the crew vs thier evil selfs

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A portal opens and out comes Phil smiley phred and Zack but they looked different phil had red hair a red hoodie and black pants smiley wore a purple shirt with a black skirt and her hair was dark blue Zack looked the same but with a white flame and phred had a scar over his left eye and he was missing his right eye...

Phil: oh great more au of us

Evil Phil: oh shut it you

Smiley: let me guess your us but evil am I right

Evil Smiley: yes captain obvious

Smiley: -_-

Zack: you have a white flame? Lame

Evil Zack: bitch I could fry your ass in 3 seconds

Zack: what ever

Phred: how did you get that scar?

Evil phred: like this * takes out a knife and cuts his scar open again*

Phred: 0.o

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