chapter 4: prizon school

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Phil wakes up in a very familiar room.

Phil: ugh where am I?

Raz: * intercom* I see that you have awoken eggtree let's see how you will get out of this one.


Raz:* intercom* heh heh heh you'll have to get out of the room first....* Intercom turns off*.

Phil: damn you....* Stands up and goes to open the door but its locked* hmm I could try breaking it down...* Steps back a little and shoulder tackles the door* .

The door didn't budge Phil repeatedly slammed himself shoulder first into the door until....


The door collapsed....

Phil: ow...

Two droids suddenly appear and begin chasing Phil while saying....

Alien droids: return to class return to class.

Phil: oh shit * starts running away*.

Phil eventually find a good spot to hide and the Droids start arguing about where he went.

Droid 1: he went that way* points north*.

Droid 2: no he went that way* points South*.

Droid 1: well I say he went that way* Points north again*.

Droid 2: well I say he went this way* points South again*.

The two droids continue to arguing about where Phil went eventually they begin to fight destroying each other in the process.

Phil: what dumb robots....* He continues walking around the area*.

Raz:* intercom* you out smarted my droids I'm impressed If you want to know where your son is meet me and daz in the principal office.

Phil: daz... I knew he was involved in this some how*starts running to the principal office*.

Phil barges through the door and finds Jason in a cage standing in front of the cage is Raz.

Raz: let us end this Phil eggtree.

A electric barrier blocking the only entrance to the office.

To be continued=====>

Toon in next time for chapter 5: Phil vs Raz the end part 1

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