Chapter Three - Packing Day, Yay, Not

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It was the next day I was starting to pack, I grab a box labelled BED and started to pack my favourite pillows, teddys and blankets then my laptop dinged, it was my emails. "Hi Maddy More, it's Chloe Willow your new roommate I'm sorry that you are moving the day after your birthday but I am so excited to meet you. I want to know if you would like to talk about the dorm. Anyway, talk when you are ready. Bye." My new roomey sounded nice I hope she is. 

"Hi Chloe, how are you? Sure I would love to talk about the dorm. What do you want me to bring? Are you a horse rider, sorry that there are so many questions? What floor are we on." Right away Chloe replied. 

"Maddy you're on that's great. I am good a busy day un packing and school, how are you? Can you bring please a microwave, 2-night stands for yourself you'll need em, also a rug that is square of one of these colours (Brown, white, black or grey) and last but not least a mini fridge. I have everything thing else like coffee table, two desk, 2-night stands for me, two bookshelves, snacks storage and much more. Thanks. Yes, I am a horse rider, that's not that much question don't worry I love to help.  We are on floor 8 number 88 in building SkyWood." Wow that a lot of stuff but I can see why, 

"Crystal, I'm good sad that I am moving because I was going to go to the semi-finals  for the 'Summer Horse  Off' but now not, anyway I can bring all that, I will have to go shopping today or tomorrow. Yay you're a horse rider, my horse's name is Boomer but I call him Booms for short. What's your horses names that you brought. 88 is my FaVoUrItE number and 8 is my second FaVoUrItE number, yay." She replied in a second. 

"Maddy, you where go to the semi-finals what, well Montana is competing in the GRAND FINALS, wow good job, oh and Montana is... really mean just giving you a heads up. Bommer such a cute name, my horses name is Avatar and Magic is my favourite, oldest and first horse. All 8 are my favourite number. Hahaha." I think I am going to bring Lilliana.

 "I am going to bring Lilliana my other horse. I gtg and pack. Bye, talk later." I hoped of my laptop and went back over to the box labelled BED, and put my favourite sleeping pillow in. After I finished pack the bed stuff, I walked over to my wardrobe and start to pack my 5 favourite dresses, I only had 7 but one was to small and the other one I wore to my grandma's funeral about 3 months ago. I whipped to tears run from my eyes and pack my jeans, I love jeans I have about 20 pairs and I wore about 4 different ones a week, I pair of jeans usually last up to 2 or 3 days but I love wear different kinds of one. I left one in my wardrobe and then went to my shorts I only had about 12 shorts and some didn't fit me so I packed 9. I packed all my shirts except for two which gave me 16. I was all done with my wardrobe, when I went out to have breakfast. Mum and Dad went out every Monday, I was usually at school but I was moving so I had to pack. Mum and Dad went out shopping, they made it Monday to go out shopping because we lived away from the city/really big town so we had to get enough food to last us a week. It took them an hour to get into town, so I was home alone for about 3 and a half hours. I grab a bagel and some home-made plum jam, me and my family made jam my favourite is plum. I have to take some to my new home. I was starting to feel better about moving to Ride on High after talking to Chloe but still sad about not seeing my friends and family as much. I took a bit of my bagel and heard a knock at the door. I went to open the door and I dropped my bagel as I saw who it was. "Rose, hey. Jake hey." I say give Rose a huge. "Why come so early you could of came on my birthday I am leaving the day after, you know." Rose gave me a present.

" Hey, I know we wanted you to spend time with your family so we came today. Open it up." She say pointing to the blue raped present. "Wow, my favourite colour, blue. I love it." I say hugging her, I went and popped it on the table just inside the door it was a old wooden double table that my great pop had made for us 7 years ago. When I turned around Jake was holding a present in front of me. It was a beautifully pandora ring saying "Love is Close" with a love heart behind and in front. "It's beautiful, thanks Jake." I mark. 

"Well we were hoping to go for a ride with you, we have 3 hours." I open the door more so they could come in.

 "I'll get dressed."

I came out of my room dressed in the one pair of jeans I had left in my wardrobe, they were my 5th favourite. I had a blue and white flower pattern tea on. "Ok let's go, Jake do you want to ride Lilliana be for she goes." I say grabbing my new hat from Rose. 

I thought you would take Bommer." Jake interpreted.

"I am taking Booms and Lilly, which that brings me to ask Rose do you want to ride Boomer?" I ask. 

"Yes please." She said with a big grin. 

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