Final Match before Clash of Champions

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(Disclaimer: The matches will be called as if you're hearing it from the commentator, not as if you're in 3rd person viewing it, like playing the WWE 2K19 video game. Anyways, Enjoy!)

It's the "Go-home" edition of smackdown before Clash of Champions!

The voice of smackdown, Welcome to Smackdown! Commentators Michael Cole & Pat McAfee are joined by former Superstar CM Punk on commentary, as we have reached the main event of tonight!

In the center of the ring stands the Universal Champion, Roman Reigns, flanked by Special Counsil Paul Heyman and Cousin Jey Uso. Let's see what the Big Dog has to say.

"This Sunday, at Clash of Champions, I defend my Universal Championship. Now, the old me would've sat here and talked about how I respect my opponent, how they have a serious chance at winning, and how I'll be honored to be a part of such a main event... But I'm not that man. I'm not the Big Dog. I'm the head of the table. I have been your Universal Champion for 383 days, and that number will only continue to grow until I choose to walk away. I will not just be acknowledged as the Head of the Table, The Tribal Chief, as the Best of this era... But when I walk away, It'll be as the undisputed And Cesaro? What did this man do to deserve a shot at this? So what, he's a former United states champion and a 7-time tag team champion. So what, he beat Daniel Bryan on Smackdown before the Royal Rumble. So what, He beat Seth Rollins at Wrestlemania 37. So what, He beat Edge at Extreme Rules! And So what, he teamed up with Daniel Bryan to beat the team of King Corbin and Seth Rollins at Summerslam! He still has yet to beat me! And until he does, Cesaro will never be on the top of the mountain. And let me tell you, There's only room for one at the top, and that one is your tribal chief. So Acknowledge me as the tribal chief. Acknowledge me as the Best. I'd ask you to prove me wrong, but that's just it. You can't. Every man who stepped in this ring with me for over a year, same result. Bell, Spear, Guillotine, Bell, And Still your Universal Champion. But you people say I don't ever defend this title? You just don't get it, do you? I would defend this more often... if there were worthy opponents. Kevin Owens came close a few lucky times, but he still wasn't good enough. Edge thought just because he won the royal rumble that he stood a chance against the tribal chief, and Daniel Bryan was still living in his Wrestlemania 30 fantasyland. Shinsuke Nakamura lost to me in eight minutes at Money in the Bank. A returning Finn Balor couldn't take me down at Extreme Rules, and then failed again at Summerslam. Simply put, No one can defeat me for this title. I am, and will forever be the most dominant champion in the WWE. And as for tonight, I'd like to make an example of anyone who thinks they're good enough to step up to the Tribal Chief."

Jey Uso took the mic. "Listen Up! I'm tired of y'all thinkin' y'all can step up to my cuz 'n demand a match! He's the head of the table! You want him, you go through the Intercontinental Champion, MAIN EVENT JEY USO! Shinsuke Nakamura at Summerslam, got him! Big E at Payback, I got him! So any one of you who thinks you got what it takes, step out here, and Imma get'chu too!"

Uso dropped the Mic as he awaited a challenger.

Over the speakers played this theme:
(Start at 1:14)

Out walked the 4 time TNA Tag team champion, 2 time TNA world champion, Rico Rhodes!

Grabbing a mic, he jumped up onto the apron and looked around him at the lively crowd.

"It's been rumored for months that Ricardo Rhodes, leader of the Indie Invasion, Former Multi Time TNA World and Tag Team Champion would show up in WWE!" (Michael Cole)

"I mean I've never heard of this guy... Wait, he pissed off Triple H? Like really pissed him off? Damn,' I love this guy! Put the World title on him! Do it tonight for all I care!" (Punk)

Rico waited for the crowd to die down. Roman laughed at ringside, and the camera picked up him saying "Who the hell is this guy?". Paul Heyman told him, "He's from TNA. Multi time Champion, he's supposed to be good." Roman pulled up a chair at the head of the announce table and sat. "We'll see."

Jey picked his mic back up. "I said I wanted a real challenger, not some Rookie! You might've gotten your one shinin' moment by barely stealing a win over Triple H from Sheamus at Extreme Rules, but I don't see what makes you so special. You like everyone else, Uce. You walk out here, thinkin' you all that, but'chu ain't! So there's no reason to put my title on the line tonight." Jey tossed his title belt aside. Roman said something inaudible to Paul, who spoke through the mic, "Ladies and Gentlemen, My name is..." 

"We know what your name is, Special Council to Tribal Chef Ramsay and formerly advocate for the WWE longest reigning Universal champion, Mr. Here comes the Pain-in-my-ass, the Beast Incarnate, the man who vanished after Drew McIntyre Claymore’d him out of Space and Time itself, Brock Lesnar. I literally JUST Met you and you’re already on my nerves. So just say it already!" Rico interrupted. 

Yet, Heyman continued, "...Your tribal chief, The head of the table, the Reignsing Universal Heavyweight Champion Roman Reigns has made an offer. If you beat Jey Uso here tonight, you'll be added to his Intercontinental championship match against Apollo Crews at Clash of Champions. But If You lose, and you probably will, You will forfeit your opportunity to ever challenge for the Universal title, so long as Roman Reigns holds the title, which will be a long time. I think you should reconsider your choice and walk to the back..."

"Shut it, Paul. I don't take orders from Sergant Spear. Actually, Nobody in Chicago cares about 'orders' given from Sir Superman Punch. So, tell me, Tri-Hard Chief, am I scared to challenge you, or are you just scared because you only wrestle at Pay per views? You've become like Goldberg, but 20 years younger! You wrestle once a month or so and call it even! If you had any guts, any brains, any BALLS, you'd let me fight you. Maybe not now, maybe not at Clash of Champions... But any time after. Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series, TLC, the Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, Fastlane! WRESTLEMANIA! I DON'T CARE! ALL I KNOW IS I WILL WIN THAT DAMN TITLE FROM YOU, ROMAN! YOU HEAR ME?! I WILL DEFEAT YOU FOR THAT TITLE OR I'LL DIE TRYING!!"

The crowd was going absolutely crazy, chanting "WrestleMania!". Roman yelled to the bell ringer, "Ring it. Start the match." But before the bell could be rung, Another interruption. Michael Cole was right on it. "It's our general manager, Daniel Bryan! But what is his agenda here today?"

Bryan stood on the ramp, then began talking. "Well, since you think you make the decisions when really, I make the match decisions, and this match tonight WILL be for the Intercontintental Championship! The winner goes on to face Apollo Crews at Clash of Champions. Oh, and If there's any interferance from the 'Tribal Chief', Jey automatically vacates his title, and if there's any interferance at all, Rico Rhodes is added to your Universal Championship bout at Clash of Champions instead of the Intercontinental title match. Now you can ring the bell." And so the bell rung.

"What an announcement by Daniel Bryan! If Roman or anyone else interferes, Rico gets a Universal Title shot!" (Cole)

"The only way to stop this is for Jey to beat Rhodes, and I don't think the upset is possible tonight, Michael Cole. Uso's my pick." (McAfee)

"Jey Uso, title on the line, facing former TNA Champion and debuting here in WWE, Rico Rhodes. Rhodes measuring up Uso, and it's Uso out of the gates, striking the challenger's gut repeatedly with fast right hands. Uso managed to back him into a corner, so he went for a Superkick, but his leg got caught. Rico ducked and picked up Uso, now in Powerbomb position. Rhodes going for it all here, no! Uso counters into a Hurricanrana but WOAH! Rhodes landed on his feet! No way! That just happened!

"And we reset here, Uso circling the ring, Rhodes opposite him. Both of these men are hard workers, and both for sure are thirsty for gold, the Intercontinental title in particular. Uso locks up with Rhodes again, this time it's Rhodes with the upper hand here, irish whip to Uso, both men are bouncing back and forth off the ropes and OH GOD! Sweet Chin Music! From his mentor, Shawn Michaels! Uso may be out cold, here's the Cover! One! Two! Thr... No! No! Jey got the shoulder up at two and a half! Rhodes, now waiting in the corner as Uso recollecting himself under the bottom rope here and... what's this? Rhodes climbs under the bottom rope, now is searching under the ring. What's this hotshot rookie thinking? What more chaos can he bring? And, Yes folks, he's getting the tables! We will have carnage! Right here on Smackdown!"

"Rico wasting no time, setting up that table in the ring. Uso now back to his feet, once again locks up with the Upstart rookie Rico Rhodes here  on Smackdown. Uso with a punch, Rhodes striking in return! Another jab from Jey! And what an uppercut by Rico! These two are just going all out, kicking each other's asses! Rhodes, waistlock applied, going for the overhead German Suplex! That's gotta hurt! Rhodes now, perches Uso against the table. Rhodes to the middle rope... I think he's going for a dropkick onto a standing Jey Uso! Rhodes from the middle rope and WOAH! Superkick! Superkick by Uso! Connects to the jaw of Rico Rhodes! There is no way Rico gets up from this one! Uso, into the cover! One, Two... Kickout at Two by Rhodes. And you can see the frustration building up in Jey Uso's face! He just doesn't know how to put this guy away! Uso, dragging him over to the table in the ring, Lifting him up onto the table! I think we know what this is! Kiss Rico's title hopes goodbye! Uso, to the top rope and... OH MY GOD, HE GOT HIM! RHODES COUNTERED! RHODES COUNTERED! THE USO SPLASH REVERSED MIDAIR AND INSTEAD IT'S USO TAKING AN RKO THROUGH THE TABLE! HE'S GOTTA BE OUT COLD! Rhodes looks spent, that might've been the last burst of energy he had! He's crawling over, Arm covering Uso! Here's the count, For the title... One... Two... Three! He got him! he got him! And We have a new Intercontinental Champion! That's right! A New Champion on his First night in the WWE, and A date with Apollo Crews at Clash of Champions this Sunday!"

Roman stood from his seat, then rolled into the ring. Rico used the ropes to prop himself up. The two stared at each other, not saying a word. The Crowd went quiet with anticipation. Reigns said a few words that, without a mic, you couldn’t hear them. He held his Universal title high as he finished saying whatever words he wanted to. Rico motioned for a mic, which was given to him. “If none of you caught that, Joe forgot his microphone.” The crowd laughed, and even Roman broke character and for a split second cracked a smile before going right back into character. (This is called an unscripted moment, folks.)

Rico handed Roman the microphone, and the Chief began talking again. “Look, I know this won’t seem legit, and it sure as hell won’t seem like something I’d be sayin’... But you’re not like the others. Cesaro. Daniel Bryan. Edge. Sheamus. AJ Styles. Triple H. Braun Strowman. Brock Lesnar. I’ve defended my title against names like that. But you? I can see that one day, you can be great. You can be the next Big star, the one who holds multiple world titles to his name, the one who goes down in History! I think you have what it takes to become a number one contender…” The crowd was beginning to chant “Yes!” as they supported Rico, but also it appeared Roman was having a Face turn moment.

“...If you accept me as your teacher, as your instructor. As the head of your table. I can make you everything you dreamed of, and more. I can make people forget all about names like Randy Orton, John Cena, even Hulk Hogan, when they hear YOUR name next to mine… But only if you’re with me will you ever reach those heights. You see, If you refuse… I can’t guarantee your stay on the isle of relevancy will last long at all. You'll enjoy a few 24/7 Reigns I guess, but you'll be Back at TNA in about 2 years time if you refuse. I laid out your options, Rico. Make your choice.”

Rico pondered it. Reigns’ hand was outstretched, ready to accept Rico’s. He reached out and grasped it, causing a negative crowd reaction. Just when Roman smiled and said “I knew you’d come around.”, Rico launched a kick that connected right between the legs.

“Oh my! Just when we thought he took him up on the offer, Rhodes with a Low Blow to Reigns!” (cole)

“What is that Idiot doing?! He had everything ready to be served on a silver platter!” (McAfee)

Rico takes the mic back and walks up the entrance ramp. “Roman, let’s get one thing straight. I respected you. I respected you when you won the World Heavyweight championship and then entered the 2016 rumble at number 1. You nearly lasted an hour. What matters is, the Roman I respected had guts, he had this fight inside of him that never let him stay down. I don’t see it in this Roman in front of me. So I don’t respect you. I don’t respect you, or Paul, or anyone who thinks they can walk all over someone and have a change of heart when they underestimated one person. That cockiness cost your cousin his title. I guarantee, If I lost this Intercontinental Championship and you still have that Universal title by TLC, expect me to be there. Expect to kiss it goodbye.”

“What a statement by Rico Rhodes! Intercontinental Championship win, and he made the wrong enemy in the form of the Head of the Table, Roman Reigns! What a way to end the night, here on Smackdown! Don’t forget, THIS SUNDAY, Clash of Champions will be streaming live on Pay-Per-View TV, only on the WWE Network!"

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