|| Rhett || - 8

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"What the hell is she doing here?"

Things were turning out almost perfect, besides the crazy socks and awkward hug, until the devil himself decided to show up. I didn't think my mother would invite him, but, knowing her, she wanted to keep our perfect family image up...even around my friends.

Ripley, my devious brother, had known too, based upon the look on his face that day.

"Robert... she is Rhett's friend. Sit down." I couldn't help the roll of my eyes at my mother's command for my father. Did she not learn he never listened to anyone else besides himself and his 'personal assistant''?

"No. Not before I get an explanation from Rhett." His eyes hardened when he looked at me, and I had only let my smile remain on my mouth while my eyes were burning with anger and embarrassment.

"Mother made a great meal, father." I had tried to change the topic which did the trick for a bit since he sat down and helped himself to some. Even the devil himself couldn't resist the temptation of mom's infamous lasagna.

After a few awkward minutes of us all eating in silence, my father had decided to bring up the topic again.

"Rhett. I still am waiting for that explanation." His tone was clipped as I clenched onto my fork. I glanced at Noa who fidgeted awkwardly in her seat. She had only eaten a couple bites, and normally the food on her plate would have been gone instantaneously.

"Noa and I are friends. Is there a problem with inviting friends over for dinner?" I asked, trying to keep my cool. I really didn't want another whipping at the time. Now, I'd take a thousand whips and stand up for Noa and myself. At the time, I was weak. Or at least, I thought I was too weak to fight back.

"You obviously didn't listen. If you don't make her leave and cut off your friendship with her now, you know what the consequences will be." I had gulped, and began shaking in fear. It was sad at how pathetic I looked in front of Noa. She was (and still is) so strong and fearless, and here I was, afraid of a man who honestly was shorter than me and quite a weakling.

"It's fine, Mr. Rider. I'll escort myself out. Sorry to have brought conflict between you and Rhett." I was so stunned at how respectful she was to my father that I didn't move or say anything until she walked out of the kitchen. I ran after her, watching as she hurriedly threw on her shoes and dashed out the door.

"Noa! Wait!" I ran after her, barely catching up to her. I tugged on her arm, turning her around to face me. Her face was void of emotion. She was already closing up the wall, and I had just begun to break it down.

"Rhett. It's fine. I knew your father hated me. I know it's not your fault." She had a small smile on her face as she cupped my cheek with one of her hands. Her thumb was wiping the tears that were already falling from my eyes. I hadn't realized I was crying until she did that.

"I-I'm so sorry. I am so embarrassed. Let's go get some ice cream. My treat...please." There was no way I was going to go back in that household with that demon still lurking about. Especially since my angel was right in front of me, still smiling even with how my father had treated her.

"Okay. But only because it's free..." She had winked as she replied. Her hand found mine as we walked to the nearest ice cream shop. Typically the suburban families went to this one, so many 'happy' families were present with their children.

We were the odd balls out.



Here's a short chapter for you guys! I have not forgotten about this! I've just been overwhelmed with my school work and other personal things, but I'll continue to post whenever I can!

Thank you to those that continuously read and support my works and I! Means sooo much!

Much Love <3
~Madelyn Joy


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