Chapter 18-Interrogation

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Again it's Biz(my oc)'s pov...

He was asleep, so I twisted the lamp so that it shone in his eyes. I know it was late at night, but justice doesn't wait till morning!

"Wake up!" I shouted.

He nearly jumped out of his seat when I said that. He looked around the room, then at his hands trapped in the vise, then at the floor.

I was standing on the chair so that I could look over him. What? I can't help it I'm short!

"Alright Riz, spill it! I know you stabbed Viz! What are your reasons?!" I said, almost shouting.

He said nothing. I tightened the vise on his wrists until he decided to speak He yelped in pain.

"Alright, Alright I'll talk!" Riz said, "I did it so that I could stop Vizion!"

I began to tighten the vise even more. Again, he yelped in pain.

"What do you mean, stop Vizion!?" I shouted.

"Alright, I did it so that Kiz could spare my life!" Riz said.

"What?" I quietly asked.

"He said he would kill me if I didn't do it! The guards had the blaster to my head! I stuttered on too much! I pleaded for a second chance, but I had no idea it would come to this!" Riz explained.

I had to think for a moment. Where did I see this sort of situation before...

My thoughts were interrupted when he muttered, "It was either him.....or you."

I've been in near death situations before, but this is a whole new level! Sending someone by force to do it for them!? I really do want to see Kiz beaten into a bloody pulp!!

I released his hands from the vise. He looked at me graciously until he saw the glare on my face.

"We've come to the agreement that you are to either: 1. Find a way to revive Viz or 2. Be executed in the morning." I explained, "There are absolutely NO loop holes in this plan. You try to loop out of this, and you will be executed anyway! It's your choice...."

"I've had experience with alien tech before, I'm sure I can find a way to revive him, Captain." Riz decided.

"Don't call me Captain! You've lost that privilege when you betrayed us. We need to reestablish that trust before we let you go." I said as I turned to the door.

"Oh, and by the way, someone is waiting for you in the science room that you will be working in." I added.

"I won't let you down. I promise." Riz said.

"You better not! If you do, you will wish you've never been born!" I said before I closed the door and walked away.
Oooh! Thanks Starry for the idea with the vise!

Will Riz be able to come back, or will he be *draws line across neck*

On the less crazy side, how are you guys? I just had a Ghostbusters Party with my family. We watched the new Ghostbusters movie. It was awesome! And my brother is going to be a Ghostbuster for Halloween! He's got a sweet costume!

See you guys tomorrow!

-pinkninja out
P.S. I'm going to sleep!

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