Chapter 6.5: Competition Time

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Our defence was an iron wall. At the front was Kevin and his unit which will be mainly used for attacking. Behind him were Arnold, Saul, and Petra's units who were both attack and defence depending on the situation. The people furthest back either supported the pole or were its defenders. Adrian stood on their shoulders and leaned on the pole while I had the part of rider on top.

I wasn't strong, short, or good at balancing, but I had good eyes and that was my role.

There's no way they can get through us.

I observed the sixth graders, finding that their formation had no offence. They were all supporting the base of the pole with the biggest and tallest in the centre and the shortest in the outskirts.

Rich, Illiana, and my sister stood on shoulders, each facing a different direction. The wimpy kid named Charlie was rider on top.

"Do the sixth graders even wanna win?" I asked. "Why are they all on defence?"

"I don't know," Adrian replied, "but there's a reason why you don't group everyone up. We're not wasting this chance. Kevin, take your unit and attack them head-on. Don't slow down."

"Roger." Kevin nodded, leading his six-man unit into a charge.

Kevin was the beefiest and strongest out of the class. His unit was composed of the runner-ups.

"Uh, guys..." Howard said. "They're moving really fast."

Hunter gritted his teeth. "Damn it." He began a countercharge with Moses, Justice, and Penny. "We'll deal with them!"

Kevin's unit collided with Hunter's, holding them in place. Kevin himself sent them flying to the edge of the forest with a tackle.

"They're down to twenty players," I celebrated. "Their tight defence doesn't mean anything if they get picked off."

Our attack unit advanced slowly on the sixth graders' pole.

"Aren't you guys intimidated by our size?" Kevin asked the enemy.

"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?" Bond replied with a cheeky smirk.
"Come again?"

"Are you gonna bark all day little doggie, or are you gonna bite?"

Kevin and his unit rushed onward. But by this point, they arrived at the pole before they reached their maximum velocity.

The smallest of the sixth graders slid on the snow, toppling Kevin and his gang over one another. Their teammates piled on top of them. The biggest salt in the wound was when the sixth graders lowered their pole to pin Kevin's unit down.

"This is dirty!" Kevin complained.

"Tough luck, big guy," Cook said while lying down on the pole. "Our pole is on an angle and it's technically still standing. There's nothing in the rules saying that we can't lower our pole ourselves."

We played into their hands...

"This is bad," I said. "They sent out those four to slow Kevin down, not stop him. When Kevin's unit continued their charge, they were too close and didn't have enough distance to build up speed. We traded our six strongest for four of their averages."

"Not only that," Adrian said, "but by ignoring the logic of keeping their pole upright, they've made the base of their pole stronger. I'm impressed. I thought this would be easy, but it's starting to become fun. Petra, Arnold! Attack from the flanks."

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