Chapter 11-Time to Act

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Biz's pov

Tiz snuck in the control room where Diz was and hid behind a giant crate.

Meanwhile, Faith and the others tried to get Diz to chase them.

While Diz was chasing down the 'escaped prisoners', Tiz and I were trying to shut down the machine.

"Password Please. Password Please."

The machine asked us for a password, but we didn't know any password! We kept trying different words tying to the plan.


None of them seemed to work! But I had one more thing to try: Phil Eggtree.

"The word worked! We are in the system! Time to shut it...down" I replied as I turned to see Diz right behind me.

"Why, you little traitor! You had a job to do, but I guess you prefer death!" Diz shouted at me, and then to Tiz, "And you! You were supposed to keep an eye on the prisoners! What happened? I need an explanation!"

My little brother Tiz, he had fear in his eyes. I never saw this much fear in him before. I couldn't stand to see my little brother die. I had to take the blame off of him somehow....

"One of them took their shoe and threw it at the button to open up the cages. Then they were threatening me and asking me where you were." Tiz explained.

"It was my fault, Master Diz, for I brought them on board in the first place." I said staring into his eyes for the first time in a long while.

Diz was enraged! It was official: I was a traitor. I was a traitor to Vizion, Diz, and all of my friends.

"Hand over the knife now!" Diz shouted.

I handed the knife over to Diz.

"Well then, by order hereby punish this death!" Diz recited.

I was ready for the worst.
Are they gong to kill me? I opened my eyes to see Phil Eggtree pulling Diz's hand away from me.

"Go, now!" he shouted.

I did as he said and ran out of the way. But as I ran, I got cut by the knife. It wasn't deep enough to do damage, but it was deep enough to bleed. And it was on the side of my neck!

I tripped but Faith helped me up. We ran out of the room together.

"Wait, where's my father and brother?" Faith asked as we started to evacuate everyone else.
Hey guys, sorry I'm so slow on chapters. I've been updating other stories. But anyway guys, I kinda need some ideas for the next chapter.

(Little Spoiler: Gabriel is going back to find his Dad and Diz "wrestling" and keeping a knife between them.)

What should happen next?

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