Chapter 13- A Planet Saved?

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Gabriel's pov in the control room where Diz is about to slay him with a knife.....

Diz stopped at the sound of the voice. He turned to see none other than Biz, holding a ray gun of some sort aimed at us!

"How many times do I have to attempt to kill the same, stinking traitor!" Diz shouted.

But it didn't matter to him! He turned around and jabbed the knife at my head!

But just before the knife could reach me, Biz fired the ray gun and froze Diz in ice!

"Freeze Ray!" she shouted in triumph. She had not only saved me, but my family and our home planet as well!

I ran up to her, scooping up my sweatshirt along the way.

Everyone that was being led on to Biz's ship for evacuation ran into the room to see what had happened.

"I owe a great debt to you, Biz. Without you, our planet would have been destroyed along with other planets." I replied.

"I....I am terribly sorry for everything that I did. I lied to you about my identity, I almost killed you, I'm an alien for heaven's sake! What good will I do now?" Biz replied.

I had to think for a moment.

"Biz, I know you are an alien, but you have nothing to worry about. You had no choice over some of your actions. But now, you have a choice. What do you plan on doing?" I managed to say.

"The first thing I would like to do is apologize to Mr. Eggtree for trying to kill you. It wasn't my fault, I swear!" Biz said.

"There is no need to apologize, Biz." My father replied.

"The next thing I would like to do is set this ship to self destruct and take you all home." Biz said.

A few moments later, back near Riddle Elementary School......

"The last thing I need to do, is tell you all the truth." Biz replied as we landed on Earth.

"Why, what is there that you haven't told us yet?" Faith asked.

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