Chapter 5-An Alien Encounter

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Zarina Zipler's pov
Out in the woods in the middle of the night....

I was running into the woods, the moon shining brightly. I had to get back to my master and tell him the news. I must deliver my observations on time, or else I will get in big trouble!
Faith Sundae's pov
In the woods, not far from Zarina....

I had to sneak out of my room and follow Zarina to see if my hunch is correct. I believe that Zarina is an alien, but I have to prove it and not make guesses. I followed slowly behind her....
Zarina's pov again...

Why did I let that human help me? Now she is suspicious of me! What do I do? I have to get out of here before she finds me.

I took off my human disguise and headed for my ship.
Faith's pov.....again....

Ah ha! I knew it! She is one of them! I had to stop her from leaving, even if it means being seen! I ran after her and blocked her path.

"Where do you think you're going?" I asked.

"I-I don't know.....what you're talking about." Zarina replied nervously.

"Who are you really?" I interrogated.

*Sigh* "My name is Biz. I was ordered by my master, Diz, to inspect this world and find out if it is the right place to destroy. I know it is not, but I don't have a choice!" Zarina/Biz replied nervously.

I was speechless, so I just stared her down.

"Please, don't hurt me! I never meant to harm you." Biz cried.

"Harm me? Oh, you have done enough harm being here, Alien!" I replied.

"No! Please! I can't be turned in! If I get caught, I'll be dead! Either by your police or Master Diz. Please! Master Diz is trying to destroy your planet! I'm trying to save it! Please, don't hurt me!" Biz cried.

"How am I supposed to believe you?" I inquiered, "How am I supposed to believe that you are trying to save this planet?!"

Biz stopped for a second. I think I may have went too far....

"If I died, would you believe me?" Biz asked quietly.

"No, that is crazy!" I replied, "I'm sorry I went too far with my questioning."

"I'm sorry too." Biz replied, "I'm sorry for being here."

Biz ran off.

"BIZ!" I shouted, "We can save the world together."

Biz stopped. "Really?" She asked.

"Yes, but first we need to assemble a team." I replied.

"A team? Of more humans?" Biz started to freak out again.

"Calm down. It will be just my friends." I replied.

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