This Book Shall Pass

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Hello everyone.
Idk if any of you are still around anymore.

College is difficult. As is work.
Add that to my struggle to write and there is your reason for lack of activity here.

Well, I have a big update for you all.

Myself, StarryCats, and tinytreesap are working on a big reboot of our series'.

That's right. Once we get our reboot worked out and published, this book, along with the series, will be nuked in favor of the reboot.

There's a lot of changes being made. Lots of characters are going to be cut.
The ones that aren't gonna be cut are getting lots of changes.

There's a lot of work being put into it, and we want to make this new one better than the last! So, as long as we are still working on it, this book will stay up! Once we get it done, the book will be kaput.

I really enjoyed going through this book with you guys all those years ago, but now I'm working to improve my skills as a writer...and as an animator and artist.

So, that's it. That's the big announcement. Merry Christmas everyone!


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