Crush [traite]

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Katie pov

I woke up with yelling out side the cabin. I quickly got dressed to see what all the noise was about to see Conner and Travis trapped in the vines my siblings set up yesterday.

"Miranda let us go," Travis said struggling agents the vines that are just getting tighter. I can see this shirt slowly riding up. Looked away quickly with my cheeks getting red.

"No, you are the one that started this prank war in the first place. Get out your self," Miranda said walking to the strawberry field with the rest of my siblings. Now it's just me, Conner and Travis. 

"KATIE please let us go," pleaded Travis I felt a flutter in the stomach. 

"Depends were you going to prank our cabin," 

"Well... yeah but, we are in a prank war it's what you do," said Conner 

"We are not going to prank y'all toady the element of surprise is ruined," Travis reassured

"Fair point"  I said going up to them to untie them from the plant.

"Thank you Katie we owe you," Travis said 

"Dam right you do," I said but I notice a pink tint on Travis face. Is he blushing? No how stupide is that " well I have to go meet up with the rest of my cabin. See you later." I waved and walk away before they can see my face turn a darker shade of red.

Travis POV

The shitty prank war got in the dam way of me trying to ask Katie out again. It is probably for the best any way, She is way out of my league. 

"Hey don't look so bum man. You will get her next next time," 

"Conner, Is this the fates saying its never going to  happen,"

"Those old hags don't no nothing. Besides she was totally checking you out,"

"Or she thought it was funny I got stuck in plant,"

"That but can you explain the blush on her cheeks,"

" Sunburn?"

"Like you?"

" HEY! I was not blushing" 

"I call BS you were starting to resemble a strawberry,"  We walked in silence. My mind trying to figure out what to do next. Until Conner whispered a brilliant idea.

**************************************time skip**************************************

Katie pov 

"Hey Katie do you want to play truth or dare with us?" asked Billie 

" Yeah sure," I sighed, there is no getting out of this. 

"Okay Katie you first truth or dare?" Asked Miranda. Dare? NOPE! Truth might not be that bad.

"Truth." I said but the moment I saw Miranda's and Billie's smile. I know I walked into a trap I am doomed. Should said dare. I much prefer to filling the Aries cabin with sunflowers. Worst hour of my life, but it seems a lot better than what is behind my sisters smiles.

" Who is your crush?" Well shit. I dug my grave time to lie in it. 

" don't make fun of me," I took a deep breath. To prepare for the teasing " It's Travis,"  The moment the words left my mouth. My stomach felt like it had a pit in it, and my face felt so warm even the tip of my ear. 

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE," all my siblings squealed. It was so loud I felt my years ring. 

" I knew it. I knew it! Katie close you eyes," yelled Miranda 

"You are crazy if you think I am going to close my eyes," 

"Fine... Billie now!"  out of no were my hands were bound behind my back, and a cloth over my eyes. I felt my adrenalin kick in. I tried to fight back but I was in the air. It felt like I was being carried out of the cabin.

"hey were are you taking me?!" I said trying to get to the ground. 

"You will find out soon," the voice of Billie said. 

After what felt like hours my feet touch the ground the sound of foot steps running away

"Hey let me help you with that," said a familiar voice. As I felt the sting around my wrist go away along with the blind fold. 

"Travis?" I asked

" The one and only," said the dork 

" What is going on ," I started before getting cutoff by Travis.

" I am sorry. Your siblings went a bit extrema," In the setting sun I couldn't tell if Travis is blushing or if it is just the light. I could tell though he seemed very nerves. 

" I.. I was wondering if you want  to  go out with me?" I am in shock. I jumped and wrapped my hands around his neck.

"Yes" I exclaimed

"Come with me," I followed Travis until he stopped at the entrance to the strawberry field.

"Close your eyes," asked Travis

"Last time some one told me that I got blind folded and had my hands tied up,"

"Just trust me," I closed my eyes hoping this is not a sick prank. What if it is a prank and he never liked, and I just made fool of my self. I felt my self start to panic until Travis went behind me moved me a few feet away from were I previously stood, and removed my hands from my eyes. The sun illuminated the the sky a beautiful orange and pink. On the ground a picnic towel, a old woven basket and in the middle of the towel a single thoronless rose.

"Travis it's beautiful. Do you know what that rose mean?" Travis graphed my hand and lead me to the towel and sat down, still holding hands I blushed.

"yeah a single red rose means I love you and a thoronless rose means love at fist sight," 

"In all my years of knowing you I would never would have taken you as a romantic," I said blushing, he than bushed as well.

That was the story of how I got together with the love of my life and future husband.

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