thrown me off. I simply did not know why I had kissed her. Maybe it was the somewhat intimate setting, and I let my boyish hormones take over. Or, perhaps it was the fact that she was there for me, and I felt obliged to show her my gratitude.

The one thing that didn't pop through my mind was the fact that I was falling for her. I didn't think back then it was possible to love someone so early on in a relationship. I had just been talking with her for a few weeks, so I didn't believe someone such as myself could fall for someone so easily.

I did though. Looking back, I realize now I had started falling in love with her.

At the time though, I had only shrugged, giving her a smile. What was I supposed to say when I couldn't even begin to explain or, better yet, understand what the feelings were brewing within my heart?

"Rhett, why the hell did you kiss me?" She wasn't satisfied with the shrug and smile.

I had responded with a, "why did you kiss me back?" Her cheeks flushed even more, if that was possible, as a scowl was written across her features. She hated when she expressed her feelings in any sort of way; a blush included.

I grabbed my shirt, pulling it back over my head. I could tell me being shirtless had bothered her. After a couple more hours of hanging out, I had decided to head home, thanking her for being so kind. She had smiled and hoped I would feel better and heal quickly. Neither of us really mentioning the kiss again.

She had said I could stay as long as I'd want, but I figured she needed a break from me. A break to figure out her feelings and thoughts about what happened as did I.

The sun was still foreign to the moon and too much exposure could cause a severe burn.

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