Chapter 6.7: Competition Time

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With Kevin's unit pinned and Petra's out of commission, the tide of battle was turning to the sixth graders' favour.

"I still don't get why their fastest guy is on defence," Adrian said.

"Speaking of defence." Saul pointed at the other team's pole. "Their's is weak right now."

Saul was right. After sending out their attack unit, their defence wasn't so air-tight. The only ones guarding the pole were the weaklings and a few strong guys we could easily pick off.

Adrian chuckled. "You are a glory, Saul. Take your unit and free Kevin. Make a retreat after so we can regroup and attack them as one big unit."

"Aye." Saul took his unit and charged at the enemy's pole.

"Rich," Bond said, "I think it's about that time."

"Yup. So far everything is going according to plan." Rich reached into his pocket and so did the others.

They pulled out rubber bands, stretching them and aiming for the faces of Arnold and his men.

Arnold's unit covered their faces. Rich and his gang used this opportunity to slip past them, putting the rubber bands away.

Arnold opened his eyes. "Huh?!"

"How do you idiots fall for something like that?!" I questioned.

With Rich leading the charge, he pointed at us; a direct way of telling his team that we were the target. But randomly, he flicked his finger to the left, towards the forest on the other side of the field.

"Ryle, what's he pointing at?" Adrian asked.

"He's pointing at the kids Kevin took out earlier. Wait!" I squinted. "Their bodies look off. Like they're too flat."

"Which side do we protect?" One of my classmates supporting the base asked. "They're both coming in fast!"

"What?" I managed to say before the pole got tackled from behind.

I glanced back, seeing Hunter, Justice, Moses, and Penny climbing over the supporters. They weren't wearing jackets; only sweaters.

"What the hell?" I asked. "Aren't these the goons Kevin knocked out?"

"Nice try," Hunter grinned. "But compared to what we've been through, Kevin's blows were nothing. We practiced getting tackled until we were blue in the face. The hardest part was convincing you nitwits that we were out for the count."

I get it now.

They pretended that Kevin knocked them out. During the madness that Rich and his unit induced, they left their jackets behind so that, from our peripheral, it looked like they were still there. They then went into the woods to surprise us from behind.

So that's your game?

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