Chapter 15-Loyal or Not....

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The King's Squire's pov....

I was dragged in and thrown onto the floor at my master's feet. One of the guards kicked me in the stomach to stop me from squirming earlier, so when I fell to the floor, I curled up in pain.

"You were supposed to send in the army to stop this ambush!" King Kiz shouted, slamming his fist on the arm of his throne, "What happened?!"

"Sire, the army is on another planet fighting a war." I said.

The king started to laugh. It was loud, deep, and evil.

"You, my useless little squire, think that there is a war with another planet?" he asked.

"You said-" I answered.

"I only said that to prevent an ambush from starting by the likes of people like you." the king said.

"Well, I thought that-" I stuttered.

"Don't make me question your loyalty, boy!" the king shouted, slamming his fist again, "Remember your place, remember who you serve."

"I only serve you, Sire." I stuttered.

The doors started to open from pressure on the other side. The king abandoned the room along with two guards for protection. I was left behind to suffer in the hands of the enemy.
Time skip to a moment later....

Two aliens grabbed me and held blasters close to my head.

"We found this one on the floor, Captain." one said.

A short pink alien walked over to our location. She looked so young, yet behaved so maturely!

"Who are you?" she asked.

"I am Lenny Munch, squire to King Kiz II." I said.

"Let me ask you this, where is your loyalty?" she asked.

I began to sweat! I'm not sure how to answer this without causing any trouble for myself!

"I-I've pledged my loyalty to King Kiz I. He was a noble, kind-hearted king. I studied as his squire for a few years until he died in a war. When King Kiz II came into power, my loyalty passed on to him." I said.

The little pink alien began to walk away. The aliens holding were going to pull the trigger!

"I never meant any harm, I swear!" I said, trying to squirm out of the aliens' grasp, "I only swore loyalty a second time because if I didn't, it would be my family that would be in danger, not me."

The pink alien stopped and headed my way again. Did I say something to trigger anything?

"Let him go." she said.

The aliens set me down on the floor and walked away. The pink alien knelt down so that she was at my level.

"I'm not saying that you are lying, but I just want you to know that you can be honest with me." she said, "so what really happened?"

"I never caught your name." I said.

"It's Biz." she answered.

"Well then, when King Kiz I was about to die, he told me to carry on as the squire for the next king, which was King Kiz II. I had just arrived at the castle for my first day of work. I was so excited and honored to take up this role! When Kiz II saw me, I could tell that he didn't like me. I tried my best, but everything I did was just not good enough." I explained.

"Why didn't you quit?" Biz asked.

"You can't just quit. There are only 2 ways to get out of the squire job: permission granted by the king himself, or death." I answered.

"Well, Lenny Munch, you could be of great use to us right now. Tell me, where did Kiz go?" Biz replied.
Hey guys! I'm back!

Should I stop these author's notes? Are they annoying? Be honest guys!

See you next chapter!

-pinkninja out

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