Riddle transfer 2

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In a strange dark room....

???: Useless.... Is that how my master see me? Oh they'll see ... They'll see how much of a evil bastard I can be.....

Back in the sewers....

Phred: * so Phil do you know where we are going?

Phil: I have no clue but we have to keep moving.

Smiley: luckily we have Zack here to light are way.

Zack: I guess that's one perk of having a small flame on my head.


Phil: RUN FOR IT!!!

Phil and co start running down the path they were taking dodging lazers that the FBI agents were shooting at them until they found a room and Phil pushes a button to lock the door but the guards begin to Lazer a hole in the door but it fails so they try to break the door down

Phil: * starts thinking of what to do* ....

Riddle Transfer 2

Phil: hey Smiley can you think of a way out of here?

Smiley: sorry I love school but you always had better grades than me.

Phil phred Zack: 0.0 WHAT!?

Smiley: yeah I don't know how ether....

Phil looks around the room and finds a fuse box with a card reader luckily Phil still had the card from earlier and he uses it to turn on the power and solves another stupid puzzle he then goes to the other side of the room and finds a paper with a picture of a dog holding up a sign that says woof but with 3004 numbers in a strange way he then goes to use a computer that requires a code to use he enters 3004 and solves another puzzle to turn on a portal to riddle elementary school.

Phil: let's get out of here * jumps into the portal

Smiley: right be hind ya * jumps into the portal *

Phred: * jumps into the portal *

Zack: * reading a newspaper he found on the floor and jumps into the portal*

Flashback to the past Phil and co were listening to another rant about the earth being flat from Ms cophey.

Ms cophey: ThE EaRtH Is fLAT!!!


Ms cophey: WrOnG!!!

Present time

Phil and co are conveniently seated in thier desks

Phil: so... Who's ready to repeat an entire decade of school?

Smiley: :) I was reborn ready!

Phil: .... There goes my retorical question

The room door opens and its Ms cophey

Ms cophey: * sees the kids * class why have you been absent for the past week?

Phil: we were kidnapped by aliens

Smiley: then by the mib

Zack: we had to use a teleporter to get back

Ms cophey: yeah yeah I've heard that excuse before

Zack: .... Why couldn't we have a more convincing double abduction?

Ms: well since I'm going to be nice today I'm going to let you 4 catch up on some work because today was a quiz.

???: Actually you'll be having that quiz today

Suddenly a fat blue alien appears with two alien guards

Quiz: I am quiz.

Phil: I remember you from that transmission.

Quiz: hey egghead thank for getting rid of viz for me and as for Diz being missing I quiz is now the leader and desider of your planets fate

Phil: ... I guess stoping cleche super villans is my hobby.

Quiz: ha I like to see you try * pushes a button and a bunch of gun turrets appear above Phil and co * ta ta worms * side steps away *


Zack: do we still have to do that make up work Ms cophey?

Phil tries to think of something to get out of this situation he then sees a stained paper bag in the trash he barely was able to reach it he then spots a green bag over at phreds spot he asks for it and gets it to make a decoy Phil eggtree Phil than leaves the room and goes to the janitor closet and gets a bucket he then fills it up with water from the fountain and heads back to Zack to boil it

Phil: let me know if this is akward...

Zack: -_- oh don't worry this is definitely akward....

Phil leaves the class room again and heads twords Mr kahms room and finds richy they talk and richy will give Phil a glue stick for a dollar Phil quickly grabs a chewed up piece of gum from the other desk and leaves he then comes across some lazers and a sign that says any human dna passes through will be shot Phil throws the gum at the power box

Phil: gun meet gum


Phil continues to the main office to find a old friend a fat friend named Chubb Phil and him talk and Phil apologies for calling him fat but Chubb tells him that he should have used a better fat joke witch he does after witch Chubb gives Phil the dollar form rs1 back to him after that Phil rushes back to richy gets the glue and Phil heads to the cafeteria and finds some instant coffee powder and puts it in the bucket of hot water to make the biggest cup of coffee ever after that he goes to the men's room and grabs the soap and the hesitates to enter the girls room.

Phil: I'm not looking forward to this but desperate times calls for desperate measures * enters the room and sees nothing but a single gumball machine * what the flozwad?

Phil uses the soap to open the machine and takes one gumball and he heads to the locker with to slits and gets a math book from it he then heads back to the main office and sees another alien

Phil: uh hi there

Nit wit: howdy do

Phil: I bet you can't solve every math problem in this book * hands nit wit the book*

Nit wit: * reads the books math problems *

Phil: * swipes the weird looking container and leaves *

Phil heads back to Ms cophey and gives her the bucket of coffee in which she drinks it all in 3 gulps after that she gets caffeine hyper and starts spinning her pointing stick like a helicopter and Phil puts the container from earlier near it to cut it open after dumping the liquid out he replaces it with soap and seals it up with the glue after that he heads back to nit wit and puts the container back and gets the book back .

Phil: hey your eye looks a little dry.

Nit wit: now that you mention it it wouldn't hurt to moisten it up * uses the eye drops filled with soap only to burn his eye with the soap * AHHHHH!!! * Hops away *

Phil enters the office to confront quiz

Quiz: .....* Sees Phil standing on the desk * 0.0 how did you get here?

Phil: through the door

Quiz: dude I'm like busy trying to take over your world and stuff.

Phil: you call putting turrets and lazers in a elementary school with kids taking over the world?

Quiz: ..... This conversation is over.

Phil: no it isn't quiz I would like to propose a quiz you will write some questions about whats been happening and I will answer them

Quiz: very well ok but you'll fail faster than when Diz left you and your friends behind

Phil: hey he has faster running legs than I

After a silly quiz Phil explains everything about vizion and how quiz could never be a good leader after witch quiz breaks down in tears and releases everyone 10 minutes later they are outside saying their fare Wells when....


Smiley: is that?.....

Phil: oh no.....

In space there was Diz smiling evily as he aims the ice Lazer at earth

Diz: joys of joys who would have thought a small astroid would power this Lazer now nothing can stop me not viz not quiz and not those annoying kids now vizion is my vision.

Phil: it must be Diz we have to stop him

Quiz: do you have a plan?

Phil: no I got nothing.... But we have to try.

Quiz: your right I'll take you up there.

Phil: ok but before I go ( here it comes) Smiley?

Smiley: * confused *

Phil: I used to tease you alot because I couldn't understand you but now I realize you are a true role model for me and.... You have a beautiful smile... * Leaves with quiz to space

Smiley: * on the verge of spilling some tears *

Quiz tells Phil to find something so Phil looked around and had to solve 3 puzzles and then he got a key for the locked little door and unlocks it only to see it's a self destruct button.

Phil: really that's it?

Quiz: * pushes the button * Take the escape pod

Phil: but?

Quiz: there's no time go be with your friends on Earth

Phil: * sad as he takes the escape pod and watches as quiz flies to Diz*


Phred zack Smiley: 0.0......

Phil lands and exits the pod as Smiley over comed with emotion runs twords Phil and hugs him Phil returns the hug

Phil: .......... :)

The end.....


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