Ch-3 Firsts

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In the last chapter, Ranjan finally proposed me for marriage, and of course I said yes! I was so glad that he finally did something special on my birthday. The next day, we went on a movie date to watch Brahmastra and then, I met his parents. His parents were really humble and kind, his mother even gave me the kangan (holy bangles)! I was so touched. Later that night, Sameer texted me, asking if I had time to meet him. I was so disturbed by that message that I couldn't even sleep properly. Why had Sameer texted me out of nowhere?

I woke up at 9 in the morning. I still couldn't get Sameer's message out of my head. I tried my best to ignore his message, but I failed. The message kept haunting me. I was breaking my head thinking about why the hell did he text me out of the blue? Did he want a favour or something? Or did he want to blackmail me? Did he kidnap Ranjan and wanted me to pay a few crores to get him back? All illogical thoughts swirled in my head.

'I need to get a hold of myself' I thought as I ran downstairs.

My dad was on the phone. After his call ended, he informed me that Ranjan's parents would be visiting us at 4pm. I nodded in approval.

After having breakfast, I seriously didn't know what to do - my father went for work and I could go to Ranjan's office only next week. I was so bored. I decided to just watch Netflix.

I was scrolling through the options on the TV when my phone beeped. It was another message from Sameer. This one said: Pls tell me when you're free to meet me

I wanted him to stop disturbing me. Even though he just sent 2 messages, they felt like a million thorns. I don't know why. Maybe because when I needed him the most, he didn't even care to text me - and now when my whole life is sorted out, he's scheming to make it miserable and melodramatic again.

So I replied: I don't want to meet you. Pls stop disturbing me

I turned off my phone and concentrated on finding a good Netflix series to binge. I chose Wednesday. It was viral on the net, so I wanted to try it.

Before I could click on an episode, I got a notification. It was another message from Sameer. I decided that its better if I just blocked him. Anyway, I was curious to check what he messaged this time. So, I opened his chat. 

It said: Aww pumpkinpie, anger and annoyance doesn't suit your pretty face. I know you miss me. I'm just asking for a little meet, isn't it? Its not even a date! C'mon agree to my request pumpkinpie...

Pumpkinpie? Seriously? Sameer used to call me that when we were together. That time, I would melt everytime he called me pumpkinpie. Now, it just felt cringe. I couldn't stop myself from replying.


The message that came from him end was shocking. He replied: You're powerless against me pumpkinpie

That phrase, 'you're powerless against me pumpkinpie' striked a memory in my brain. It dated back when Sameer and I were a happy couple:

It was the time when we were on the Mediterranean Cruise Trip. I was in the canteen of the ship, cooking Sameer's favorite French Pasta. I know he loved it and I waned to cheer him up. But then, I heard him heading towards the canteen. So I abruptly went to the entrance and blocked his path.
"You can't enter" I said
"Huh? Is that so?" he replied with a smirk.
I tried to push him away, but he just laughed and said, "You're powerless against me pumpkinpie"

I turned sad. Memories of how his dad humiliated me flashed again. I couldn't help but cry. It wasn't like I wanted to go back to Sameer or something, but I still felt that Sameer and I shared some unique moments that I won't be able to forget. This was one of them. I think he knew what that phrase would do to me. It triggered me to turn emotional and daydream about our past.

But when I closed my eyes, all I could see was how he didn't stand up for me, how he was always cold towards me and how he just went away after I drowned in the pool. 

I decided that it was better if I just blocked him straightaway. Ranjan's parents were coming over today, and I didn't want my mood to be changed for the worse. I blocked his contact and deleted it. Phew!

After doing that, I felt as if a burden was lifted up from my shoulders. It felt good. Then I just lazily watched Wednesday on Netflix and enjoyed every bit of it!

My father returned from work at 2:00. We had lunch together and he asked me some questions about Ranjan's parents. He was super excited to meet them. I was too. They were so generous and compassionate. I kind of missed Ranjan's mom (even though I met her only once) since she reminded me of how my own mother used to treat me.

Why the hell did my mom even leave me in the first place? Just because I was poor? I mean, that wasn't my fault right? Okay, she had an affair with a rich guy, and she decided to move away from dad, but what about me? Couldn't she at least call me once a month or so? Has she forgotten that she also has a daughter? She just cared about her little 5 yr old son and fled. 

I was so engrossed in my thought process that I completely ignored what my dad was saying. He shook my shoulders and I came back to the present.

"So?" my dad asked.
I was confused. He must have asked me a question when I was lost in my miserable train of thought.
"Uh....sorry I wasn't paying attention..." I stammered.
He sighed, "I was asking whether you would like to be married in America, or in India?"

That was a tough question. All my current friends were in America, and I felt so comfortable here - but there was a part of me that wanted the marriage to be held in India. Even if we migrate, I think the bond with our motherland never ceases. Even though I love New York, India had the priority. I was an Indian after all.

"Riya?" my father said. I must have thought for too long
"Uh.. India I guess...." I said.
"That's great! I was thinking about that too. But will Ranjan and his family agree?" he asked.

I didn't know about his family, but Ranjan would surely agree. He loved India even more than me! Probably because he completed his total school education there. He would always tell me that the country/farm girl life suited me better because the country-side had simple beauty, simple elegance, just like me. He would tell me tales about what he missed about India and all that. 

I also studied till middle school in India - but I don't remember much. I do remember some of my classmates - but nothing else really. I was very young when I was there, and most of my mental and social development took place in New York.

I came out of my thinking league and helped dad make arrangements for Ranjan's parents' arrival. My father was running back and forth in excitement. I couldn't help but laugh. It was as if he was the one getting married. 

At like 4:15 or something, Ranjan's parents came. They took a seat on the couch and stated chatting. Ranjan had also come, and I swear - for some reason, he was looking extra cute today!

"Why don't you kids go upstairs while we adults talk beta?" Ranjan's mom asked.
"Okay.." I said while taking Ranjan to my room.

He'd been in my house loads of times before. So he knew the way, but still I held onto his hand while going to my room. I was kind of feeling anxious for some reason after Sameer incident earlier this morning - holding him made me feel safe and comfortable.

I entered and sat on the bed. I patted the mattress, signalling Ranjan to sit beside me, but he took the chair opposite to the bed instead. We talked about various topics. 

At some point, I said, "I'm so excited on becoming Mrs.Singhania!!" and squealed in delight.

Ranjan was smiling all along, but after I said that, his face fell. He kneeled on the floor, held my hands softly and said in a low voice, "Uh..Riya... I'm sorry, but you won't be Mrs. Singhania"


I started tearing up, "You... you... don't wanna.... marry me??" I said, hiccupping.

He didn't want to marry me? Why? Was he also a jerk like Sameer? Did his parents just come to reject my dad? I wanted to do two things. One, slap him. And two, just run out of the room as soon as possible.

As I got up to leave, he stopped me and made me sit down again. Then he smiled and said, "Oh Riya, thats not what I meant! Ofcourse I wanna marry you!"

So he wanted me marry me - then why did he say that I won't be Mrs. Singhania?

He laughed and explained, "I really wanna marry you, but after marriage, I don't want you to change your surname. You will be my wife, but you'll still be Riya Dwivedi. Your dad has none in his life except you. I don't want him to feel as if he has lost his only daughter after marriage..."

OMG!! Here I was thinking that Ranjan was a jerk just like Sameer, when he was actually a feminist! I was so overcome by emotion, that I jumped to hug him saying, "Oh... Thank you so much Ranjan...."

The impact must have been to strong for him to handle, because he fell on the floor with me on top of him.

At that moment, our faces were centimetres apart. I don't know who came near who, but the next moment, I felt something warm on my lips.


It felt so amazing and magical. I felt as if firecrackers were exploding in my room and butterflies were running in my stomach. We  would have continued for a bit longer, but we heard footsteps near our door, so we broke apart.

Suddenly, the door opened and Ranjan's mom came in. When she came, I amd Ranjan were suspiciously too close, so she said, "I hope I'm not interrupting..."

We both blushed hard. She got the idea and left us alone. Then I got up and sat on the bed again, and Ranjan sat on the chair opposite to me.

There was some unusual silence in the room. I wanted to break the ice.

"Say something..." I said.
"Mein tumse pyaar karta hoon" he replied, blushing.


Had Ranjan just said 'I Love You' in Hindi? Oh hell yes he did - and he looked so ever cute saying that. He had said ILY many time, but now, when he said it in Hindi - it felt as if it carried more emotion, more feeling, more desire, and more love.

I didn't know why was I surprised! Maybe because he had said the 3 most beautiful words in our native language. I was so overcome by emotion again, that I shouted at the top of my pitch, "Mein bhi tumse pyaar karti hun Ranjan" and went forward to hug him. He kissed my forehead and I let myself melt into his embrace.

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