Chapter 11-Now Is The Time

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Biz's pov....

"Alright Crew, here's the deal." I explained, "Our mission is to throw King Kiz off his throne and end his reign. And here's how we're going to do it......."
Time Skip to after the explanation...

A small section of the crew, including me, split up into smaller ships.

"Good Luck out there Biz." Viz said.

"And if you ever get back, please put an end to Vizion." Phil added.

"Vizion? No, no, no you are mistaken. Vizion is a project dedicated to preserving peace among all planets with a population." I corrected.

I looked at the Riddle School Kids once more. And to think of all the things we've been through together.....

"I never expected things to end like this." I said.

"We never did either." Chris said.

"Good luck Biz." Faith added.

"Please don't die!" Gabriel added.

"Alright, I won't. See you on the other side." I said as I climbed into my ship and prepared to take off.
Biz's pov flying in her ship....

"Alright Captain, What are we doing?" a crew member asked.

"We are launching an attack from the air on the castle." I replied.

"Copy that." the crew member replied.

I swooped in towards one of the castle towers and fired my blasters. The tower crumbled down. I flew straight towards the next tower and fired at it with my blasters. That tower crumbled down.

"Hey, this isn't so-"

My ship was shot before I could finish my sentence. I was falling hard until I came down with a loud hard crash.
A Random Crew Mate's pov....

"CAPTAIN!! Captain, can you hear me? Come in Captain!" I shouted into the walkie talkie system.

There was no answer. I knew that this was bad!

"What do we do?" asked another crew mate.

I had to think. What would Biz do....?

"Alright. Crew, we are going in for an inside approach!" I said.

"WHAT?!" one crew member shouted.

"Are you mad!?" another added.

"Yes, I'm mad at King Kiz II for shooting down our Captain!" I said, "Change of plan! Just keep firing and I will ask Viz what to do."

I flew back to base to warn Viz about the situation. I'm probably going to be toast when Viz finds out.
Alright guys! Sorry for the slow update! School Wifi is terrible! I can only work on stories that's it.

Anyway guys, if you like this story please leave a vote. Feel free to leave a comment in the comment section below! Feedback is always appreciated and I love chatting with my favorite readers
(which is all of you of course)

Have a super duper day!

-pinkninja out

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