Chapter 74

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Surprise chapter because I love you guys<3

Chapter 74


I'm done


Holy shit

I swear I almost fell asleep standing like three times

I know it's late

But could you stop by?

Awww you miss me? <3

I wanna talk to you

Good talk or bad talk?

Should I be worried?

Bad talk

And I don't know if I'm honest

I have some scolding to do

And I need to think

But probably after talking to you

What's going on?

What did I do wrong?

Let's talk once you're here

And you're not in a lot of trouble

Don't worry

But I do worry :---:

I've reached the car

No texting and driving as you said

I'll be there soon

Yoongi opened the door to a slightly out of breath Jimin, who was still holding his keys in one hand, after probably running here straight from his car. He was wearing a dark suit similar to the one on the picture. The main difference being his now blonde, previously styled up but now a bit tousled hair and the silver earrings he was wearing. He was still dressed up for the networking event.

He didn't even take his time to greet Yoongi. "What's wrong? What did I do this time? I swear I didn't cheat." His voice came out a bit choked since he was still out of breath.

"Calm down. It's not really that bad." Yoongi reassured, pointing at his apartment. "Let's get you some more comfortable clothes and then we'll talk."

About ten minutes later Jimin was sitting on Yoongi's couch, his hair even messier than before since he had been running his fingers through it every two seconds. He was tapping his foot impatiently on the ground, waiting for Yoongi to talk and explain.

If Yoongi said it he didn't doubt he had messed up somehow. Just, he wasn't sure how this time.

"Look..." Yoongi began, sitting in the arm chair about a meter from Jimin, who instantly leant forward even more. He was really on edge. "... it's okay to have things you don't tell me. That's pretty normal and I really have no problem with it, as long as those things don't have an impact on me as well."

Jimin nodded. They had talked about this before. What he didn't know was what it had to do with Yoongi having to lecture him though. What was he keeping from him?

"As you know I was at the doctor's today. And I read some gossip magazine, because I was bored." A short silence. "And I stumbled across a picture of you." Yoongi stated, grabbing his phone from his pocket to search for the picture.

Jimin furrowed his brows. His picture in a magazine. It took him about as long to realize what Yoongi was talking about as it took Yoongi to find what he was searching for. When he showed the picture to Jimin the boy said nothing, simply pressing his lips into a thin line.

So it was out now. Not that Jimin hadn't expected it to happen sooner or later. Hell, he wasn't even really trying to keep it secret anymore. Yoongi could have asked anyone at school and they would have been able to tell him who Jimin was.

But Yoongi never did. Simply went by what Jimin told him. And now he had accidentally found out.

"You never said anything about being the heir of Park Electronics." Yoongi stated, looking at Jimin, waiting for a reaction. When Jimin simply averted his eyes he continued. "I know you mentioned that you have money a lot of money many times before, but there's a difference between rich and rich rich." Yoongi sighed, sounding really tired. "And as much as I understand you not wanting to talk about it... you can't just step into a relationship without telling the other person about something like that. Because that's the amount of money that can change your life drastically. And I'm talking about the bad things right now. The media attention that comes with it. The attention of the people around you. The risk. A lot of money can also mean you can easily make a lot of debt." Yoongi took a deep breath, while Jimin seemed to shrink on the sofa.

The older felt bad for having to scold Jimin over something like this. Something he really understood why Jimin hadn't said anything, but he also had to make the boy aware that this wasn't something that could be taken onto the easy shoulder.

"Considering that you're serious about this to the point where you might consider us dating longer than ten years as a possibility... what do you think I'd feel like if I knew that, no matter how much money I make... it will literally be nothing next to what you make? Like it's not even pocket change. Those are things you have to let your partner consider before stepping into a relationship. Because it might trigger things such as feelings of worthlessness or inferiority complexes... maybe even depression. And I'm not saying that's what it's gonna be like but those are things that have to be taken into consideration." Yoongi massaged the spot between his eyes. He'd been thinking about this all day ever since he'd seen Jimin's picture in that magazine and he would probably spend a lot more time continuing to think about it.

"Sorry." Jimin looked so small on his couch. His shoulders slouched, his whole posture clearly showing that he was feeling bad. He looked like he just wanted to disappear.

Yoongi sighed, getting up from the chair and squatting down in front of the boy, soothingly patting his leg. "Jimin... I'm not really angry. I really am not. I just need you to know that even if it's not something you want to do, there are things you can't keep secret. And I'm mainly saying this for the future. Because there will be things that you might hesitate to tell me but please, tell me anyways. At least if it's something that also has to do with me. Okay?" He watched as Jimin nodded, still averting his eyes, looking like a child that had just been scolded and was aware that what it had done was wrong.

"So you're not breaking up because I didn't warn you?" Jimin asked, voice small.

The older didn't even hesitate a second when he shook his head. "Of course not. It's honestly not the most pleasant piece of information although it might come shocking to you that someone could think of lots of money that way, but I really prefer a quiet, peaceful life over a lot of attention and adventure. Still we'll make it work somehow. Because if we're still together in ten years and you don't go into panicked gay mode until then I'd prefer an a bit hectic live over one without you." Yoongi whispered, running his hand over Jimin's head, who leant into the touch but still didn't look up.

"You're not gonna treat me differently now that you know right?" Jimin asked, glancing up, some of his bangs hanging into his eyes.

"I might tease you even more for being a rich bitch, but apart from that no. It doesn't really change much." Yoongi stated, putting both of his hands on the sides of Jimin's head before pecking his forehead. "Now stop being so quiet. You're supposed to talk back when I scold you. Not sit there and take it like a pussy." Yoongi teased and finally Jimin seemed to relax under his hold, chuckling at his words.

"As if you'd let me talk back."

"I'm not saying I'll let you talk back. What I'm saying is that you should do it anyways." Yoongi laughed, before wrapping his arms around Jimin and hugging him tightly. "And now let's watch a movie to stop the gears in my head from running. The introverted part of my brain is in panic mode right now at the thought of possible futures." Yoongi joked but Jimin could tell that there was quite a lot of truth to it.

"We'll find a way to let you have your peace." Jimin promised, hugging Yoongi back and sighing contently at the warmth the older shared with him.

He was relieved that there were no more secrets between them anymore.


My beta reader is starting a petition for Jimin to watch Yoongi's porn😂

At least that's what she declared today❤

Who's in?

Also just a thing I wanna say about this chapter. Neither Yoongi nor Jimin are so delusional that they assume they will still be dating in ten years.

What they are doing is seeing it as a possible future and if it might happen problems that may arise from it should be taken into consideration as well.

So when Yoongi tells Jimin that he should have told Yoongi about it when they started dating the reason is because Yoongi if he hadn't been willing to accept a future where money might dictate his day they might have not started dating.

Because he didn't start dating Jimin assuming they'd just break up anyways.
He is considering them still being a thing in a couple of years.

Anyways enough talk

Love ya'll!!!!

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