The First Kiss With The Warflowers

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I leaned my head in and we were inches apart. I snapped my neck away so hard that it hurt.

"I-I can't do this," I stuttered.

"Ugh!" Sillas groaned, clapping his hands loudly. "Just kiss him while we still have rehearsal time it's not that hard!"

I knew it wasn't hard, I had done it before but this just felt wrong. I guess the other times or I should say other time was just filled with passion and in the spur of the moment. It didn't help that we had the eyes of all the Warflower bandmates, including Rolan's. Rolan looked sick and his cheeks were red and puffy.

"Let's just get this over with, oh my god," Eli sighed.

I shot him daggers through my eyes.

He rolled his eyes and looked back at Sillas. "Look this is stupid okay, she obviously knows how to kiss,"

I widened my eyes and my cheeks burned red. Rolan didn't know about Eli and I's prior kiss and I wanted it to stay that way. I looked over at Rolan and he lifted his eyebrow and parted his mouth open, in confusion. He didn't know where Eli was going with that comment.

I mean she kisses Ro--," Eli started. He was about to say Rolan's name and that couldn't happen either because Sillas was here and he didn't know about us.

"Really good," I finished his sentence, creating some confused glares from across the faces.

"Pretty bad grammar!" James exclaimed after me.

"Oh hush up, everyone let me think," Sillas started.

"Let's just kiss on the day," Eli suggested.

I exhaled, dropping my tense shoulders. Sillas looked like he was about to agree.

"Okay, so in half an hour?" Sillas suggested.

My eyes widened, that was very soon. Rolan closed his eyes slowly and tilted his head back. Eli looked neutral and the rest of the boys rushed out of the room, ecstatic everything was finally over for them. Everything was just getting started for me.----------

Half an hour passed by but, it only felt like five minutes.Rolan assured me that he would be okay and that it would be like an "acting" gig but I still felt a bit sick to my stomach.

Eli and I walked out towards the shops near campus. We were alone right now, no paparazzi, no bandmates, no Sillas. The paparazzi would be outside the cafe we were at in about five minutes according to Sillas.

"You nervous?" Eli asked. It seemed genuine and these genuine Eli moments were few and far between.

"Kind of, yeah," I admitted. He looked over at me with his glassy green eyes and showed a look of concern.

"Don't worry, you'll be okay" he said, gripping onto my hand. He squeezed it, sweetly.

I smiled and then realized he was doing this because we were approaching the cafe.

"Why are you so worried anyways? Is it because of Rolan?" he asked, quietly as we sat down.

"Uh-yeah, honestly, because I thought this whole kissing thing would happen later and I barely got to talk with Rolan about it. Like if we had more time to establish our relationship or even go on a couple dates before all this I would've felt better," I explained.

"Oh, yeah.. I understand," he said, nodding.

"Anyways, I guess we should probably get this over with,"

As we waited for the paparazzi, we ordered two chai tea lattes. Eli took a big sip of his fancy tea and ended up with a milk moustache.

I began laughing at his obliviousness. Paparazzi would be here soon and he was a total mess. it was pretty adorable but I'm sure Eli didn't want to give off the "adorable vibe."

"You have a little something um-there," I said, laughing.

He grinned and quickly licked his moustache off fastly, almost instantaneously. We paused for a second and looked at each other until we both burst out laughing. It doesn't seem that funny but you had to be there. I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe.

We finally began calming down, and we took some breaths.

"Thank you!" he said in a British accent.

That triggered the laughter again and this time it was uncontrollable. He was laughing too but I was gripping onto my stomach, trying to control myself.

Before we knew it flashes began going off and we were getting blinded by the lights.

 The paparazzi were here. We needed to get this over with so we could both leave and so we didn't lose the paparazzi's attention.

Eli toughened up his look. He stopped smiling and gave his bad boy brooding look again.

 He looked up and looked me in the eyes.

I swallowed hard, it was go time.

We were sitting across the table. He scooted towards me and put his arm around me.

He looked over at me and just extended his neck forward.

He leaned in but instead of going for my lips, he stopped early and kissed me on the cheek.

He smiled against my cheek, making my cheek burn.

He knew I wasn't ready and my heart began to glow. This was incredibly sweet and "gentlemanly" of him. 

Before the paparazzi could ask any question or throw out any speculations, he grabbed my hand and stood me up. Before I knew it  we began running past the paparazzi at full speed.

My heart was beating so fast and my face formed a smile. It felt like I was in a movie, or a music video. It was moments like this that made me feel like "wow, this is my life..." in the best way possible.

Maybe Eli wasn't as bad as I thought? Maybe this whole situation would be easier to deal with than I thought it would be? I guess only time will tell but so far I was feeling alright, in the best way.

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